I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 850

"What's the problem?" Shilang asked with interest.

"You—you are the Arthur who is sleeping in the depths of the Hall of Valor, the King of Eternity, right?" Jeanne stared at Shirou tightly and asked aloud.

"Yes, it's me." Shi Lang nodded.

"Really, really you?" Jeanne's eyes lit up, and there was an expression of excitement on that pretty face, as if she saw an idol that she worshiped, but she didn't know what to say to Shirou.


She was burned to death on the statue of the Faceless King in Cornwall.

"Hug, sorry, wasted your time, but I really don't know what I should say now." Joan said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter."

Shi Lang looked strange and asked, "It’s just that I’m very strange. What is going on on the Heroic Seat? Why do you know me? The Heroic Seat should be a realm that transcends time and space. The world has made some insignificant contributions, which is nothing."

"You are humbled. You are the only person who has changed the trend of pan-human history. The heroes know that you are not a strange thing. Moreover, what you do is not trivial. If it weren't for the hygiene you created The system, the Black Death alone is enough to kill too many people, and the technology you created for inoculation of vaccinia. So far, I don’t know how many billion people have protected lives in front of smallpox... Ah, too many, I I can't count it anymore." Jeanne said with a look of excitement.

Shiro: "..."

This, this he really doesn't know what expression to put on.

I copied the technology of the future and became the founder.

This is too funny, right?

Shirou was not proud, but ashamed.

Because that is not the crystallization of his wisdom.

But he couldn't explain it.

I could only sigh and said, "Please don't talk about these things anymore."

However, this fell into the eyes of Joan of Arc, and that was a vain attitude.

Even though he has made great contributions to history and the history of mankind, the attitude of this king is calm and indifferent to fame and fortune.

Joan held her hands on her chest, like a nun meeting a saint, and said sincerely: "You are really too humble. I feel so ashamed in front of you."

Shiro: "..."

Shiro didn't know about Joan's experience.

Joan of Arc was born in 1412. That year, the Black Death had just ended for more than 50 years, and the damage to the earth and mankind was far from over.

And because Shi Lang left a sound health system and isolation measures in more than 500 AD, many lives were saved.

In addition, the smallpox virus was also terminally ill at the time, but because Shiro left behind the vaccinia technique, his life was saved in the park for more than 500 years.

At the same time, Shi Lang also left many precious planting techniques, and this does not know how many people have been fed.

This is also the foundation for the achievement of the title of Shilang Saint King.

It is because of these widely circulated deeds that Joan has been worshipped since childhood.

Even in the historical footprint left by the Eternal Dynasty, some of the classic sentences of the Eternal King will be memorized by Joan.

It's just a shame that she ended up dying in front of the eternal king's faceless holy king statue and was burned to charcoal.

This makes her feel very embarrassed.

Simply embarrassed.

Became a hero, was summoned by the Holy Grail, and became a Ruler. Jeanne thought she was lucky enough to meet a King Arthur, but she also encountered an idol she worshiped during her lifetime.

This made her both excited and at a loss.

Lamenting the fate of the Holy Grail, but panicked not knowing how to speak.

"Um, me, this, that's..." Joan's brain was in confusion, then looking at the clothes on her body, with an idea, she quickly reached out and handed the torn off piece to Shirou, and said, "Please, please sign me. Name."

Shiro: "?"

Shirou looked dumbfounded as he stared at Jeanne, who was bashful and lowered his head.

Medieval star chasers?

What the hell!



The lion robbery slowly walked towards the tomb spiritual vein.

He had just communicated with Yanfeng Shiro that the red side had failed to attack the black Assassin.

According to this situation, his red Saber, the insidious and cunning Servant who claimed to be "Galahad", might have returned.

To be honest, the lion robbery is still good for the little knight.

Although it is very insidious, with the feeling of a wolf in sheep's clothing, it does not give people a feeling of danger, but a feeling of safety.

Wearing armor and hiding his real name, but the voice is female, and there is no knight, swordsman style at all, but a kind of conspiracy.

Well, this little knight is definitely not a knight of the round table.

Must be someone who is famous for conspiracy and cunning.

And from the legend of Britain!

This kind of character, the first thing that came to mind, was of course the internal affairs officer who was known as the iron hand of Britain-Aggi Wen.

However, the sex of the little knight is female.

So no matter what you think, there is only one.

"Witch, Morgan Lefie?"

Lion Jiejieli walked while thinking about this possibility.


According to legend, the elder sister who wanted to take the Arthurian throne due to jealousy was also the true culprit of the kingdom of Camelot-Witch Morgan Lefy.

All the conditions are met.

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