I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 820

There is no doubt that this guy is hungry again.

No matter which Altria is the same, it is usually reliable, but when it comes to delicious, it will become a little unreliable.

This is really helpless.

"Then, that, Assassin, did you bring money?" Saber turned his head, looked at Shirou, and couldn't help asking.

Shiro nodded.

"Please, please lend me a little first." Saber said.

Shilang smiled and said, "Needless to say, I am hungry too."

Shi Lang entered the fast food restaurant and bought a big bag of hamburgers. Under the strange eyes of the people around, Shi Lang took out one, and then handed the whole bag to Saber.

"I'm sorry, my stomach is hungry faster." Saber said apologetically.

Shilang shook his head and smiled: "It doesn't matter. I know you better."

Shiro and Saber sat in the Central Park of Tolifa City, taking a break.

Saber took out a hamburger and ate it in his hand, with a very happy expression on that pretty face.

Shiro leaned on a statue, eating a hamburger while setting his eyes on Saber's face.

That kind of cute expression, he had almost never seen his Altria.

Do not.

Not almost, but not at all.

When Camelot was in Camelot, the King’s journey was over, followed by all kinds of misery. This simple expression of smiling happily because he could eat, did not appear in his Altria On the body.

And after the most difficult Cornwall period was over, it was the decisive battle with Fu Tigeng. After that, Zhu Yue took revenge on her.

Seeing this Saber's simple and innocent smile, Shirou felt more guilty for his Altria.

"Excuse me, Assassin." At this time, Saber put down the hamburger in his hand, looked at Shirou, and asked, "You are in your world. Are you the'I' knight of that world?"

"Why do you ask?" Shi Lang asked with interest.

Saber said, "You are a little too close to me."

"Oh? Is it really the instinct of the same individual? Well, I really have a very close relationship with the other "you"." Shi Lang laughed.

"What is the "me" of your world?" Saber asked with some interest.

Shirou thought for a while and commented: "A person who will hurt himself."

Saber is strange, what kind of evaluation is this?

However, since Assassin said so, then this Assassin is probably a knight who is loyal to that world, right?

Saber guessed so in his heart.

After a pause, Saber looked at Shirou and said with a serious face: "Assassin, although I don't know how you are related to the "me" of that world, I must get the Holy Grail. So, wait until the camp war. At the end, I will not show mercy to your men."

Saber looked down at the burger in his arms and said with a serious face: "I won't be bought by your food."

"Don't worry, I have no plan to buy King Arthur with food. After the faction battle is over, I will have the strength to see the truth." Shirou smiled and said: "There are more places to eat quickly. Not finished searching."

Saber nodded, then continued to eat the burger in his hand, showing a happy smile.

This time, she felt that she was indeed turning around.

Compared with the previous experience of being summoned, this time he was summoned, whether it was opponents, teammates, or masters, who were more reliable and enlightened.

Shirou is a more reliable person.

At least, he thinks he is relatively reliable, and will give priority to completing the task, and then talk about other things.

However, when passing by a harp shop on the First Commercial Street in the East District, he couldn't help but stop.

"What's the matter, Assassin?" Saber couldn't help but asked strangely as he looked at Shirou who had stopped.

"No, no... nothing."

Shi Lang shook his head, but he couldn't help looking at the harp in the harp shop, the third harp in the top row of the second window.

The soul of the great musician told him that it was a good piano.

He couldn't hold back his musical breath from the depths of his soul.

Shiro has always considered himself a very talented musician. He has practiced some musical instruments before crossing. Among them, he has the most feeling for the harp.

In Camelot's time, when he plucked the strings, even the sad knight Tristan would dance with joy with a smile on his face.

It's not that he is boasting. Compared to other talents, Shirou feels that he is definitely the most talented in music.

It's a pity that Camelot was busy with his work during the development period and didn't have much time to play the piano. After coming back, he adjusted to the times and didn't play much music.

Of course, the most important thing is that he did not find a piano that suits him.

A suitable piano is to a musician what a suitable sword is to a swordsman.

Only if you have a piano that suits you can you play your true strength. If you don't have a suitable piano, it's better not to play.

Shirou thought so.

But he has never found such a piano, but now, his musician's soul tells him that the harp is definitely suitable for his existence.

As for asking why, because he couldn't help but want to play a song.

"Are you all right, Assassin?" Saber asked, frowning.

"Ah, ah...no, it's okay, Saber." Shirou shook his head, then his eyes moved to the harp, and said, "I, I just..."

Just halfway through the conversation, Shi Lang's brow furrowed, and his originally soft eyes condensed, somewhat sharp.

Not only that, even Saber's face gradually became serious.

"I have a bad feeling...do you feel anything, Assassin?" Saber asked.

Shi Lang stretched out his foot, chopped the ground, and said, "Underground."

Just now, the Shirou who was addicted to the harp suddenly felt that he [Evil Flower] had absorbed a relatively large amount of [evil], and the direction was underground.

There is no doubt that this may be a follower who has mixed into the city of Tolifa.

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