I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 837

Even though they were prepared, they were still caught off guard.

In terms of expressiveness, the eternal king in this state is indeed as tricky as Garna.

And this, according to Garner, is still incomplete!

How terrible is the state of being so complete.

Just think about it.

Originally thought that Achilles could use the treasure to block the Eternal King, but [The Undead Chariot of the Storm and Rage] was forced to be broken by Astorford.

The key is……

The eternal king can fly!

This situation...

Yanfeng Shiro sighed, only to use Lingshu.

For his long-cherished wish.

Yanfeng Shiro's eyes flashed with a firm look.

He controlled Garna, Achilles, and Atalante's lord, let them raise their arms and free Lingshu.

In an instant.

Whether it was Garna or Atalante, Achilles felt a powerful magic power flooding into their bodies following the contract.

Garna's magic power recovered briefly, his eyes flickered, and his attack became very fierce.

Atalanta's right leg wound also recovered.

The most important thing is that Achilles' [Undead Chariot of Wind and Rage] was also restored to its original state because of the Ling Charm.

He and Atalante glanced at each other.

Atalante drew the bowstring at Shilang and shot a bow and arrow.

Her strength is very strong, besides, her bow was gifted by her patron saint Artemis to her Sky Bow, which has a strong strength in itself and belongs to the armor of God.

Shiro copied her sky bow, but because of the limitations of copying, it was the same as [Opening up the green horizon of a thousand mountains (pseudo)] and [True·Shooting a hundred heads (pseudo)]. Empty shell, and cannot replicate its characteristics.

The arrow was like light, and it hit the Shirou standing high in the sky.

However, Shi Lang projected two sharp swords and fell.

But this does not matter.

Because the treasure has been activated.

——Arrow Letter of Complaint!

In an instant, a light appeared above Shirou's head.

Shi Lang raised his head slightly and was taken aback.

In his sky, countless arrows of light stared at him, and then fell like rain.

This is the main treasure of Atalante. With the [Sky Bow] bestowed by the patron god Artemis, it shoots an arrow book praying for the protection of the sun god Apollo and the moon goddess Artemis. The God of Light rained down a rain of arrows of punishment, and fired indiscriminately within the designated area.

The size of this area can be adjusted by Atalante, the more compressed the area, the more concentrated the arrows will drop, and the lethality will increase!

And there is no doubt that Atalante adjusted the arrow rain to the range that Shi Lang alone can bear.

"Accept the punishment from Master Artemis and Master Apollo!" Atalante shouted.

However, facing the arrow rain, Shi Lang smiled and shook his head, and said, "Are you moon god and sun god?"

He really didn't know what expression to show.

He has the highest personality of the Moon God-Emperor of the Moon, and not long ago, he had just eaten the side of a sun god.

Facing the attacks from the Moon God and the Sun God, at this moment, he really didn't know what expression he should show.

Looking at the arrow rain of light falling from the sky, Shirou was already unable to dodge, but the [evil] on his body gushed out infinitely, turning into huge upper and lower jaws, like a huge mouth in the abyss, the arrow of light falling from the sky Eat all of them.

"Doesn't even Master Artemis and Master Apollo's punishment pose the slightest threat to him?" Atalanta sighed with displeasure.

Anyone can do this, right?

The most dependent treasure, as a result, poses no threat to others. Anyone can do it...


But this is also no alternative.

Although her "Arrow Book of Complaint" is powerful, it is a treasure of the army type, and it is accompanied by the divine attacks of the moon god Artemis and the sun god Apollo, but the most restrained thing by Shiro is divinity.

For the Shirou who came to the rank of Assassin, the treasure [Evil Flower Leading to Freedom] can be fully activated, and the attack of the treasure below Grade A cannot break the defense of [Evil Flower Leading to Freedom].

Although the arrow of light in the [Complaint Arrow Book] is only a treasure of B+, it is a wide range of carpet bombing. The continuous bombing can break the defense of [The Flower of Evil to Freedom].

However, this [Arrow of Complaint] carried the divinity of the moon god Artemis and the sun god Apollo, so that the [Evil Flower Leading to Freedom], who had absorbed part of the evil spirit of the gods, launched a special attack on the gods, but blocked them. The Arrow Letter of Complaint.

In fact, it is so funny.

"With such an ominous thing, it seems that you, the holy king, are not worthy of your name! Hahaha..." Achilles drove [the undead chariot of gusty waves], like a comet, laughing towards him. Shi Lang rushed over.

Shiro saw the meteor gun in Achilles' hand and couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, and said, "Do you want to eliminate me like this?"

The fleshy wings of [evil] behind him turned into ten magical thrusters, while holding the light arrow rain of [Complaint Arrow Book], while fleeing towards the distance.

However, although the ten magic thrusters are fast enough and comparable to the latest models of fighters, they are not enough to compare [the undead chariot of gusty wind].

Shilang was chased by Achilles, and then Achilles threw [the tip of the spear of the galloping sky star] towards Shilang.

The rear of Idir Forest.

Yonmine Shiro saw Achilles successfully throw the [Spear Point of Galloping Skyline Star], and couldn't help shaking his hands, and said excitedly: "--Success!"

"Somewhat excited, Master." Semiramis reminded.

"Sorry, Assassin." Yanfeng Shiro took a deep breath and smiled: "I was excited. However, in this way, the King of Eternity will leave!"

"That's true." Semiramis nodded and said: "Relying on treasures, heroic spirits with inherent abilities, most of their bodies are fragile. If they are approached by a warrior-type servant like Achilles, and destroyed Treasures, inherent abilities, then nothing."

Yanfeng Shiro nodded, and said, "The King of Eternity is no longer a concern. Next, we must consider letting Ruler leave the field first!"

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