I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 836

She did nothing!

Why are you suddenly hated?

Atalanta questioned: "Didn't you tell Black the real name and treasure of our Rider? What are you still pretending to be innocent?"

"It's wrong! What a big mistake!" Joan said with a distressed expression: "I have never done such a superfluous thing! Please don't wrong me, I'm just a spectator Ruler!"

Atalante pointed to Shirou and asked, "Then he—how did he know our Rider's real name and treasure?"

"I, I don't know! It's really nothing to do with me!" Jeanne looked distressed, then looked up at the Shirou in the sky, and said: "Black Assassin, you can help me clarify something. !"

"Clarify what?" Shi Lang looked blank, then put away the death sickle in his hand, sat cross-legged in the sky, watching this scene with interest, and said: "You told me the truth of the Red Rider The identity is Achilles, and the true identity of the Red Archer is Atalante. The treasures and abilities are all told to me. I remember them clearly."

Joan was stunned.

"You despicable foreigner with no professional ethics!" Atalante said through gritted teeth.

Jeanne: "..."

"It's really, really not what I revealed!" Jeanne raised her head, she looked at Shirou, and said: "Black Assassin, don't persecute me any more, please help me clarify!"

Joan was almost crying.

She suddenly remembered how she was persecuted during her lifetime.

The bishop Pierre Cochon and François Prellatti were slandered, discredited, and persecuted in the courtroom bit by bit.

"Sorry, I'm joking too much."

Shi Lang smiled apologetically, then looked at Achilles and Atalante, pointed his eyes, and said with a smile: "Nothing can hide these eyes, whether they are real names or treasures. Since your goal is me, you should know this."

Achilles and Atalante frowned.

Atalante has no means of heaven.

And Achilles' [The Undead Chariot of the Wind and Raging Waves] was forced to be spiritualized by Astorford, and he also lost the means of heaven.

They have nothing to do with Shirou who is in the sky!

The scene fell silent.

Only Astorfo, who was hunted down by the [Seven Arrows of the Big Dipper], flew around the sky in panic driving the Griffin.

"Help, help ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

The sky echoed with Astorfo's crying voice.

Chapter 21: Are you ready to dance?[Second more]

Dragon tooth soldiers, golems, and artificial lifeforms are fighting.

The sound of "clang-clang" weapons clashing continuously on the battlefield.

The very center of the battlefield.

Vlad III and Arjuna besieged Garna.

Garner has used his skills to the limit, but he still has less offense and more defense.

Whether it is Arjuna or Vlad III, who stands in Romania, it may be slightly inferior to him, but it is still at the same level as him.

It is an exceptional hero.

In addition, Garna is a big blue consuming player like Shirou, but his lord can't support his full magic power.

Under such circumstances, it is not easy to be one enemy and two without losing sight.

But his situation is still very bad.

Once Vlad III and Arjuna's Liberation Treasure, he must also follow the Liberation Treasure, otherwise he cannot stop Vlad III and Arjuna's attack.

However, once he releases the treasure, he and Vlad III and A Zhou will fall into the opposite of magic.

And this is his biggest weakness!


Like Shirou, Garna itself has no flaws and can be said to be a perfect hero.But precisely because of perfection and powerfulness, magic has become the biggest constraint.

Shirou possesses [Evil Flower A+], although his magic power is a restriction, he can return to the magic voluntarily, but Garna can only rely on the magic power supplied by the Master.

This has to be said, it is a gap.

Garner knows his situation, but he also knows that he cannot be defeated.

Once he is defeated, Arjuna and Vlad III will fight back. Achilles alone is definitely not their opponent.

Garna, Arjuna, Achilles, and Vlad III, who stood in Romania, are considered to be the heroes of the same class.

But the same class also has high and low points.

Stronger than Garna, it can be tied to the top of this class with Gilgamesh, Ramses II, and Shiro at this moment, that is to say, the so-called ceiling of the first floor of the moon.

And the other heroic spirits are not enough to be enemies with their ceilings.

It's a pity that Garna, like Shilang, lacks magical powers, otherwise, even if one is against two, even if there is an Arjuna among them, he might not be afraid.

Only now, the situation is indeed very bad for Garna.


Idir Forest.

Yanfeng Shiro used the crystal ball to watch the audience and sighed.

Semiramis glanced at him, and asked, "Do you want to use a spell?"

"In this case, you can only use Lingshu." Yanfeng Shiro said helplessly.

If it hadn't been for Spartacus to take the lead, it would destroy his plan.

The current situation should be that Semiramis was driving the [Vanity Air Garden] to attack the red side, suppressing Vlad III and Ajuna, and let Garna and Achilles besiege the Eternal King.

However, it was precisely because of Spartacus's non-cooperation that they broke their plan, and launched an attack before the [Vanity Garden in the Air] was not complete.As a result, Garna had to contain Vlad III and Arjuna with one enemy and two, allowing Achilles and Atalante to launch a surprise attack on the Eternal King.

I originally thought that if this was the case, the plan could continue as usual.

But no one knows that the strength of the Eternal King is too high.

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