I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 849

At this time, an artificial life form looked at Spartacus and asked: "Spartacus, listening to you, I have a lot of things in my heart that I don't understand. After I finish my work, I can also Come to ask you?"

"Of course." Spartacus smiled.

"me too!"

"I have it too!"

"Can I too?"


The artificial lifeforms scrambled to ask.

"Of course, it's okay. I'm here, and the oppressor's shackles of your souls will be interrupted by me." Spartacus's face still has a relaxed smile.

"Thank you, Spartacus."

The artificial lifeforms thanked Spartacus and then dispersed.

Shiro glanced at Spartacus and couldn't help but smile.

This kind of behavior is probably an unforgivable guilt for any monarch.

No matter how broad-minded a monarch could bear this.

This is true even for Shi Lang who is still king.

If Spartacus did this in his dynasty when he was king, Shirou would be sure that he would kill Spartacus by all means.

Because this is the wisdom of enlightening people.

The foundation of the feudal monarch lies in fooling the people.

The stupid the people, the more stable the foundation of the monarch.

The wisdom of enlightening the people will shake the dynasty and shake the foundation of the monarch.

Whether it is Shirou or other monarchs.

There is absolutely no king of thousands of years, ancient and modern, at home and abroad, that can stand Spartacus.

but now……


Open one eye, close one eye.

Because the times have changed, and I want to do this too.

Shirou smiled.

Chapter 26 Medieval Star Chasers?[Third more]

Vlad III hosted a banquet for the victors in the castle. As the patriarch of the Thousand Realms Tree clan, Danic quickly mobilized his hands to clean up the wilderness battlefield outside the castle.

The battlefield was covered with the bones of the dragon tooth soldiers and the rock fragments of the dolls and golems.

The most disgusting are the broken arms and limbs of artificial life forms and broken organs.

Looking over from the wall of the castle, it was like seeing a sea of ​​blood on the mountain of dead.

Magicians have no special feelings, because they have long been used to such things.

But Koles Fulviji Yugdomirenia is an outlier among magicians.

He stood on the balcony of the castle, looking at the traumatized battlefield with a complex expression.

"What are you thinking about, Cowles?" Shirou walked out of the castle, looked at him, and asked.

"Huh?" Cowles turned his head to look at him, his face was taken aback, pointed to himself, and asked: "That, Assassin, do you know me?"

Shirou smiled and nodded.

Can you not meet?

In his world, there is still communication.

It's just that in his world, Cowles has become a disciple of Weber, while in this parallel world, he is the master of the Thousand Realm Tree clan.

Cowles scratched the back of his head, a little wondering how to speak.

He is the magician of the Thousand Realm Tree Clan, and compared with the excellent sister, he is much inferior in talent.Although a mediocre magician, he was chosen by the Holy Grail to become the master, and reluctantly accepted.

He is a fairly ordinary magician, and his status is not high in the Thousand Realm Tree Clan, so he is usually timid and doesn't communicate with people very much, but Assassin pointed out his name.

This makes him a little strange.

Shirou walked to the fence on the balcony, pointed to the battlefield in the distance, and asked, "Are you concerned about the battlefield and those artificial life forms?"

Cowles hesitated, then shook his head.

Does he care about these things?

To be honest, my heart is touched.

Because those artificial lifeforms are not magic puppets and dragon tooth soldiers, but human beings that have been created, with the same appearance and genes, and it can be said that they are children cultivated by them.However, if you just admit it like this, you won't have the courage of a magician, and you will be laughed at by the patriarch and sister.

"Um, impolite." Cowles bowed to Shirou, then turned and left.

Shi Lang watched him leave without saying much.

He glanced at the battlefield from a distance, then prepared to turn around and leave.

However, at this moment, behind him, Joan walked up.

Shilang saw her and smiled: "Is the banquet over?"

"No." Joan shook his head, and said, "I walked out by myself. Lancer of the Black is a tolerant monarch, so he is not angry with me.

Shi Lang laughed: "It's not good to have a banquet with the monarch. You can't leave at will, you have to take care of the monarch's emotions.

After a pause, Shirou glanced at the scenery behind him, then turned back, looked at Joan, and smiled: "It seems that you also came to see the battlefield cleaning. Then this excellent observation position is left to you, I Going first."

Shirou raised his foot and was about to leave, but at this moment, Joan looked up at Shirou and shouted: Well, that, please wait, black Assassin!"

Shirou stopped his feet, turned his head, looked at her suspiciously, and asked, "Is there anything else, Ruler?"

Joan took a deep breath, then looked at Shirou and asked, "Black Assassin, I have a question to ask you."

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