I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 827

Yanfeng Shiro sighed, and said, "This is nothing we can do. However, looking at this posture, the black Archer Arjuna, I am afraid we already know where our goal is, and the other party will soon return to defense. I just hope The Lion Tribulation can keep up with our actions."

"Although Saber was stunned, but the overlord was quite shrewd and should change due to the current situation." Assassin said.

Yanfeng Shiro recalled the relationship with the lion robbery, nodded, and said: "That is indeed a very smart man."

After a pause, Yanfeng Shiro said, "In fact, our plan preparation is not complete. After all, our Caster has not yet appeared."

Yanfeng Shiro sighed.

"The absence of Caster will not affect our plan. Don't forget, what exactly is Yu's identity." Assassin said slightly displeased.

"Ah... of course I know." Yanfeng Shiro nodded, showing a faint smile, and said: "It is because of Assassin you are by your side that I have confidence in fulfilling my long-cherished wish."

Yanfeng Shiro smiled.

The Assassin he summoned was the legendary Queen Semiramis of the Assyrian Empire. She poisoned her husband, King Ninus, and then ruled over the Assyrian Empire as a regent for decades.This is regarded as the oldest surviving poisoning incident in the legend.It is also the oldest poisonous killer of mankind in plain text.

Assassin possesses an extremely rare inherent ability-[Dual Summon], which allows Semiramis to appear in the realm of Assassin's rank, and can also obtain other ranks' abilities.

And Semiramis this time presents the world with the Assassin rank, and the ability reorganized with the [Double Summon] is the ability of the Assassin and Caster ranks.

Therefore, it is possible to call Semiramis Caster.

Semiramis gave a satisfied smile and nodded.Compared to the straightforward Garner, the stunned Achilles, and the awkward Atalante, these bastards who always talked to her mouth, it was true that her Master would make her more comfortable.

After a pause, Semiramis said: "However, Berserker's move is really messing up our plan. If it is postponed for one day, my [Vanity Sky Garden] will be ready to complete, and it will be possible to flourish by then. Stance, directly defeated Black."

"It's already like this. Instead of complaining, it's better to support them. Don't ask for results, as long as you can let the eternal holy king retreat first, that's enough." Yanfeng Shiro said.

Semiramis nodded, and their action was aimed at the black Assassin Eternal King.

An offensive that looked like a general offense was actually just for a rider, which was ridiculous.

But if the opponent is the crown, it is the Holy King sleeping in the British record, King Arthur in King Arthur, then it is logical.

Semiramis summoned countless forest withered bones, creatures like skeleton soldiers, and invaded aggressively towards the black camp.

And this is one of the summoned creatures of Semiramis-Dragon Tooth Soldier.

This is a legion made using dragon teeth. It was originally a Greek-related magic, but a speller of the level of Semiramis can already use it regardless of the area or the scope of magic.

In fact, she can also summon higher-person beasts and even sacred beasts, but limited by the primordial seat's refusal, she cannot summon in the real world.You must wait until her treasure [Vanity's Sky Garden] is ready to be summoned in the form of a treasure.

Massive dragon tooth soldiers shuttled through the forest, stepped past the wrestling Spartacus and Hercules, and rushed towards the black camp.

For this situation, the Black camp also reacted.

Caster Avisbronn summoned a lot of puppets and golems. In addition, Dane also released a lot of artificial life forms, mixed into corps, and attacked the dragon tooth soldiers.

Vlad III is the leader.

Just like his identity.

The Lord of Romania, the ghost of the country, at the moment when the enemy invades, it is naturally impossible to stay behind.

Saber held the invisible holy sword and followed him.

The dignified momentum crushes it.

Rider Astorfo of the Black soared into the sky riding a Griffon and drove back from the Idir Forest first.

Behind him, the red Rider Achilles drove [the undead chariot of the stormy waves], chasing him closely and attacking him.

Astorford tried his best, but still couldn't escape Achilles' pursuit.

As soon as Vlad III waved his hand, his treasure [The King of Death] was activated instantly.


The earth loosened, and countless piles protruded from the earth, like a hand of the earth, grabbing Achilles.

Achilles was a little surprised, and hurriedly pulled on the reins, drove [the undead chariot of the hurricane and raging waves] to hide aside, avoiding the attack of this pile.

Astor Fu flew back to Vlad III and said, "Lancer, their target is Assassin!"


Vlad III and Saber couldn't help but raised their eyebrows, a little surprised.

Is this general situation of a total offensive battle coming for Assassin?

Astorford drove the Griffin to patrol the army, but found no trace of Shirou, and couldn't help asking: "Where is Assassin?"

Vlad III said: "Standby in the rear. I can't send Assassin to fight head-on."

"Is that so?"

Astorfo breathed a sigh of relief.

Is it true that it is Vlad III?

Arrange the followers of each rank to a position that conforms to their rank positioning.

But in this way, Shirou who is behind will not be attacked by the red side, right?

Astorford breathed a sigh of relief for Shirou.

Achilles drove [the undead chariot of gusty wind and raging waves] and wanted to rush from the sky to the back of Black, but Vlad III waved his hand and [the capital punishment king] used the realm of the sky as the starting base, and countless The pile rushed towards Achilles.

Achilles looked at the endless piles, somewhat surprised, "Can even the sky grow out?"

He waved the spear in his hand and tore through the piles that came like a long dragon.

Vlad III frowned slightly.

He looked up at the sky.

The setting sun sets in the west, forming a line with the earth.

Dark night and light are intertwined, like a prelude to blood.

Garna and Atalante, who got rid of the entanglement of Archer Arjuna of the black, came out of the forest with countless dragonfang soldiers.

Arjuna's figure leaped continuously in the woods, constantly shooting bows and arrows at Garna, but no matter what degree of arrows, Garna ignored him, but stared at the front with burning eyes and leapt out. .

This made A Zhou extremely angry.

What he pursues, what he will answer to the call of the Holy Grail, is to complete the fair battle, and then defeat Garner and win victory in a fair and just manner without any external force.

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