I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 823

"What does it really look like, Assassin?" Saber asked strangely.

Shirou closed his eyes, but he couldn't help but think of the first night of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

He felt the same way back then.

The world is vast, unaccompanied, unreliable, and the malice in front of him is like a tide.

That kind of fear, that kind of fear, not everyone can understand.

At that time, only Spartacus stood firmly in front of him, acting as his shield.

For Spartacus, it just showed his glorious instinct as a hero, but for him, it was a tall figure that affected his life.

With a sigh, Shi Lang did not answer Saber, but stood up and walked slowly towards Astorford.

When he moved like this, everyone in the court was almost affected by him.

Arjuna's face was originally very plain, but when Shi Lang was walking towards Astorfo, his brows wrinkled involuntarily.Because he knew Shirou's true identity.

He didn't care about Astorford, because it was a third-rate hero who didn't need to look at it, but Shiro was different.

Do not.

To be precise, the Eternal King is different.

Because that is above him, the heroic spirit standing at the top.

Even though he has the arrogance of a soldier, but has participated in the battle of the false gods, he will not deny this.

And Vlad III couldn't help raising his eyebrows.He still attaches great importance to Shirou, not only because of Shirou's king status, but more importantly, he was able to persuade Arjuna and Garna who had fallen into a decisive battle before. If they were not strong, no one would believe it.

Astolfo was more straightforward, and said with some touch: "Shirou...!"

What should I say?

Although he has already done what he has said and is prepared to embrace others, he is really moved when someone is willing to stand on his side.

Shiro smiled and nodded at him, then came to the side of the artificial life body and looked at him with a smile.

The artificial lifeform looked at him cowardly.

Shi Lang is still in the state of reversing the spiritual foundation at this moment, giving people a very ominous and cursed feeling of evil, and artificial life experience cowardice, which is normal.

"Do you have a name?" Shilang asked.

The artificial life form shook his head and said timidly: "No, no."

Avisbronn said in a deep voice, "Where is it? A-11072, this is your name!"

Astorfo shouted, "This is clearly a code, where is the name?"

Shiro ignored them, but looked at the artificial life form A-11072 gently and asked, "Do you want to live freely?"

"No! He doesn't want to! His only value is to be the core of my'primordial man'!" Avisbronn shouted.

Astorfo said, "Shirou is asking him, not you, Caster!"

Avisbronn gritted his teeth, and if he hadn't beaten Astorfo in a hand-to-hand fight, he would have gone up to smoke Astorfo.

Avisbronn gritted his teeth for a while, turned his head, looked at Vlad III, and said, "Lancer! You know, my wish is to create my original man. Others, including the Holy Grail, are not What I need!"

"You know, stay calm, Caster." Vlad III nodded to Avisbronn, then looked at Shirou and asked, "Assassin, what do you think?"

Shirou turned his head to look at Vlad III, and asked, "Can you give me some time, King of Romania?"

"You and Yu are both kings, and Yu understands this respect." Vlad III nodded and said.

Shi Lang looked at the artificial life form and smiled and asked, "Tell me, do you want to live freely? I want to hear your voice."

The artificial life form looked at Shiro with a little fear, because the ominous aura of reversal was too strong, but the bright eyes that looked at Shiro.

Those bright eyes seemed to have a burning fire, obviously a kind of cold feeling, but inside, it seemed to touch the warmth of fire.

He is an artificial lifeform created by Caster Avisbronn using the technology of the Einzbern family. He was born either as a consumable item for the Holy Grail War, or as the core of the "primordial man".

The end of these two roads is death.

He doesn't want to die.

People no matter how arrogant, no matter how arrogant, and no matter how powerful they are, they also call like this when facing the threat of death.

Who's coming...

help me?

This is just a beautiful fantasy, no one responds, no one responds.The world in the dream has everything, but in reality, who is a hero?Who wants to take their lives to save others?

However, Astorfo responded to him.

And now, this person is also asking him if he wants to live.

Isn’t the answer yes?

"I, I... I don't want to die...! I, I... No, not A-11072!" said the artificial life body gritted his teeth.

"I heard, the call of the weak." Shilang laughed, then put his palm on his shoulder and said, "But you have to remember that only those who are constantly striving to improve can win the future."

"So, you have to see clearly."

Shilang raised his palm, pointed at Arjuna, and said, "That's the strongest person."

He pointed to Vlad III and said, "That is the lonely king."

He pointed to Avisbronn again and said, "That's your oppressor."

Finally, he pointed to Astorfo and said, "This is your hero."

"Have you all remembered?" Shilang asked, looking at the artificial life form.

The artificial lifeform nodded and said, "I remember it all."

Everyone who was pointed at by Shirou frowned, and even the masters frowned, not understanding what Shirou wanted to express.

In the next moment, Shi Lang did what he did to make everyone present stunned.

Shiro [Projection] took out a sharp sword, handed it to the artificial life form, pointed to Avisblond, and said: "Your own future can only be created by your own hands. Go, the weak. Go. Overthrow your oppressors and open up your own path to freedom."

Everyone present couldn't help being taken aback.

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