I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 839

Singled out, she is definitely not a rival now.

And the red side has the idea to forcefully kill the Eternal King, so it is not bad to let the red side attack first and attract the attention of black side.

In the final analysis, the Holy Grail War is a hodgepodge. Some people are naive, some are kind...this is the personality of a person, and you cannot ask others to be like yourself.

And the little knight thought he was a very sinister person.

Therefore, her request for herself is to help the red side successfully penetrate the black camp to attack the Eternal King, that is enough.

Therefore, when Atalante was about to be intercepted by Saber, she shot.

The little knight grabbed Saber's ankle and dragged her directly to the ground.

She didn't know who Saber was, didn't see her appearance, and didn't care about these things in her heart.

She only needs to win and win the Holy Grail.

The ground was pitch black, and even the little knight could not see clearly.

But it doesn't matter, she has [intuition] inherited from her mother.

Moreover, she is still as high as A Grade [Intuition], even in this dark situation, she can still attack.

The little knight threw Saber to the ground heavily.

With a "click", Saber didn't notice for a moment, and his back hit the rock hard, causing Saber to let out a whine of "oo".

Afterwards, the little knight drew out the sharp sword in his hand and stab Saber's abdomen without hesitation.

Although it was pitch black, [Intuition A] still told her where she wanted to attack.

She used her sword very concealedly, without any sound, and without any signs.In this dark environment, no one must know, she stabbed out of the darkness with a cold sword, to kill!


A cold light flashed across the air.

With a "clang", the sword in her hand was shaken by another sword.

The little knight was a little surprised. Her sword was very concealed, but the opponent opened it with precision like a divine help. Could it be that she has abilities like [Heart Eye]?

"Despicable man!" Saber yelled.

Just as the little knight can't see the underground space, Saber can't see the underground space.

Because it is too dark.

But, it doesn't matter, she has an instinctive instinct, that is, an A-level [intuition]!

And this is what made her aware of the hidden sword of the little knight.

Without a move, the little knight quickly opened the distance.

However, she didn't know if it was an illusion. She always felt that Saber's voice was familiar.

Sounds like deja vu.

And the words of someone who seems to have known her...

There was only the group of Knights of the Round Table.

Indeed, the little knight has analyzed from the very beginning that there may be followers who are related to her in this Holy Grail battle.

The Eternal King is one of them, so it is not impossible for another Knight of the Round Table to appear.

However, the little knight did not intend to keep his hands.Even if it is the Knights of the Round Table, she will not let the Holy Grail out!

She didn't answer Saber's question, but went into hiding.

Her breathing was very weak, and her sense of existence was suppressed to the lowest level, as if she had merged with the surrounding dark space.

This can be regarded as being covered by a physical breath.

And in this situation, no one must be aware of her existence, right?

However, a cold chill slowly climbed onto her body, and the cold blade drew a beautiful arc in the air, and Saber stabbed the little knight in the chest without hesitation.

The little knight frowned, his wrist turned, and the sword in his hand turned with one of his swords.

With a "dang" sound, the two swords communicated in the air, sending out a violent sound of steel.

After blocking the blow, the little knight confirmed a little.

This Saber probably has similar abilities to her [Intuition A]!

The dark space poses no constraints on Saber!

"Who are you—!?" Saber demanded.

However, the little knight ignored her, but narrowed his eyes slightly, exuding a dangerous cold light.

Her [Unknown Flower of Rebellion] can hide her in any medium, even underground can form a stealth enchantment space with a radius of 100 meters.As long as one hundred meters away, the hidden medium will be restored to its original state.

In other words, as long as she drags a person into the ground, and then leaves the dragged person 100 meters away, the underground will return to its original state, and the person dragged in will undoubtedly be buried alive to death.

This trick is extremely destructive to ordinary people, magicians, and even ordinary heroic spirits, but powerful heroic spirits can directly pierce the ground with treasures to escape.

Just as Luvia wanted to bury Lord Gil alive, Lord Gil drove Vimala out of the ground after chasing her out.

The greatest effect of this treasure is actually its hidden effect.

I'm afraid no one would have imagined that there was a sneak attacker hiding in the ground where they stood on both feet.

And Saber suffered this loss.

However, against Saber who also has [Intuition A], the small knight is indeed difficult to start.

As she said, her frontal combat effectiveness is indeed not strong.

Of course, this is relative to Saber and Garner's level of existence. If she were to play a frontal battle with Astorfo, she would not say that she was not strong.

In addition, what she is best at is not front-to-back combat, but back-to-back combat.

The core of her battle is not weapons, but the mind.

Saber has [intuition] this ability, which really surprised the little knight.

But it didn't matter. The little knight took this into consideration when deciding to fight underground.

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