I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 834

This treasure is enough for him to pass through the vast battlefield in one breath, even if there are obstacles on the field, it will not slow down.Few heroic spirits can fully capture his speed, which is known as the pinnacle of all mankind in history!

But obviously, Shirou, who drove the [Clairvoyance C] known as the Eagle Eye, captured his speed and fired the holy gun Lungominiad's light cannon at him.

However, Achilles, who was using the [Small World Surrounding the Heavens], rushed towards Shi Lang against Shi Lang's light cannon!

Achilles laughed and said, "Sister, go down and rest first. He—, leave it to me!"

What a reliable word?

Symbolizes the glory of one of the great heroes of Greece.

However, when he said this sentence, Shirou took out the "green horizon that opened up a thousand mountains (pseudo)" copied from the treasure of the king, and then "evil" surged behind him, and a The huge arm of [evil].

The giant arm of [evil] picked up the mountain-opening giant sword, about 60 meters long, [opening up the emerald horizon of a thousand mountains (pseudo)], and waved it at Achilles, who came with the light cannon. .

With a "boom--" Achilles' reassuring words didn't last long before he was smashed by Shilang and hit the ground a few times like a rolling ball.

Fell to the ground motionless.

"Bang Dang" sounded.

The shield·[Small World Surrounding the Heavens] fell on the ground and whirled, making a "buzzing" sound.




pS: That's it for today~!

Chapter 20 Sorry, I can fly!

"Ok, it hurts..."

Achilles got up from the ground.

Just now, Shi Lang used the giant arm of [evil], holding the mountain-opening giant sword·[Opening up the green horizon of the thousand mountains (pseudo)] and flew out heavily.

Although it did not cause a fatal injury to him, such a heavy blow still made him feel pain.

"Rider!" Atalante shouted.

"I'm fine, sister!"

Achilles shouted and stood up, looking at Shirou.

However, what responded to Achilles was a current of sixty-four swords.

Achilles quickly picked up the shield beside him·Small World Surrounding the Sky, just as he was about to resist the current of these sixty-four swords, he suddenly felt a chill and lifted his right leg subconsciously. .

With a "swish", the sickle of the death sickle that crossed the space hurriedly passed from the heel of Achilles' right leg.

This shocked Achilles out of a cold sweat. If he hadn't lifted his leg in time, I'm afraid the blow would have fallen on his weakness, the heel of his right leg, which is the so-called Achilles tendon.

It turned out that the sixty-four sharp swords forming the ocean current were just a cover for Shirou. The real killer move was this gloomy sickle blow!

The current of the sixty-four sharp swords hurriedly hit, Achilles could only use a shield to block it with a shield [Small World Surrounding the Heavens], but left a heart on the heel of his right leg.

At this time, the black hand of [evil] surged out of the earth, clasping Achilles' right leg, and another scythe hurriedly attacked.

Achilles clenched his brows and twisted his heels. The shield in his hand spun around. The shield was danced like a green protective shield by him. The powerful force not only broke free from the restraint of the black hand of evil, but also blocked it. The tide of swords and the attack of the death sickle.

Shi Lang took the sickle back, and said with a headache, "Really, it didn't work the first time, but it won't work the second time."

Achilles blocked the sixty-four sharp swords one by one, looked at Shirou with a serious expression, and asked, "How do you know..."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Lang shook hands abruptly.

——Fantasy Collapse!

The swords scattered around Achilles exploded like bombs.

"Boom! Boom!"

Achilles was drowned in gunfire.

"You are also a king anyway? This method is too despicable, right?" Atalante asked through gritted teeth.

"Thank you for the compliment, Huntress. Your anger is a hymn to me as Assassin." Shi Lang said with a smile.

With a wave of his hand, he took out the huge crossbow copied from Lord Gil from the [Infinite Sword System] [True·Shoot Hundred Heads (False)].

"Then, isn't that Hercules' crossbow?" Atalante was stunned.

"Huh? It seems that Hercules shot Hydra with this kind of crossbow." Shi Lang showed a faint smile.

At this moment, two huge [evil] arms stretched out behind him, and [True·Shoot Hundred Heads (False)], the huge pillar-like arrow was aimed at by him. Tarant, then shot out.


The huge arrow was shot out, like a sonic boom.

It's a pity that the copied [True·Shooting Hundred Heads (False)] is just empty, and the nine times the exaggerated plug-in ability of the auto-tracking fantasy killing laser is not inherited.

Atalanta held his injured right leg and drew in a panic.

The giant arrow shot into the distance, and the explosion of the "boom" illuminated the entire night.

As soon as Atalanta wanted to regroup, countless [evil] black hands stretched out on the ground near her, carrying bayonets, knives, and sharp knives, and stab her viciously.

Atalante wielded his longbow and flew these knives, just trying to escape from the range covered by the black hand of [evil], but a slender black hand stretched out from the ground, grabbed her ankle, and slammed it sharply. Smashed heavily to the ground.


Atalanta screamed when he was smashed.

Shi Lang held the death sickle high, and was about to take Atalante's life, but at this moment Achilles rushed out of the fog.

Turning his head slightly, Shi Lang glanced at Achilles, [True Shooting Hundred Heads (False)] was pulled away again, and a huge arrow was shot at Achilles.

Achilles gritted his teeth, turned out to be directly holding the shield·Small World Surrounding the Skyto top it.

[True·Shoot Hundred Heads (False)] At the moment of contact with the shield·[Small World Surrounding the Sky], even the space is quiet.

next moment--


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