I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 826

Spartacus laughed and struck Hercules with a backhand sword.

[Roar of the Wounded Beast], this is a treasure of Spartacus. It can convert the damage received into its own magic power and save it in the body, thereby raising its own ability parameters.

Spartacus confronted Hercules.

Both are very huge, like a confrontation of giants.

What’s more terrifying is that whether it’s Hercules who holds the [Twelve Trials], or the Sparta who holds [The Roar of the Wounded Beast], [The Glory of Masochism], and the [Unyielding Will] Dax are all very persistent type followers.

The two clashed, and initially Spartacus fell under the wind, but as the [Roar of the Wounded Beast] added the ability parameters, Spartacus's muscle strength began to be able to keep up with Hercules.

"Boom, boom, boom...!!!"

The confrontation between the sword and the giant axe, the sonic boom continued to resound.

The earth was ravaged by two giants.

After all, relying on the power of a weapon, Hercules stabbed Spartacus's short sword, but Spartacus also seized the opportunity to grab Hercules's wrist and get the giant axe in his hand. Picked it off.

Hercules made a hook and tripped Spartacus and fell heavily to the ground.

But Spartacus took the opportunity to reach out and grab Hercules by the ankle and yanked him to the ground.

Hercules bullied himself and Spartacus turned and beat him.

"Oh oh oh -!!!"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"

The two began to fight hand-to-hand.

The situation is anxious.

But Atalante, Garna and others have already evacuated here.

"Don't support Berserker? He may not be Hercules' opponent." Atalante asked.

Garna said calmly: "No. It is enough that he can hold the great Greek hero. The most threatening black side is the King of Eternity. We must let him out first."

"But in this way, the priest's plan is completely bankrupt, right? In this way, Saber may not be able to keep up." Atalante said.

"No. That Saber is very cunning. She knows her own position and will play her part." Garner said flatly.

"Cunning...cunning?" Atalante looked puzzled.

She didn't understand how Garner called Saber cunning. According to her, Saber was a stunned man, but the lord was more vigilant than her lord.

"Hahaha..." Achilles laughed and said, "Speaking of which, this kind of offensive attack is just to make him leave the game alone. Even if the king exits in such a luxurious form, There is nothing to say, right? You say yes, eldest sister?"

Atalante: "..."

She didn't want to reply anymore.

At this moment, a silver line crossed the sky, and an ordinary arrow shot towards Garna.

Garna waved his sharp spear calmly and shot the arrow flying.

He stopped, looked at the place where the arrows were flying, and asked, "Not directly with treasures, but with ordinary arrows. This is to inform me, are you here?"

A Zhouna walked out slowly, and said, "That's right, lest you lose, saying that I was a sneak attack."

"You should understand that I wouldn't say that. Even if I lose like that, I will admit my defeat upright." Garner stopped and looked at Garner.

"Come on, Garna!" Looking at Garna's face, Arjuna couldn't help it, and shouted: "Come on, continue the unfinished battle last time, Garna——!!! "

However, in the face of Arjuna’s challenge, Garna shook his head and said: "Sorry, I can’t respond to you this time, Arjuna. Although I want to fight you anyway now, but this time, I was borrowed from the command issued by the master. I will not fight you decisively."

"Refusing to fight with me?" A Zhou frowned, and then he appeared in a daze, and said: "That's it. It really fits your personality. Did you tell Assassin's true identity? Your goal is - it's him. !"

"If you know, let it go!"

Garna waved a sharp spear, and the scorching flame forced Arjuna to step back.

Arjuna was about to fight back, but at this moment Achilles bumped into [The Undead Chariot of the Wind and Rage Waves], and Arjuna escaped the impact of the [Undead Chariot of the Wind and Rushing Waves] slightly to the side.

At the moment when the chariot was about to leave, he saw the right time, made a fierce shot, grabbed Achilles by the back collar, and threw him off the [Undead chariot of gusts of wind and raging waves] with a back fall.

With a "boom," Achilles fell heavily to the ground.

But at the moment of the fall, Achilles slammed his foot and tried to hook Ah Juna's foot.

However, Arjuna took the first step and dodged this hook gracefully.

Atalante pulled the bow and struck the strings, shot five arrows in a row, and shot towards Ajuna at an extremely tricky angle, almost inevitable!

However, Arjun turned his wrist, and the flame bow in his hand revolved, and the bows and arrows were knocked down one by one with a few "clang" sounds.

"Tsk." Atalan chuckled displeasedly.

A Zhou had just landed on his feet and hadn't stood still, and at this moment Garna took the opportunity to shoot.The sharp spear with the mighty power of the sun stretched out from a tricky angle and swept across towards Ah Zuna.

Ah Zhou's eyes shrank sharply, and the blow was inevitable, even unstoppable.

But this is only for ordinary first-class heroes.

He exerted force on his waist, turned his body, and erected the flame bow in his hand.

With a "clang", this terrifying blow was blocked, but his own body, but because of this terrifying force, was blown out and rolled a few times on the ground.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the three of Garna threw off Arjuna and continued on.

"Do you want to get rid of me even if you work with others? In other words, do you mean that the King of Eternity is more threatening to you than me?" Arjuna stood up, his face darkened, his eyes Shining cold light.

"Arhcer!" Astorford came riding a griffon.

Arjuna looked up at him and said, "Go! Go tell Lancer! Their goal is—Asssassin!"

Chapter 17 Battlefield [Second More]

The rear of Idir Forest.

Yanfeng Shiro and Assassin guarded here.

Through the magic crystal ball observed, Gonmine Shiro and Assassin saw the battle.

"Berserker has been wrestling with the black Berserker, and Lancer has broken through the black Archer's obstruction." Assassin sat on the throne and looked at the situation in the crystal ball with an expression of interest.

After a pause, she turned her head and looked at Yanmine Shiro jokingly with her wonderful eyes, and smiled: "The battle is going well, but because of Berserker's non-cooperation, your plan is bankrupt, Master."

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