I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 822

Among the thousands of harps, he only valued the one.

The moment he saw the harp, he even named the harp.

It is called "The Encounter of Destiny".

Unfortunately, it was bought by a lady first.

This is really regrettable enough.

I bought it if I knew it, and then went to check the underground garage.

Shi Lang thought depressed.

The two hurried back to the castle of Thousand Realms Tree.

Returned to the castle of the Thousand Realms Tree, and came to the king.

Shirou was planning to explain to Lancer about the underground garage, but found that the atmosphere between the kings was a bit strange.

Vlad III sat high on the throne with an indifferent expression.

Arjuna stood by with a calm face.

Caster Avisbronn couldn't see his face clearly while wearing a mask.

Astolfo's face was unhappy.

Behind him, there was an artificial lifeform with weak breathing.

Astorford spread his hands like an old hen guarding her cubs.

Chapter 15 The Hero of the Weak [4/10]

Thousand-world tree castle, between kings.

Caster Avisbronn glared at Rider Astorfo angrily, pointed at the artificial life form behind Astorfo, and shouted in a low voice: "Stop messing around, Rider! Get him fast Give it back to me!"

"Don't think about it, Caster!" Astorfo spread his hands and stopped in front of the artificial lifeform, and said with a serious face: "I won't hand him over to you, Caster!"

Caster Avisbrun said with great irritation, "You should understand, Rider? It's just a consumable item, just a throwaway item, what are you doing?"

"He's crying for help, he's crying for help! He's crying for help, he has self-awareness, he is human! It is no longer a tool! I am one of Charlemagne's twelve warriors, I am a hero, how can I possibly Not responding to people who ask for help?" Astorfo said loudly.

"you you……!"

Avisbronn was extremely angry.

The scene is a bit strange.

Vlad III sits high on the throne, with an indifferent expression, showing a kingly bearing.And Ah Zhou leaned against his chest with his arms folded, with an indifferent expression.

Only Astorfo and Avisbronn had a quarrel over the artificial life body behind Astorfo.

The artificial life behind Astorford was holding his chest, looking at several people with fear and anxiety.

Only Astorfo in front of him can make him feel a sense of security.

This scene made Saber frowned.

Shi Lang, on the other hand, smiled and walked in slowly while applauding.

Everyone's eyes fell on him.

Shirou smiled and said, "Saber and I just came back from patrol, so busy, are you welcoming us?"

"That's not the case, it's just a trivial thing that happened, and it was made up by a guy who didn't know how to act." Vlad III said.

"A trivial little thing?" Astorfo gritted his teeth and said, "Lancer! You were a king before you were a hero. Perhaps in your eyes, most people are important, but individual people are not important. . But, I am a hero! Someone, someone asks for help, how can I just ignore it?"

A Zhouna held his chest and said flatly, "Boring."

Astorfo looked at Arjuna and asked, "Isn't that the case? I, and you, are not all heroic spirits born in response to the hope of mankind?"

"This kind of boring thing, don't bother me, Rider."

A Zhou's face was calm, and he was not shaken by Astorfo's words.

"Saber, Shiro, don't you think so?" Astorfo looked at Saber and Shiro.

Saber frowned and looked at Astorfo and said, "Sorry Rider, I still don't understand the situation, and I can't respond to you hastily."

"The situation is that Rider wants to destroy our black hole cards!" Avisbronn said in a deep voice.

"That artificial life body...Do you know how low the probability of the birth of this artificial life body is? That is the fragment that will surely become the core of the'primitive man'! Once my'primitive man' is completed, you know our How much can the probability of winning be increased?" Avisbronn asked.

"I don't know! I don't know how much your'primordial man' can bring. But--, must our victory be built on the sacrifice of others? In this way, talk about heroes and talk about heroes. !" Astorfo asked loudly.

"That's just an artificial life form! Not a human!" Avisbronn said loudly.

"He is an artificial life body, but he has our appearance, human metabolism, self-consciousness, illness and desire to survive. This is not human, and what is it?" Astorfo asked.

"Just give it enough, idiot!" Avisbronn said.

"I am an idiot, but because of this, I always remember the premise that I am a follower, a hero! A hero that people call!" Astorfo said loudly.

The scene was chaotic, Vlad III frowned, slapped the armrest, and yelled: "In front of Yu, everything is enough!"

Both Astorford and Avisbronn were shocked by Vlad III, and the scene returned to calm.

Avisbronn stared at the artificial life form behind Astorford, without concealing his malice.

Vlad III tapped the handrail lightly with his fingers, looking at several people, looking at the artificial life body like a king's instinct.

On the other hand, Ah Zhou leaned against his chest, his face was plain, and he looked at the scene like watching a farce.

Saber frowned, understanding the situation on the court.

The other masters are waiting for Vlad III's decision.

In this situation, Astorfo was the only one who blocked the artificial life form behind him and protected it tightly.

Shiro looked at the artificial life form behind Astorfo.

That fear, that panic, and that like a drowning man, taking Astorfo as a dependency...

"It looks like..."

Suddenly, something inexplicable to Saber came out from Shirou's mouth.

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