I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 835

The sound resounded like a muffled thunder.

The powerful air wave would lift the surrounding land three feet high like the ocean.

Achilles gritted his teeth, it turned out that he flew out the top of the bow and arrow that was [True·Shooting Hundred Heads (False)] with strength alone, and then continued to rush towards Shilang.

This made Teshiro a little surprised, and because of this moment of surprise at Atalanta’s ultimate move, he started slowly for half a second. Because of this, Atalanta escaped the state of death, only by the death sickle. Cut off a few strands of emerald green hair.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

Achilles used the [Comet Run Method] and dashed towards Shilang with a shield·[Small World Surrounding the Sky].

Shi Lang took back the [True·Shoot Hundred Heads (False)], and instead grew a giant arm of [evil], two giant arms of [evil] holding two giant swords more than 60 meters long. ·Opening up the emerald horizon of Qianshan Mountain (pseudo), waved towards Achilles.

Achilles gritted his teeth, and actually rushed towards him with two giant swords that opened up the mountains.

In his hand, a spear gradually appeared.


Yonmine Shiro who was observing this scene with the envoy shouted.

Not only that, even Atalante's eyes on the battlefield were slightly bright.

Achilles possessed a treasure, called the [Spike Point of the Star Galloping Skyrim], which could form a space where treasures and abilities were excluded, and it was completely single-handed.

And this is also the killer of the red party against Shiro!


"That's it, your purpose is this."

Shi Lang laughed, and then [evil] surged behind him. The next moment, the surging mud of [evil] turned into ten magic jets.

With a "boom", Shi Lang soared into the sky!

Shilang looked down at the two people on the ground and smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I can fly."

At this moment, Yanfeng Shiro, Semiramis, the injured Atalante, and Achilles who finally charged to the distance of the treasure were all stupid!


The rear of Idir Forest.

Yanfeng Shiro looked at the scene in the crystal ball, his eyes twitching uncontrollably.

"Why, how could this be?" he muttered to himself.

The strength of Eternal King is beyond imagination.

The sickle across the space, the strange black giant arm, the huge crossbow, the black hand emerging from the ground, and all kinds of weird swords...too many!

There are too many treasures!

And is this really the incomplete state of the Eternal King?

Semiramis hugged his chest and said, "Yu just said that he has to wait until Yu Zhi Garden comes to attack, and now, it's hard to ride a tiger, Master."

Yanfeng Shiro gave a wry smile.

It would be nice if Achilles successfully released the treasure, but now, the King of Eternity stands tall in the unattainable heights of mankind, in an invincible place, and Achilles’ [Undead Chariot of Wind and Rage], But because of Astorfo's [Falling Down], he was in a state of compulsory spiritualization, and could not be shaken for the time being.

Therefore, neither Atalanta nor Achilles can touch the eternal king who is high in the sky.

Eternal King, stand in an invincible place!

And the most important thing is...

"Why the Eternal King knows to attack the heel of Rider's right leg? Does he already know the identity of Achilles?" Yanfeng Shiro frowned.

On the battlefield.

Shiro replaced the magic thruster with wings, which could save a lot of magic power.

He stood high in the sky, smiling at Achilles and Atalante on the ground, then waved the Death Scythe in his hand and attacked Atalante across the space.

Yes, he didn't attack Achilles because Achilles was too fast. If his copy hadn't attacked Achilles' right leg and heel, it would have done no harm to Achilles.

Atalanta's right leg was damaged by Shilang's surprise attack earlier, and his movements were relatively slow, making it difficult to avoid attacks.

But after all, she is a legendary huntress in Greek mythology. After adapting to the pain, she quickly avoided the attack of the death sickle.

"I have a question, King Eternal." Achilles raised his head and looked up at Shirou, and asked aloud.

He and Shirou were separated by a vertical distance of one kilometer, but he believed Shirou could hear him.

"Oh? What's your question?" Shilang asked with interest.

Achilles' complexion became serious and said: "The first time I attacked the heel of my right leg, it could be said to be a random attack, but the second time I also stared at the heel of my right leg and attacked... It's like knowing who I am! No, you know who I am, right?"

Shirou nodded and said, "I know, Red Rider Achilles."

Achilles tightened his eyes and said, "Sure enough."

"Not only that, I also know you, Archer Atalanta of Red." Shi Lang looked at Atalanta with a smile.

And Atalante returned his frowning expression like a wild cat whose tail was stepped on.

"You also know my treasure, don't you?" Achilles demanded.

Shi Lang nodded and smiled: "Yes, I know it all."

"That's it, it's so...it is so..." Achilles turned his head, pointed his finger at Joan on the castle, and said with shame: "Ruler, you are so dirty! I told Black’s real name and treasures!"

When Achilles said so, Atalante also recalled.

Indeed, I haven't seen one side, but revealed his real name and treasures. No matter how you look at it, it is because a despicable privileged dog has played with privileges!

And who is the only privileged dog in this war?

Needless to say, it is Ruler of course!

Atalante also glared at Joan and said: "Ruler didn't think you were like this Ruler! We didn't agree with the plan to hunt you. But now, it turns out that you should have been hunted first. There is no professional ethics!"

Joan: "?"

Joan showed a dazed expression, pointed at herself, and asked, "Then, that...what happened to me, me?"

She looked blank.

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