I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 845

He raised his hand tremblingly, pointed at the Shirou who was flying in the sky, and said, "Then, that guy...it's hard to deal with..."

His body dissipated like snow.

Lingji turned into a faint soul, and ascended into the sky.

"It's really beautiful." Shi Lang sighed, then lowered his head slightly, looking at Garna and Atalante.

Six giant arms of [evil] grew behind him, and six [green horizons that open up a thousand mountains (pseudo)], prepared to eliminate Atalante first, and then compete with Arjuna and Vlad The III besieged Garna.

Arjuna and Vlad III also had this idea.

However, Arjuna, just like Shilang, focused on Atalante first.

He obviously wanted to kill Atalante first, and then let Shilang and Vlad III not intervene in the decisive battle between him and Garna.

Shilang needless to say, Vlad III was a tolerant and wise master, and both of them would naturally agree.

In this way, Atalanta was stared at by Shilang and Arjuna, just like a kitten being stared at by two lions.

Shilang fell in front of Atalante from the sky, and Ajuna stood behind Atalante.

Atalanta fell into a position of flanking back and forth, but fortunately there was Garna beside her.

But Garner was spotted by Vlad III.

Shi Lang surrounded Garna and Atalante.

Just as they were preparing to start their hands, with a "swish" sound, the two figures, under the action of an uncontrollable force, passed directly through their defenses and wanted to run.

There is no doubt that this is...

"Ling Shu——!?" Shi Lang raised his eyebrows.

"Don't let them run away!" Vlad III yelled and waved his hand. [The Capital of Punishment] turned into an iron hand and grabbed Atalante and Garna.

"Don't want to run, Garna!" Arjuna shouted.

"At least one must be left!"

Shiro replaced [Evil] with twenty magic thrusters and rushed over.

Arjuna and Vlad III also chased after him.

In the Forest of Idir, Yanfeng Shiro gave a wry smile.

"Under this situation, what should I do, Master?" Semiramis looked at Yanfeng Shiro's wry smile with interest.

"There is no way, Rider has left the field. You can't let Archer and Lancer stay there anymore! Use Berserker to delay them!" Yanfeng Shiro said.

Semiramis nodded.

There are no more decisions.

Achilles unexpectedly lost to Shirou, and his strategy and tactics had already failed.

The rest can only be stop loss!

And what to use to stop the loss, needless to say, naturally use the uncontrollable Berserker Spartacus to stop the loss.

Indeed, Yanfeng Shiro was very smart about this transaction.

Because both Atalante and Garna are controllable, only Spartacus is uncontrollable.

In fact, if it wasn't for Spartacus's bad things, wait one more day until Semiramis's [Vanity Garden in the Sky] is completed, things may not necessarily end this way.

Therefore, using Spartacus to stop loss is indeed the most cost-effective trade for Yanfeng Shiro.

Therefore, Yanfeng Shiro strengthened Spartacus with the spell, and asked him to cover the retreat of Atalante and Garna.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"

Spartacus, at the corner of the forest and Hercules, had accumulated a lot of magic power, and his body had swelled to 15 meters.This greatly strengthened his parameters. In terms of muscle strength, he even faintly strengthened the Hercules line, and under the strengthening of this magic spell, he became even stronger.

With a "bang", he smashed Hercules away like a meat-and-egg tank, and rushed towards the three of Shilang who was chasing Atalante and Garna.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The huge body of fifteen meters, running, made the earth sound like an earthquake.

Looking at Spartacus rushing towards him, Shiro quickly turned off the magic thruster, "Spartacus, Spartacus...!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" Spartacus glanced at Shirou, with a weird and unhurried smile on his face, and said, "Do you give the ruler of people's well-being? Your eyes are really beautiful. Object of resistance. I would like to offer you my hymn, but please forgive me, I can't stop, I still have something to fight against."

Spartacus rushed towards Arjuna and Vlad III.

"Get out of the way, don't get in my way!" A Zhou shouted angrily.

"Oh oh oh -, oppressor! My sword will tear your chains of oppression!"

Spartacus rushed straight towards Arjuna, but the more attack points were at Vlad III.

This made Dervlad III raised his eyebrows and used the "King of Capital" to penetrate Spartacus's body.

However, this did not harm Spartacus, but strengthened Spartacus.

Arjuna wanted to get rid of Spartacus, but Spartacus was too big, and being strengthened to this level, it was indeed not an easy target.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Garna and Atalante disappeared in front of the three of them.

Atalante is nothing.

But let Garner run away, which made A Zhou very angry.

He drew Vulcan's bow, preparing to destroy Spartacus first.

At this moment, Hercules ran from behind, he hugged Spartacus's thigh and threw him out.


Fifteen meters, the body like a hill smashed to the ground, and there was an amazing vibration.

Shirou waved his hand and turned into a thick rope with the mud of [evil], bound Spartacus, and said, "I have restrained him! Go chase!"

Arjuna lowered his bow, nodded, and chased after Vlad III towards the back of the Idir Forest.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"

Hercules roared to continue attacking Spartacus, but Shirou [Projection] showed a huge shield and blocked Hercules.

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