I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 844

Atalante raised his head and looked at the single-handed field of [Spike of Galloping Skyrim Star] that was beginning to shatter.

And Joan also raised her head, looking at the [Spear Point of the Star Galloping Skyline] singles field.


Did she hear it right?

Archer of Red said, Assassin of Black, Assassin who calls himself "Fujimaru Shiro", is the eternal king?

Out of the world she had in her memory, she was finally burned to death in front of the sculpture of the king, the eternal king in the legend?

This, this is impossible, right?

And, even if it is, it doesn't make sense anymore, because the king has already left!

Joan has a B-level [Real Name Recognition], which can see through all Servant’s real names, abilities, and treasures.

So she knows.

How terrible Achilles' [Spear Point of the Stars Galloping Skyrim] is!

Singles out the treasures, abilities, and protections!

To the dead!

The brave and the king are singled out by their skills...This is simply unfair to the king!

Therefore, when the realm of [The Spear Point of Galloping Sky Star] is broken, the Eternal King must be dead and has already exited!


[Running the Sky Star Spear Point] The single-deck domain was completely eliminated.

The next moment, a corpse that was torn into scum, slowly dissipating, fell from the sky.

There is no doubt that it must belong to the eternal king.


When people really saw the true appearance of the corpse, they were shocked.

"How, how is it possible!?" Yanfeng Shiro's eyes widened.

Semiramis was also stunned.

Not only that, but Atalanta, Garna, Arjuna... and even Jeanne of Arc, who had the [real name seen through], were stunned.

Because the corpse that is slowly dissipating is Achilles!

How could this be?

How is this possible?

This gave birth to such absurd emotions in everyone's hearts.

"You--, is this welcoming me?" Behind Shilang, the fleshy wings of [evil] fluttered, and flew out from the single-handed field of [Gun Point of Galloping Sky Star], standing in the sky, looking at it with a smile they.




pS: Yes.That's it for today.A reward is still owed four more~!

Chapter 24 Meeting

"Why, how could this be--?"

Yanfeng Shiro looked at the situation through the crystal ball, and felt a little unbelievable for a while.

The lore was broken, and he was prepared for it.


But what happened in the end?

The King of Eternity actually defeated Achilles in the heads-up space of [The Gun Point of Galloping Sky Stars]!

This, this is too incredible, right?

In the battlefield.

Shilang stood tall in the sky, smiling and looking down at the people on the ground.

"I didn't expect it, it turned out to be like this!" Garner raised an eyebrow and said in a calm tone.

Although the tone was plain, it was difficult to conceal his inner surprise.

Not only him, but even Arjuna who knew Shilang's true identity was surprised.

"That's it... That's it..."

Joan muttered to herself for a moment.

She remembered.

Think of the legend of an eternal king.

Legend has it that when the Eternal King was creating the dynasty, he overworked and died more than 20 times, and each time he defeated the guardian of the dead-the queen of the dead, Skaha, and returned to the present world.

In the last time, the queen of the dead surrendered to the skills of the eternal king, willing to become the knight of the eternal king and serve for the eternal king.

However, this legend is not very conspicuous compared to other legends of this holy king, because this holy king is named after the omnipotent and wise king, so it is easy to be ignored.

In the form of a dead soul, he defeated the legendary dead queen Skaha who killed the gods and many great heroes, freely entering and leaving between the real world and the dead, no matter how you look at it , The martial arts of this saint king is actually outrageous, right?

Jeanne noticed this, and nodded, convinced herself.

Achilles' corpse fell from the sky, and Atalante was about to move, but Garna took the lead and hugged his dissipating body.

Atalanta looked at Achilles who was about to dissipate, and said with an unbelievable expression: "Achilles..."

"Hug, sorry, eldest sister... that guy... it's like cheating." Achilles vomited blood.

He was hammered by Shi Lang with eight giant arms of [evil] in turn, and the smashed chest cavity and organs, the spiritual foundation had been broken, and he was not saved.

"Ah, ah... it was the first to leave the field... I am really unwilling..." Achilles sighed, then looked at Garna and Atalante, and said: "You, you guys run away Right! And, there is..."

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