I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 840

Although surprised, it was not unexpected.

That's it.

"Take it to death, the scumbag hiding in the dark--!"

Saber snorted, Lianbu stepped slightly, the holy sword in his hand drew a beautiful arc in the air, and slashed towards the little knight.

When both parties have [Intuition A], darkness can no longer constitute a threat, and eyes and vision can no longer be constraints.

However, facing Saber's sword, the little knight's mouth showed a sarcasm, and then she shook her hand fiercely.

"Rumble rumbling rumbling--!!!"

There was a big explosion where Saber was.

"how come……"

Saber was a little surprised.

It was immediately engulfed by a fierce explosion.

The earth was shaking, making Saber unable to stabilize his figure. Following that, the explosion caused the collapse of the underground space, and huge rocks fell to Saber like meteors.

Saber has [Intuition A] true, but this tight wide-area coverage attack failed to make her [intuition] play too much.

Saber swung his sword to split the falling rock, but couldn't see what was hidden in the rock because of his sight.


"Rumble, rumble, rumble--!!!"

The rock exploded in front of her face, and the gravel hit her delicate face.


She was a little slow in her movements. She was hit by a huge rock and screamed in pain. Even the delicate face was filled with pain.

Hearing Saber's painful cry, the little knight's pretty face under the helmet showed a pleasant smile.

As a mind-type slave, she certainly considered that the opponent she dragged in was a heroic spirit with abilities such as [intuition] and [heart and eye], so she had obtained it from her lord, the lion robbery in advance. Necromancer's bomb.

These bombs will not have much effect on the heroic spirits, but they will affect the medium space formed by her [Unknown Flower of Rebellion], causing a collapse.

"Rumble, rumble, rumble—"

The huge rocks fell one by one, smashing Saber's head and face, but the medium space of [The Flower of Unknown Rebellion] finally stabilized.

Saber did not breathe a sigh of relief, but was full of vigilance.

With a "huh", the opponent's cold sword attacked as expected.

Saber stepped up to the sword grid calmly.


The two holy swords collided in the air, making a violent sound of steel.

The little knight was not surprised, but for the first time, he stretched out his foot and kicked it sharply at Saber's abdomen.


This kick hit Saber's abdomen fiercely, causing Saber to cry in pain.

The little knight bullied himself up, cutting out one sword after another.

After all, Saber is the first time to fight in this kind of underground environment, even with [Intuition A], but he still can't show his strength, and he was attacked by a landslide before, and was kicked in the abdomen by a small knight. The action became extremely slow, and he could only fight defensive battles.

The little knight is different.

Her swordsmanship was learned from several powerful Knights of the Round Table, and she was not weak in her own right.And the most important thing is that she has adapted to this kind of invisible underground warfare, adapted to the darkness, and adapted to the shadows.

She even used underground warfare to silently kill many Knights of the Round Table who were stronger than her.

At that time, Lan Mulok, the strongest spearman in Britain, and the sad knight Tristan, who was unparalleled in archery skills, were all killed by her.

"Clang, clang, clang--"

The sword and the sword clash, and the sound of steel surging is reverberating in this underground medium space with a radius of 100 meters.

No one would have noticed that a fierce battle was taking place two hundred meters underground.

The sight is blocked, relying on [intuition] alone, which is very detrimental to Saber.

The most important thing is that the opponent she faces is not ordinary dirty.

In this dark situation, the opponent confronted her with a sword, and then stretched out his foot and kicked her abdomen violently, and the kick was still in a position.

Although Saber's chest is covered with steel armor, the opponent's muscle strength is only a little worse than hers, and a bit of violent kicking still makes her face cold and sweaty.

She was always kicking her belly, which made Saber extremely annoyed. Taking advantage of the moment when the swords were fighting, Saber didn't wait for his opponent to kick her legs, and directly slammed her head over.

With a "boom," Saber felt his head dizzy.

The little knight looked at Saber with a weird look. Although he couldn't see Saber's face, the little knight thought his eyes must be looking at a fool.

Fool, right?

She wears a helmet!

But think about it carefully, under this kind of situation where the other party can't see the five fingers, it's natural to do this kind of behavior.

Taking advantage of this moment, the little knight stretched out his hand, clasped Saber's wrist, and then slammed Saber's back to the ground with force from his waist.

"Woo..." Saber let out a whine.

Then, the little knight bullied himself up and sat on Saber's body, clenched his right hand into a fist, punched it hard and hit Saber's abdomen.


Saber's punch made it feel as if the abdominal organs had shifted, spewing out bright red blood, staining the helmet of the little knight.

A look of pain.

What a delicious fragrance.

The little knight licked the corner of his mouth and sat on Saber's body. With his wrist turned, the sword turned, and the tip of the sword pointed at Saber's head.

Just as he was about to start, Saber reacted in time, slashed out with a sword, and slashed towards the little knight's head.

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