I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 828

However, Garna at this moment ignored him.

This made A Zhou's heart full of anger.

Garna rushed out of the forest with an army of Dragonfang soldiers.

On the plains of the vast city of Tolifas, waiting for him is the army of Vlad III and Saber.

"Dare to invade the rest of the territory, take your life--!"

Vlad III yelled, endless piles gushing from the sky and the earth, almost like an ocean, flooding Garna, Atalante, and Achilles in the sky.

"It looks like a very powerful hero, I really want to fight with you now, but it won't happen now, there is a more delicious meal waiting for me. Hahahahaha—"

Achilles laughed, stretched out his palm, and raised a silver shield.

There is no doubt that this is a treasure of Achilles.

There was no liberation, and no use. It was just horizontally placed in front of the chariot, driving the chariot, like a meteor, directly piercing the countless pillars gushing out of the sky.

Vlad III was a little surprised.

And this is Achilles’ treasure [the small world surrounding the sky].

This is an enchantment treasure of armor that is comparable to the scabbard-Avalon.It is a shield made by the forging god Hephaestus.The world seen by Achilles is projected on it, and ocean currents surging on the periphery due to Poseidon.

When this shield is liberated, even if it is facing the world, once it is launched, it can defend against people, against the army, against the city, against the country, and against the treasures of the gods.

Even the complete liberation of Garna's sharp spear was enough to kill the gods, and it could be easily resisted.

At this moment, Achilles was directly wearing a shield and driving a chariot, cutting through the piles of Vlad III.

on the ground.

Garna looked at the countless piles and said to Atalante who was beside him, "Stand behind me."

Atalanta nodded and fell behind Garna.

Garna's eyes flashed with divine light, and magic power poured into the sharp spear in his hand.

The magic of horror turned into the brilliance of the sun.

With a sharp spear swing-


Just like a solar flare erupting, the pile group will be destroyed and destroyed!

Vlad III frowned.

Saber squeezed the holy sword in his hand and stood ready.

In the sky.

Achilles, who broke through the piles, was laughing and walking away. Astorfo took out a huge black flute and drove the griffon to Achilles’ side, blowing Up.


There was a sound from the black flute.

Achilles' expression was shocked.

The three war horses that led the chariot seemed to be enchanted, and ran forward, left, and right respectively, causing the chariot to stagnate in the sky.The powerful force directly threw Achilles out of the chariot.

If it hadn't been for Achilles to recover in time and reach out and grab the guardrail of the chariot, otherwise he would really fall from the sky.

And this is one of Astorfo's treasures [the magic flute that evokes panic].And this is exactly what makes the three horses driving the chariot chaotic.

Achilles turned on the chariot, awoke the horse, and flew into the distance again.

Astorfo followed closely behind.

"All the guys who can do little tricks, stay away from me, I'm not interested in you!" Achilles glared at Astor Fu.

"Huh. There's more!"

Astorford yelled, then drew a horse gun, driving the Griffin across the chariot at high speed.

The gun touched three horses and a chariot.

In an instant, the wheels of the chariot and the legs of the three war horses were forced to disappear.

In an instant, the galloping [Undead Chariot in the Wind and Raging Waves] skidded, spun, and fell to the ground like a meteor.

Astorford sat on the Griffin and laughed.

This is another one of Astorfo's treasures [falls when touched]!

Although this gun has a low lethality, it can force the opponent's body below the knee or make it fall.No matter where it touches the body, even if it touches the armor woven with magic power, the gun will forcibly cut off the magic power supply below the knees, making physical reconstruction impossible for a period of time.

Astorfo forced the fall of this treasure and attached it to Achilles' chariot, thus breaking the concept of the chariot, causing the chariot to slip and fall directly from the sky.

At this time, Atalante aimed at Astorfo on the ground and pulled his bow and arrow.

With a "shoo", the arrow was like a star, rising from the ground and hitting Astorford.

Astorford quickly dodged the Griffin, and he was relieved.

Starlight descended from the sky, and seven starlights, like shooting stars, descended from the sky to Astorfo.

Astorford was shocked, and drove the Griffon to dodge, but the seven starlights suddenly changed directions, chasing Astorford like a shadow.

"What, what is this? Tracking arrows?" Astorfo panicked and ran away in a panic.

This is one of Atalante's treasures [Seven Arrows of the Big Dipper]. After the first arrow is shot out, the meteor arrows flying from the "seven stars of Ursa Major" in the sky can perform seven consecutive attacks.Only the first strike will arbitrarily specify the target, and the subsequent attack will focus on one target, unless it is defeated, it will stop until the dead.

On the earth.

The dragon tooth soldier fights with the golem and artificial life form of Avisbronn.

Bones and mud flew horizontally, artificial lifeforms fell to the ground, organs all over the floor, blood dripping.

Vlad III used the stakes to display a gun, and used countless stakes to cooperate with Saber to attack Garna and Atalante.

Garner turned the sharp spear in his hand to the limit, shook off the holy sword in Saber's hand, and shot out a magic cannon in his eyes, blasting Vlad III.

Vlad III's complexion sank, with countless piles on top of it.

"Rumble, rumbling--!!!"

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