I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 838

In the frontal battlefield.

Thanks to the magical support of Lingshu, Garna reversely suppressed Arjuna and Vlad III this time.

He looked at the dark night sky in the distance, where the emerald light was shining, like a singles arena.

"Where are you looking, Garna--?" A Zhou asked in anger.

"Look at our goal." Garner said calmly: "He is going to leave."

Arjuna took a moment to look at the distant sky and frowned.

"Wait, what are you going to do?" Vlad III asked.

Garna said calmly: "Give up, you can't pry any information from me."

Taking advantage of the moment when Arjuna and Vlad III questioned, Garna took the opportunity to sweep away the two of them and ran towards the black queen.

Arjuna and Vlad III followed closely behind.

While the three of them were fighting, they shuttled through the battlefield without stopping.

"Win!" Atalanta also breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, already won!

[The Spear Point of Galloping the Sky Star] is the spear given by Chiron when Achilles' parents got married. It can create a field for heroes to single out and is a great magic that rivals the inherent enchantment.

In a word, it is a single shot.Completely cut off time and the surrounding environment, forming an arena that will not be lifted until one of them is knocked down.

And in the isolated space created by the treasure [Gun Point of the Stars Galloping Skyline], all the protection and magic, even the treasure can't be used, only the skill of oneself and the opponent determines the outcome.

Having fought Shilang personally, Atalanta deeply understood that Shilang was powerful because of the many treasures, but his own ability parameters were not mentioned.

So deep in this heads-up field where the winner can only be determined by their own skills, then it is Achilles who will win!

Deeply trapped in the single-deck domain space of [Gun Point of Galloping Sky Stars].

Shirou could feel that his treasures and abilities were blocked because of the [Spike Point of Galloping Skyrim Star].

He was not surprised at this, he had known the power of Achilles this treasure for a long time.

There is just one thing that Shirou felt very strange.

He looked at Achilles in front of him and asked: "You, this treasure, shouldn’t you be able to start without the [Undead Chariot of the Wind and Raging Waves]? And to start this treasure, it shouldn’t be needed. Can I respond to your heads-up challenge?"

"You know it clearly, Assassin! Yes, my [Spear Point of the Stars Galloping Skyrim] can only be activated without the [Undead Chariot of the Storm and Raging Waves]. It’s just that you seem to have a misunderstanding of the second activation condition , This treasure is indeed a field for the purpose of making heads-ups, but there is also a legendary side of me driving a chariot to chase Hector. So, I can start it directly!"

Achilles did not hide it, but rubbed his fist and explained his treasure.

Shiro remembered that, just as there are many versions of his story about the Eternal King, there are also many versions of Greek mythology, including the one where Achilles and Hector are holy alone, and Hector is defeated by Achilles. He escaped and was killed by Achilles.

There is no doubt that these legends give this treasure the ability to open heads-ups independently.

Shilang remembers that in "F/A", Achilles independently launched a single-deck challenge against Chiron.

"So that's it." Shi Lang nodded clearly.

Achilles laughed and said, "Do you understand your current situation, Assassin? Don't worry, I don't know how to use weapons, because it's not fair."

Shirou nodded and said, "It's really unfair."

Achilles smiled more brilliantly, and said: "You just treated me, to the eldest sister, I will pay you back one by one!"

"You--, didn't you understand your situation?" Shi Lang raised his eyebrows and asked back.

"What?" Achilles was taken aback.

Deep in the field of heads-up, the inherent ability is sealed, the treasure is sealed, it seems that there is no means to fight back.

However, Shi Lang hugged his chest and said with a smile: "I advise you to still pick up your gun, so maybe the dead will be more beautiful."

Achilles frowned, he was puzzled. In this situation, Shirou still put on this posture, what exactly did he intend to do?

"Are you--, are you talking big, Assassin?" Achilles demanded.

Shi Lang sighed and said, "It seems that you haven't understood the situation. Well, let me tell you, if you don't do it right, I still have a chance to win with [Spear Point of Galloping the Sky Star], but you use this treasure to me... "

Shi Lang smiled and said, "You are really going to die."

Achilles laughed speechlessly. He thought Shirou might not understand the situation.

In this single-handed field, how much advantage is it for a heroic spirit like him, and what a disadvantage is it for a heroic spirit of the king type who relies on his treasures and abilities.

But, the next moment, he couldn't laugh.

[Evil] surged over Shilang's body, and six giant arms of [Evil] appeared behind him, each holding a giant sword of mud evolved from [Evil].

He took out the treasures in the heads-up field, in the heads-up field where treasures, abilities, and protection are absolutely impossible!

"This, this is impossible!" Achilles was shocked.

In this heads-up field, even if his immortality has been removed, why can the Eternal King still take out this treasure?

"Are you--, are you ready to dance?"

Shirou asked with a smile.

Chapter 22: The Clash in the Underground [Third more]

Two hundred meters underground in the battle.

There is an underground hole here.

Here is a piece of pitch black that can't see your fingers, and it's the fragrance of mud.

And this is the space formed by the little knight using his enchantment treasure [The Unknown Flower of Rebellion].

This was originally a kind of concealment magic she used to conceal herself, but due to the specialization of the legend, it was sublimated into a treasure of the enchantment, which was a spiritual symbol of a certain behavior.

This [Unknown Flower of Rebellion] can make the little knight hide in any medium and launch surprise attacks.

And this [Unknown Flower of Rebellion], combined with Assassin's [Aura Cover], can be said to be a perfect hiding ability. It is no wonder that the little knight calls himself the most suitable rank, Assassin.

The red side's plan has changed, but the little knight has a very strong ability to adapt. He immediately activated this treasure to create an underground cavity in the ground and hide it.

Rushing directly to the rear, that is what Leng Touqing did.

Although the little knight hopes to defeat the Eternal King personally and let the Eternal King exit, she can guess the strength of the Eternal King.

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