I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 819

Shiro nodded.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! If that's the case, then I will go too!" Astorfo shouted.

Vlad III's gaze fell on Astorfo, and said lightly: "You can't, just stay here."

"Why? It's not fair, Lancer! I want to go out to play...ah, no. I also want to help Shirou and King Arthur!" Astorfo said dissatisfied.

"You will only get in the way. Staying here, don't want to move, is your greatest help to Yu et al." Vlad III said noncommittal, and then slowly got up, turned and left.

"Woo... Lancer is not fair! Bullying!" Astorfo stomped angrily and said.

Shi Lang smiled and said, "Okay, Afu. Wait, I will bring you something delicious."

"It's settled, Shirou!" Astorfo laughed in a flash.

Shi Lang nodded, turned and left.

Saber has been waiting for a long time.

And Jean drew up quickly.

Joan looked at Saber and said, "Speaking of which, you and I look alike, Saber of the Black. I thought when my mother gave birth to me a younger sister."

"Face bumping is a common occurrence." Saber said with a faint smile, "Please don't care about this. Actually, I was admitted to being wrong, and then entangled."

"Well, that's really unlucky." Joan laughed, her smile was very soft, and then introduced herself: "Because it is Ruler, there is no need to conceal my real name. Then, please allow me to introduce myself, I It's called Jeanne."

Saber's faint smile froze fiercely, and asked: "Please allow me to ask troublesome questions. Are you the saint of French salvation? Are you still following a general named Gil de Rey? "

"Yes." Joan nodded and said with a smile: "Jill, but a very commanding and charming commander."

Saber's face became more rigid.

I couldn't help but recall the big eyeballs that entangled her not long ago during the Holy Grail war not long ago.

-Jeanne, Jeanne...


Did that big eyeball keep haunting her so much?

And this one is the original owner who caused her to be entangled all the time, right?

"What's the matter, Saber of the Black, your face seems a bit wrong." Jeanne asked strangely.

"Ah, ah...nothing, please don't care. It's just that I suddenly met the saint of salvation who is hostile to my future kingdom, which made me feel a little bit about the cause of the Holy Grail War." Saber said.

Joan laughed and said, "Actually, I am also very moved to meet King Arthur."

"What do you say?" Saber asked strangely.

"Because... I was burned to death in front of a certain King Arthur's statue." Joan said with some distress, "It's really unbearable. I was burned miserably in front of that King Arthur's statue. Death. This is really shameful."

"What you said, shouldn't it be me?" Saber said, "In Britain now, there should be no statue of my king. In fact, during my kingdom, no people and nobles made king statues for me."

"Yeah. It's a certain King Arthur. Everyone calls him the King of Eternity, do you know, Saber the Black?" Jeanne asked.

"I heard it mentioned. It's the other me who fulfilled the wish I wanted to accomplish." Saber nodded.

Shiro: "..."

Joan was about to talk to Saber, but his eyes fell on Shirou, and asked strangely: "Assassin, why is your face so strange?"

"Please, please don't care, if you continue to communicate..."

Shi Lang said distressedly.

What kind of expression should he show on this?

Chapter 14 The musician's soul is burning![Third more]

Shiro and Saber patrolled the city of Tolifa, investigating whether there were any followers who had mixed into the city of Tolifa.

Shirou does not have the inherent ability to find enemies that other Assassin ranks carry.

Even the rank ability of Assassin's rank correction [Aura Interruption] is only a D- rank, so it can be said that Assassin can't sneak at all.

However, his [The Evil of This World] can be used as a tool for exploration.

Shirou knows that the [evil] reaction of followers is different from the [evil] reaction of ordinary citizens.

Unless it is a complete "nothing" like King Solomon, or a purely good follower, it is no escape from Shiro's [evil in this world] probe.

And pure good followers, this is probably an extremely rare existence.

Because even Joan, who is eulogized as a saint, and Saber, who are holy, can more or less absorb and sense [evil].

And this is why Shirou was able to perceive the existence of Garna before Joan of Arc.

"How about it, or not?" Saber asked seriously.

"Yes." Shi Lang nodded.

He and Saber are patrolling seriously.

Tolifas is not a big city, it is a small city in Romania. People live and work in peace and contentment, and seem to have not noticed that an inhuman war is coming.

In the words of Koshiro during the Fourth Holy Grail War, that is the battle of mythical murderers is about to be staged in this city.

Shiro and Saber were walking around the streets, and Jeanne, as she said, was just to visit the modern city.

She did not follow Shilang and Saber, but like a village girl entering the city, she visited everywhere, exclaiming from time to time.

Shiro and Saber didn't say anything.

Joan is Ruler, not a member of Black, and they cannot ask Joan to do anything.

In addition, even if Joan is a member of the black side, Shirou and Saber will not say anything.Because both Shirou and Saber are very tolerant people.

"This area has also been searched, and nothing has been found."

After exploring the Second Commercial Street of Tolifas City, Shirou said to Saber beside him.

It's just that Saber's reaction was a bit wrong. When facing Shirou, he uttered a perfunctory mutter of "Uh...uh...", and did not look at Shirou, but stared at the other side.

Shiro felt very strange, and followed Saber's gaze, and saw a fast food restaurant.

Saber's gaze was piercing.

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