I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 829

Garna's eye cannon was leveled by countless piles, and he had to take out a sharp gun, ready to sweep the piles.

At this moment, Saber's eyes lit up, and the invisible holy sword in his hand exuded a frightening magical aura.

——The King of Wind Hammer!

The huge storm enveloping the holy sword was unconstrained and attacked Garna close like a magic cannon.

Garna clenched his brows and rolled his wrists. The sharp spear in his hand carried a strong solar power. From an incredible angle, he destroyed Saber's Wind King Hammer and Vlad III's iron stakes.

Before he could catch his breath, behind Garna, the arrow with the power of the terrifying fire god rushed towards him like a comet.

Garna's complexion was calm, his heels twisted, his waist exerted force, and the sharp spear in his hand swept away.


An agitating sound swept away the terrifying arrow.

However, this was not a simple arrow, but A Zhou's arrow that contained anger.

Although the treasure has not been liberated, the strength is not small.

Garner was shocked by this force and took three steps back. Saber by his side followed closely, and Vlad III followed him with his horse.

Garner, who was under the siege of Arjuna, Vlad III, and Saber, couldn't help feeling extremely difficult.

But his face was still calm, and he said to Atalante who had avoided the battlefield: "Leave it to me here, you go!"

"Can you stop it?"

Atalante shot a bow and arrow at Saber, but Saber easily blocked it.

Saber ignored her, instead besieging Garna with Arjuna and Vlad III.

Although Arjuna is an Indian hero with the same specifications as Gharna, anyone can tell that Gharna is stronger than Arjuna and can be difficult to deal with.

The strong are besieged, this is a matter of course in the war.

It was exactly the same as Shirou was planned to besiege and sniper by the red side.

However, in the face of the siege of these three people, Garner tried his best to wield the sharp spear, defending more and attacking less, but his face remained calm and said: "True hero, fearless!"

These words angered Arjuna, and the arrows shot were more precise and powerful.

However, Atalante nodded, turned and left without stopping.

"Want to go? Don't think about it!"

Saber yelled and turned his heel to stop Atalante.

At this moment, on the ground under her, a steel hand stretched out, grabbed her ankle, and pulled it along.

With a "click", he didn't notice that Saber was dragged into the ground.

The land then returned to calmness, as if there had never been a pit or a hand.

But in the dark underground, the little knight smiled triumphantly: "Catch one!"

Chapter Eighteen Star Arrow Rain [Third more]

The bloody setting sun slowly fell down the mountain.

The dark night came.

There was chaos on the battlefield.

The explosion sound like a muffled thunder continued to resound.

The rear of the battlefield.

Thousand Realms Tree Castle.

The lord of the Thousand Realms Tree, the artificial life form, Caster Avisbronn...all the people are busy, but one person is standing on the top of the castle, facing the breeze, eating oranges.

Shiro peeled the orange peel away, while tucking the orange in his mouth, looking at the battle in the distance.

"Sure enough... the red Berserker is you."

Shi Lang sighed, trying to throw the orange peel into the trash can, but found that there was no trash can around, so he could only put it in his pocket temporarily.

Coming to the rank of Assassin, he does not have the power of the eternal king. Even the [Dynasty made EX] has been split into [mortal wisdom], [mortal hero] and [mortal leader] , It is impossible to use the [Clairvoyance EX] in Merlin's record.

However, in [Mortal Heroes], there is [Clairvoyance C] copied from the Palace of Valor, which is the so-called Eagle Eye.

With [Clairvoyance C], Shirou can look far beyond the castle to the battlefield and see the confrontation between Garna and Arjuna and Vlad III.You can also overlook the Idir Forest, the confrontation between the red Berserker Spartacus and the black Berserker Hercules.

Seeing Spartacus's familiar, unhurried and fascinating smile, Shirou's face had a complex look.

Should it be lucky or unfortunate?

In this war, he saw the hero when he was a child, but the hero who appeared in the world again, I am afraid that there is no memory of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Shi Lang sighed.

Behind him, Jeanne, who had been put on a uniform, walked up slowly and asked: "Black Assassin, are you not going to fight?"

Shirou turned back, looked at Joan, and said with a smile: "I'm just a weak Assassin. As for Assassin's words, it's just suitable for investigating news and assassinating the lord. It is a weak Servant who engages in small actions behind him. The frontal battlefield, I This kind of Assassin would really get in the way."

"Yes, is that right?" Jeanne asked.

Shirou nodded slowly.

Joan frowned and asked, "But, your ability to block the black Archer and the red Lancer earlier, but it doesn't look weak at all."

"Okay. I confess that apart from Lancer letting me stay, I also don't want to fight a certain hero of the other party." Shi Lang sighed.

"That's it." Jeanne nodded.

"What about you, Ruler?"

Shi Lang pointed to the dark sky and asked, "Night has come, and the red and black war horns have sounded. As a Ruler, don't you go to watch the battlefield?"

"My battlefield is here, right behind this castle in Tolifas. As Ruler, my duty is to ensure the smooth progress of the Holy Grail War and protect ordinary people from being affected. For the war of servants, yes No unnecessary interference."

After a pause, Joan laughed bitterly and said: "But I don't know why, you black always think I will do extra things, which makes me very distressed."

"This is also no way. After all, you are neither red nor black. You are walking in the gray area of ​​the border of the camp. Moreover, you have two spells that can restrain any followers. Oh. Of course. , The binding force of that thing is of no use to me."

After a pause, Shi Lang said with a smile: "However, as a Ruler, you are really fulfilling your duties at the moment. If I change it to me, I have long used Lingshu to order all followers to commit suicide."

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