I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 818

Astorford felt Shirou was very close and talkative.

What should I say?

When he communicated with Shilang, he felt like a spring breeze.

He felt that Shirou was very rational, intellectual, and talkative. Although he was also a king, he did not speak like Vlad III with the lonely king style. On the contrary, he was very humorous, like talking to an informed friend. same.

This is a friend who can get along well.

Astorford thought so.

But what he didn't know was that Shiro looked at his dangling pink braid, trying to suppress his restless palm.

——Why do I have such a ridiculous and sad hobby?

Shi Lang wailed in his heart.

think carefully.

No matter how you think about it, it's Altria's fault.


When you go back, you must take off her hair and take it easy.

Shi Lang thought so.

Between the two chatting and laughing, they came between the kings.

Vlad III still sits high on the throne, showing the style of the king of Romania.

In addition, there were two people standing between the kings.

One is Saber, and the other is Joan.

Saber's face is very complicated now.

Especially when she looked at Joan's face, her complexion became even more complicated.

The same is true for Joan.

What should I say?

The two felt as if they had seen a mirror.

Of course, this mirror must first ignore the difference in body shape.

"You are here, Assassin?" Vlad III looked at Shirou.

Shi Lang nodded, and asked, "Is there anything to do with me, Lord of Romania?"

"Since you have joined Yu's camp, Yu does have something to trouble you to deal with. But before that, let's wait a moment." Vlad III said.

Shiro nodded.

Vlad III’s attitude is very consistent with a wise sovereign. He treats an equal king with an equal attitude, and with tolerance and trust in his subordinates, he is a fairly qualified monarch.

Vlad III's gaze fell on Joan, and he asked, "Ruler, I must have explored Yu Zhi's fortress. Can you detect the anomaly you want to explore?"

Hearing Vlad III’s questioning, Jeanne took his gaze back from Saber, and fell on Vlad III again, saying: "Yes, Lancer of the Black. I have explored your castle. , Indeed, I did not find out what I wanted to find, about the abnormal things of the Holy Grail War."

"So, where should you go? If it is the red camp ahead, Yu can send a messenger to send you out. But in the red camp, it seems that some people don't want to see your existence, and after leaving the country, whether you live or die has nothing to do with Yu. I can only ask for blessings," said Vlad III.

"I already know about this, so Lancer of the Black, can you allow me to stay in Black for a while to fix it?" Jeanne asked.

"If you don't have much trouble and don't get in the way, you can leave it until the end of the war." Vlad III said lightly: "But if you do unnecessary things, then I will not tolerate your existence."

Joan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will not do anything extra."

Vlad III nodded, then looked at Shirou and said, "Assassin, there is something, I want to trouble you and Saber."

"Please tell me, the king of Romania." Shi Lang said.

Vlad III said: "I want you to patrol the city of Tolyfas to see if any followers of the red side have sneaked into the city of Tolyfas."

"The magician of the Thousand Realms Tree should have planted a detection barrier in Tolifas City, right?" Shi Lang asked.

Vlad III said: "It has indeed been laid, but for servants who have'breath occlusion' and special hidden treasures, the methods of modern magicians may not be of much use."

"So, this allows Assassin, who is most sensitive to breath, to explore, right? Use Assassin to detect the enemy's servants, and then let Saber give a fatal blow. It is indeed a reasonable match, the king of Romania." Shiro Smiled.

After a pause, Shiro said, "I just happened to be idle. It's okay to go out shopping. It depends on Saber's attitude."

"Why do you ask, Assassin?" Saber said with a strange expression on his face. "Isn't patrolling such a thing as natural and righteous to say to Servant? Oh. Are you caring about my status as a king? Please don't, I am just a Servant now, I just want to get the Holy Grail."

Saber said seriously.

"Fight for the people who died, King Arthur. It is really holy. If you can defeat the rest at the end, you can use the Holy Grail." Vlad III smiled.

Saber said with a serious face: "Thank you for your understanding, King of Romania. At the final stage, I will definitely respond to your understanding with my sword."

Saber showed a faint smile.

Compared to the two kings she met in that war who would only laugh at her, the Romanian king was obviously more tolerant and understood her kingly way.

However, thanks to one of the two kings who told her about the deeds of the other King Arthur, she was able to persist until now, right?

Do not.

Not insist.

But more confident and passionate.

Because, there is already a King Arthur who has achieved what she wants to achieve!

Since it is also King Arthur, why can't she achieve it?

Shirou and Saber are going to patrol the city of Tolyfas, not far from the castle.

At this moment, Joan suddenly asked, "Um, sorry, can you let me go with you?"

Shirou asked strangely: "Aren't you going to rest in the castle for a while, and then set off for the red camp, Ruler?"

"Actually, I have always wanted to visit modern cities." Joan said with a smile: "See what I have never seen before. Don't worry, I am Ruler and will not interfere with your actions. Of course, also Won't assist you."

Shiro looked at Vlad III and asked, "The King of Romania, do you have any comments?"

"Yu is not a narrow-minded king. If he doesn't do unnecessary things, it doesn't matter." Vlad III said: "Yu Yao's victory is a grand victory."

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