I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 824

Assassin, this, this is to let an artificial lifeform that has just left the culture bottle to kill Avisbronn who is a follower?

This, this joke is too big, right?

The unexpected scene made everyone present stunned.

In a moment, Vlad III, the king, was the first to recover.

He looked at Shi Lang, frowned, his eyes flashing with fear.

Astorfo looked at Shirou in disbelief, and said in embarrassment: "A, Assassin! Even if you don't stand by my side, you don't have to tease me like this, right?"

"It's not a teasing, Fu." Shi Lang shook his head and said with a smile.

At this time, the artificial lifeform gritted its teeth, holding the sword, and stepped out from behind Astorfo, staring at Avisbronn like a newborn tiger.

Astorfo was shocked and quickly stopped him, "Hey, hey! Do you really want to kill Caster? Don't be kidding! He's a follower!"

"Then, that gentleman is right... Only those who strive to improve can win the future. My life can only be taken by myself! Thank you, hero." The artificial life form gritted its teeth and said.

Astorfo looked dumbfounded, turned to look at Shirou who was smiling, and asked in disbelief: "What did you do to him?"

"I just kindled the fire of freedom in his heart." Shilang said.

"Want to kill me?" Avisbronn looked at the artificial lifeform slowly walking towards him in disbelief.

Is there a farce more funny than this?

The doll who should be determined by them to live and die now wants to rebel and kill him in order to survive?

This, this is too funny, right?


"Want to kill me? A mere puppet wants to kill me? Okay! Try it!" Avisbronn exclaimed in anger.

He is not an immature person, but what is happening right now has gone to his head.

There are such funny things in the world!

The artificial lifeform gritted its teeth, held a sharp sword, dragged its body, and walked towards Avisbronn.

"A farce... a huge farce... such a farce actually happened in Yu's territory." Vlad III sighed.

At this time, Danick's face suddenly changed, standing next to Vlad III, and he quickly said to Vlad III: "Wang, it's not good! My detective demon on the border was destroyed, and the red side began to attack. !"

"Huh?" Vlad III's face condensed, and he asked seriously: "What's the situation?"

"At present, only one giant has been detected coming towards us... I am afraid it is the red Berserker!" Danike said.

Vlad III glanced out the window, and the sunset on the horizon was extremely prosperous.

And this is the horn of war!

With a "pop", he slammed the armrest, stood up from the throne, and said solemnly: "This is the end of the drama that I can appreciate, and the horn of war has come!"

"But Lancer..."

Astolfo had something to say, Vlad III gave him a glance and said in a deep voice, "This is a more than order!"

Astorfo closed his mouth.

"So what about this artificial life form, Lancer?" Avisbronn asked.

"Set it aside for now, and make a decision after tonight has passed. Do you have any objections, Caster?" Vlad III asked.

"No, I trust your decision." Avisbronn lowered his head and said.

Seeing that the situation suddenly became stable, the artificial life form put down the sword, panting violently, dripping cold sweat from his forehead.

Shilang patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Don't forget the moving, the moving of living."

"Thanks, thank you..." The artificial life form looked at Shirou with gratitude.

Vlad III stood up and said in a deep voice: "The red side has already attacked, don't panic, don't fear, I and you are the same!"


Dannick looked at Vlad III, feeling relieved.

This is Romania's ghost general who protects the country, no matter his tolerance or ability, it is enough to make people feel at ease.

Vlad III obtained the red attack route from Dannick and then arranged the counter attack route.

He released Berserker Hercules first to meet the Berserker in the red side, and then arranged Arjuna and Astorfo to meet, and let Caster Avisbronn stabilize the reserve in the rear.

In order to show justice and let Astorfo and Avisbronn rest assured, he arranged the artificial life body A-11072 in a special room and guarded it.

Later, he invited Saber, who is also the king, to prepare to suppress the past together.

Only before that, he stared at Shirou with extremely sharp eyes and asked: "Assassin, are you a king or a rebel?"

The posture of igniting the fire of freedom of artificial life form A-11072 may not be felt by others, but in the eyes of Vlad III, it is undoubtedly the appearance of a rebel.

And this question is not only for Vlad III, but also for Saber.

"Indeed, that is indeed a rebel in your eyes. However, Wang, it is not only the ruler and the oppressor. Speaking of which, if I use the term of ordinary people now, I am afraid I can no longer win the trust. People, although I have been forced to deviate from my own path..."

After a pause, Shirou smiled and said, "Then introduce myself again. My name is Fujimaru Shirou. I am a king and a hero at the same time. A hero of the weak."




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Chapter 16 Goal, Assassin!

The setting sun is like blood, and the sky is full of glow.

To the east of Tolyfas City, Idir Forest.

A man was running, with a relaxed smile on his face.

This man is full of muscles, like a muscle chariot.With the countless scars portrayed on the pale body, it is easy to imagine that he must have gone through harsh practice and accumulated brilliant results, but these scars obviously did not hurt him much.

His muscles are like iron blocks.The sharp blade can only cut his skin and may cause a little bleeding, but only that.

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