I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 821

After a pause, Shiro closed his eyes and felt for a moment. Then he opened his eyes and looked at Saber and said, "Under the southeast."

Saber nodded and ran towards the southeast.

Shi Lang followed closely behind.

Tolyfas is a small and backward city with relatively backward facilities, but many underground garages have been built.

In the southeast of Tolifas, there is a deserted underground garage.

Obviously, the development plan of the local government has not yet been extended here, so the garage is so deserted and the entrance is full of weeds.

Shirou and Saber walked in.

There are a lot of old zombie cars in the deserted underground garage. The glass, doors, and the car shell are covered with a thick layer of dust. There are boring people on them or various patterns drawn by children .

"In that direction!"

Saber's instinct immediately sensed the direction and ran away.

Shi Lang followed closely behind.


The sound of steel surging from the gloomy and dark underground garage made this gloomy abandoned garage even more terrifying.

Shirou and Saber looked at each other, then rushed to take a look, but they couldn't help but be taken aback.

Joan, who was in the realm of Ruler, slowly inserted the sword back into her waist.

And in front of her, there is a dense bone.

"Huh?" Jeanne turned her head, saw Shirou and Saber, and said in surprise: "Why are you here, Saber of the black, Assassin of the black?"

Saber turned his head slightly and looked at Shirou, the significance of which is self-evident.

Shi Lang felt it for a while, shook his head, and said, "There is no abnormal feeling."

Saber turned his head, looked at Joan, and asked, "Ruler, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter? Are you asking about this bone that I solved?" Jeanne pointed to the bone that was cut apart by her.

Saber nodded.

Joan said distressedly: "A woman who claims to be a believer in God wanted to take me to the gathering place of believers. As a result, I was brought here. The believers of the Lord did not see it, but this thing came out to attack me."

Saber asked, "What about the woman you are talking about?"

"I don't know." Joan shook her head and said distressedly: "Disappeared. Take me here, and then disappear."

Shi Lang looked at the road ahead, it was a blocked wall, there was no road ahead.

Saber didn't fully believe it, but he nodded and said, "I understand. But please don't do anything unrelated to Ruler."

Joan was puzzled and asked depressed: "Why do you or the black Lancer always think that I will do extra things? If it wasn't for this thing to attack me, I wouldn't Shot it."

Saber said apologetically: "I'm very sorry, I don't believe in your personal qualities, I just want to reiterate this."

Joan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I understand your thoughts, just as Assassin said. I have no desire for the Holy Grail. It is normal to make you feel worried. I have also been a leader. So I understand and respect."

Saber nodded.

Shirou walked to the bone that had been broken up by Joan and took a closer look.

"Anything to find, Assassin?" Saber asked.

"Probably it was the envoy sent by the red party." Shirou stood up, looked at Joan, and said, "However, I care about the disappeared woman Ruler said."

Taking a look at Joan, Shirou said, "Go back first and tell Lancer. Since he is the leader of our black side, of course, this kind of information can't be kept from him, let him make a decision."

Saber nodded.

She and Shiro are both kings, but now Black is indeed dominated by Vlad III, and Shiro and Saber have no intention of grabbing the leadership.

The three walked out of this deserted underground warehouse.

It was still early, and Joan planned to visit Tolifas for a while.

Saber was anxious to return to the Thousand Worlds Tree Castle with Shirou, and told Lancer the information.

Only before that, Shi Lang wanted to go to the harp shop and buy the harp.

Although Saber wanted to pass on the information first, she was not in a hurry, so she accompanied Shiro to the harp shop.

"Speaking of it, you really can't see Assassin as an artist." Saber said with a smile.

"I am not an artist, but a musician."

After a pause, Shi Lang said with some excitement: "It's not that I am bragging. I am quite accomplished in music."

"Oh? Honestly, what you said reminds me of my knight Tristan, who is the most accomplished person in music among the people I know." Saber laughed.

Shiro said: "Did Tristan? Actually, I had a piano skill test with him. He was so intoxicated with my music, and he even danced with joy when he heard my music."

"Is this, is this true? Make the sad knight happy?" Saber opened his eyes wide, a little surprised.

Shi Lang nodded, his plain expression was gone forever, instead he put on a rather triumphant expression, and said, "If I have a chance, I will play it for you."

"Okay. It's an honor." Saber nodded and said.

The two came to the harp shop.

Shi Lang wanted to buy the harp, but the shop owner shook his head and said regretfully, "I'm sorry, sir. That harp was bought by a lady before."

"Has been bought?"

Shi Lang's eyes widened, and then walked out desperately.

Saber asked strangely: "Other harps, can't they?"

"You don't understand, Saber. Qin means limbs to musicians. What's not appropriate, it's always not appropriate." Shi Lang sighed.

"That's a pity. It seems that I can't hear your beautiful music, Assassin." Saber said regretfully.

"It doesn't matter, if I have the opportunity, I will play it for you." Shilang shook his head and said with a smile: "And now, let's report the information to Lancer first."

Saber nodded.

However, even though he said so, Shirou still felt a little depressed.

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