I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 817

The little knight said: "Pan-human history is [correct] human history, and countless parallel worlds have also evolved along this [correct] human history. Without exception, neither the present interferes with the past nor the past interferes with the future, cannot change the pan-human history. The process of human history. For Camelot, for example, the demise of Camelot is the process of entering into pan-human history. Even if someone returns to the Camelot period from now on, to prevent'Mordred' from destroying Camelot, as long as When the time is up, Camelot will still inexplicably perish."

"This is the first time I have heard the pan-human history of this parallel world theory. However, in simple terms, pan-human history can never be changed, right?" asked Lion Jiejieli.

"Yes." The little knight nodded and said, "This is also the result that I only learned after becoming a hero. Any intervention is useless, and no one can change the course of history. But--"

After a pause, the little knight said in a low tone: "That person has changed. Countless worlds... He alone has changed the course of pan-human history."

"Changed the course of pan-human history...no wonder." Lion Jiejie Li nodded thoughtfully.

The little knight said: "Since that person will be in the rank of Assassin, it shows that his Assassin rank is more qualified than mine. In other words, no matter from any angle, that person is An extremely dangerous existence. And that thought criminal noticed this, so he wanted him to leave the field in advance."

"No. Not wanting. But we must let him exit as soon as possible! Otherwise, this Holy Grail war is over!" The little knight said solemnly.

Lion Jiejieli looked at the little knight and asked, "You seem to be... very hostile to this eternal king?"

"It's not hostile anymore. I want to beat him...I definitely want to beat him!" The little knight clenched his fists and said, "Only that person...I definitely want to win!"

"When facing that person...there is only one chance! Before he reacts, kill him and let him exit the field! Only one chance! Once the person reacts, there will be no chance again. I'm pretty sure this One point!" The little knight clenched his fists and said in a powerful tone.

Lion Jiejieli looked at the little knight strangely.

In any case, the little knight's reaction was a bit wrong now.

It's like some kind of attachment, or something like obsession.

There is a thing that must beat someone's obsession.

At this time, the lion robbers the world thinking of the identity of the little knight.

The little knight is a heroic spirit summoned from the fragments of the round table. Although the true identity is unknown, there is no doubt that this is definitely one of the round table knights who appeared in the legend of King Arthur.

According to the words of the little knight and Kenmine Shiro, the Eternal King is also King Arthur, the King Arthur among King Arthur who broke the process of pan-human history.

So, this little knight may also be one of the knights in the legend of the Eternal King?


It is possible.

I just don't know why this little knight's attitude towards the Eternal King looks very hostile.


"Why do you always call priests a criminal of thought?" the Lion Jiejieli asked strangely.

"Humph." The little knight snorted contemptuously, and said, "The essence of that priest is a criminal of thought. Didn't you hear his wish?"

"'There is a peaceful world where everyone can be happy', isn't this a good wish,'Galahad' Qing?" asked Lion Jiejieli.

"Huh—? Don't tease me, Master. This is a criminal of thought! I have seen this kind of person, and his real wish is probably something inexplicable such as'relief for all mankind', right? Human beings are being caught again. The representative needs relief, which is really ridiculous. The most ridiculous thing is that there are still people who believe this."

The little knight snorted and said: "This kind of person, saying that he is good, will often cause disaster; saying that he is not good is out of good intentions. In short, this kind of person seems to come out of a drama. People, they just live in their dreams and don't want to see the reality clearly. You'd better not have too much contact with him, Master. If he contaminates his mind, I will be mercilessly backstab! "

The lion robbery said helplessly: "Can you keep hanging on your backstab? Even if you know you don't, you will feel panicked behind your back."

"This can't work, this is my characteristic!" The little knight smiled.

Chapter 13 What kind of expression should he show?[Second more]

Shi Lang patrolled the castle of Thousand Realms Tree.

In addition to Saber Altria Pendragon, Rider Astorfo, and Caster Avisbronn, he also identified them as Black Berserker.

Berserker Hercules!

At this point, he has all confirmed the black followers.

It's just that this is a bit biased from the "F/A" world view in his memory...

With the exception of Lancer Vlad III and Rider Astorfo, and Caster Avisbronn, the candidates have changed.

I just don't know if there are any major changes on the red side.

However, even if there are changes, it does not matter.

Although he is a traverser, so far, the direction of the plot brought by the traverser is completely useless.

He walked all the way, relying on his own adaptability and his own ability.

Even the golden thumb of the so-called traverser...

Forget it, it's hard to say.

After spending half a day in the castle of Thousands of Trees, Shirou was already familiar with the internal structure of the castle.

Back in the room, before taking a short break, Rider Astorfo walked in and shouted directly, "Shirou!"

"Huh?" Shi Lang sat up from the bed, looked at him a little strangely, and asked, "Is there anything going on, Astorfo."

"Lancer called you." Astorfo said, "Come with me."

"I know."

Shi Lang nodded, got up, and followed Astorfo.

"Speaking of which, did you call my real name, Rider?" Shi Lang asked with interest.

Astorfo smiled carelessly: "What does it matter? Anyway, everyone knows everyone's real names, and they are still partners, right? It doesn't matter if they are called closer. Oh, yes, you too. You can call me Ah Fu. Of course, Xiao Fu is also OK, but it sounds a little weird."

"Then why do you call Vlad III Lancer?" Shirou asked with some interest.

Astorfo smiled and said, "Because Lancer is the king, we should show some respect."

"But," Shi Lang pointed to himself and smiled: "I am also the king."

"This is different." Astorfo thought for a while, and said: "Lancer gives me a very lonely feeling. Although it is very kingly, but I can't get close. But you are different, Shirou. You give me My feeling is that kind of very close feeling."

Shilang smiled and said, "Are you telling me that I don't have a kingly spirit?"

"Yi Yi Huh? Ah ...... sorry, that came out all wrong. I do not mean that that is ......" Astoria Malfoy impatient, he was around Shiro go.It's not good to admit, it's not good not to admit it.

"Just kidding, don't care." Shilang smiled: "I'm not a person who cares about that kind of thing."

"Huh... that's good, I thought you were angry." Astorfo smiled.

Shi Lang laughed and said, "Even if we get along for a while, but believe in how you feel."

The two talked happily.

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