I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 825

His arms are as thick as a crocodile's body, and although nothing is worn, his pectoral muscles obviously have the same strength as full body armor.The slowly moving legs are as strong as the hind legs of a mammoth.

Although the belt on his body was tightly bound to all parts of his body, including his face, the man did not show pain, and even showed a happy smile.

But this is fine, his muscles are not something that should be covered by armor, and it should even be said that he does not need armor.

His muscles are so strong!

In the evening, he ran in the forest of Idir in the east of Tolyfas. His brisk footsteps reminded people of the word freedom.

This scene can not help people feel that it is more real to see the giant octopus landing, the natural forest is so incompatible with men.

And this person is the red Berserker Spartacus!

"Berserker, stop quickly! Follow the plan!" The red Archer Atalanta patrolled among the branches and kept shouting at Berserker Spartacus.

"Hahahaha, this can't work, Archer. I have to go to that castle. I smell the weak and oppressors. I have to go to those weak." Berserker Spartacus laughed.

Atalanta said irritably: "You idiot! It's not that you are not allowed to act, but that you are required to act according to the plan. Let you bear it for a while, why don't you understand?"

"I am the sword of the weak and the shield of the weak. Facing the oppressor, there is no word'endurance' in my dictionary, Archer." Spartacus showed a weird smile no matter how you look at it. Continuing to take strong and forceful steps, rushing to the castle of the Thousand Realms Tree.

This made Atalanta a little irritable.

"This is Berserker. Although it can communicate, it can't communicate." Someone said.

Atalanta turned his head to look, and next to him was Lancer Garna of Red.

"Indeed, he didn't seem to be a Berserker casually, sister."

There was another frivolous voice in Atalanta's ear, and who this voice was, even if she didn't turn her head, she knew which bastard it was.

She would call her eldest sister, except for the red Rider Achilles, no one else.

Atalante automatically ignored Achilles, who was driving [The Undead Chariot of High Winds and Rushing Waves], and turned his gaze to Garner, and asked, "So what about the plan?"

Garner said calmly: "The priest meant that with Berserker as a breakthrough point, Rider would create a chance to kill the Eternal King."

Atalanta frowned and said, "The original plan has been broken... But Black will most likely hide the Eternal King as a hole card. If you can't follow the plan, it may be difficult to find him."

"No. Unless the Eternal King himself says it, or if someone who has the cause of the Eternal King comes, Black will not know that Assassin is the Eternal King." Garna said calmly.

"Why are you so sure? You said it yourself, and Archer of Darkness also knows the identity of the Eternal King." Atalanta asked inexplicably.

"Just as Arjuna knows me better than I, I also know him better than Arjuna himself. Unless it is the Eternal King himself speaking, otherwise, with Arjuna's haughty temperament, the identity of the Eternal King will not be revealed. "Galner said.

"Is that so..."

Atalante nodded.

She didn't know much about the relationship between Arjuna and Gharna, but the old enemy of this relationship, she did see a lot when she was still alive, and she knew a little bit.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In front of the earth, a rumbling earthquake resounded.

"Sister, Black has reacted!" Rider Achilles drove the chariot, galloping in the sky, shouting at Atalante.

Atalanta's forehead burst into a pile of tic-tac-toe, and shouted in anger, "Don't call me eldest sister again! Let me hear you clearly!"

"I see, elder sister." Achilles nodded and agreed.

Atalante: "..."

I really want to shoot him in the head!

"Boom, boom, boom—"

The earth is shaking!

A black giant appeared in front of the red party.

And seeing this black giant, both Atalante and Achilles were shocked.

"It's actually... him!"

Atalante and Achilles were surprised.

This is natural, and it is the Black Berserker Hercules that appeared in front of them!

Hercules is the most famous hero in Greece, and the twelve completed trials are never mentioned.He was also one of the heroes who boarded the Argo with Atalante, people who knew each other a long time ago.

Achilles and Hercules are both one of the most famous heroes in Greece. In addition, they are also disciples of Chiron and are considered brothers in the same discipline.

Achilles had longed for Hercules for a long time, and had thought of competing with Hercules, but due to the different times, he finally failed to succeed.

However, at this time, the three of them simultaneously descended on the Holy Grail War.

I have to say that this is the cause of the Holy Grail.

"Ah, ah...Hercules...Is it present as Berserker? I really want to fight!" Achilles looked at Hercules, his hands itchy.

"Archer!" Atalante frowned and shouted.

"Ah, ah... I know, eldest sister!" Achilles nodded and said helplessly: "But after completing the task, you are not allowed to care about me anymore."

Hercules' dark golden eyes glanced at Atalante, then at Achilles, showing a calm expression.

Spartacus is now in the Berserker rank, able to communicate but unable to communicate, and Hercules is no exception.

He still retained some intellect and knew Atalante and Achilles, but he did not respond.

"Oh oh oh--, the oppressor--!!!"

Spartacus saw Hercules, holding the dagger in his hand, exclaimed passionately, and rushed towards Hercules.


Hercules watched as Spartacus rushed forward, and roared with the great stone axe in his hand, then counterattacked.

The short sword and the giant axe clashed with each other, and there was a sound like a sonic boom with a "boom".

Spartacus's muscle strength is at A, and Hercules's muscle strength is at A+.

In terms of muscle strength, Hercules suppressed Spartacus, the giant axe relentlessly suppressed the dagger, and smashed Spartacus severely.

However, Spartacus did not show an expression of pain, on the contrary, the smile on his face was even more weird, and his parametric ability also increased a little due to this blow.

"Oh oh oh -! This is the love of touch!"

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