I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 851

A woman, a conspirator who is not good at fighting, there is only Morgan, right?

However, before the truth came out, the lion robbery was not sure.

Climbing into the void of the spirit veins under the tomb, just after climbing in, the lion robbery world heard the sound of water.

"Wow! Wow!!!!"

It's like splashing something.

Lion Jiejieli was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked up, only to see that the little knight was wearing that tight blue silver armor, carrying a large bucket of water and pouring it on his head.

She had already taken off her horn-like helmet, revealing a golden ponytail that looked like the sun.

She picked up a large bucket of water and poured it on her head severely.


She dipped her brilliant golden hair, and the cold water dropped from her tight steel armor.


The little knight heard the movement behind him and turned his head to look.

But at this moment, the lion robbers the world and couldn't help being taken aback.

"How, how could it be..."

What should he say?

Hidden under the helmet of the little knight is not a terrible face, but a pretty face that is quite childish, even fat, which makes people feel immature. Those bright blue eyes staring at the lion like an eagle. Jiejieli.

But there is no doubt that the true age of this little knight is probably only about twelve years old!

Chapter 27 The Little Knight: One word, forbearance![7/10, ask for a monthly pass~!

"What? It turned out to be the Master. I thought it was an intruder. I almost smashed it with a sword just now." The little knight picked up the sword placed aside, waved it, and said grinningly.

The Lion Tribulation Realm said with a black line: "You just picked up the sword, right?"

The little knight said with a serious look: "Don't look at me just now that I didn't have a sword in my hand. Actually, I had already picked up the sword in my heart. There is a saying that the state of no sword is better than the state of sword. This is me. You have to study hard, Master."

The lion robbers the world: "..."

Well, this guy's mouth is really powerful.

Lion Jiejieli pointed to the basin next to the little knight, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"This?!" The little knight looked at the water basin and smiled: "Nothing, just calm yourself down, don't care."

"What about your helmet?" The Lion Jiejieli asked, pointing at the head of the little knight.

He searched everywhere but couldn't find the helmet of the little knight.

On the immature face of the little knight, there was a distressed look, and he said, "It was ruined by a fool."

"Stupid?" The lion robbery was taken aback.

"Yeah." The little knight nodded, and said distressedly: "Unexpectedly, she released the magic light cannon at a place two hundred meters underground. Really, isn't she afraid of burying herself?"

The little knight sighed, as if annoyed by something.

"However, there is one thing I want to apologize to you first, master." The little knight sighed.

"What is there to apologize for?" Lion Jiejie Li asked with a strange look.

"I could kill Saber of the Black, but because of my personal reasons, she almost killed me. Hmm. A major mistake!" The little knight nodded and said.

The lion Jiejieli asked strangely: "It doesn't matter if you don't tell me this, right?"

"M... this is not good. You and I are now grasshoppers on the same rope. I still have to tell you irrelevant things so that we can maintain a good relationship." The little knight smiled.

The corner of Lion Jiejieli's mouth twitched, and he asked, "...you fellow, did you just say something irrelevant?"

"There is a saying that people who care about details are fools, Master, you must never become a fool!" The little knight said seriously.

The lion robbers the world: "..."

He suddenly felt some myocardial infarction.

The Lion Jiejieli sighed, sat aside, and said, "There is one thing, I want to tell you,'Galahad'. The red side's plan is completely bankrupt, and Rider and Berserker ."

However, the little knight didn't see any trouble on his face, instead he nodded and said, "It's normal to have such a result."

She nodded gently, and her wet hair fell drop by drop with her movements.

"Tick, tick..."

Without hesitation, Lion Jiejieli took out a towel from his backpack, handed it to the little knight, and said, "Wipe your face."

"Ehhhhhhhhh? Master, are you worried about me? Worry about me as a servant? Oh, I see." The little knight nodded with a dazed expression, and then the immature and pretty face appeared. With a playful smile, he pointed to his face, and said, "Is my beautiful face charmed you? Alas, there is no way to do this. Who calls me natural beauty?"

Lion Jiejieli covered his chest, and he felt that his heart muscle was really infarcted.

He said depressedly: "Which idiot will be charmed by underage children?"

"Hahahahaha! Alright, alright, I won't mess with you, Master. Thank you for your relationship, but no, keeping it like this will calm my mind.

The little knight laughed, then reduced his smile, and then said seriously: "To be honest, I am not surprised that there will be this ending. After all, the opponent is the old and cunning old man."

"You guessed it a long time ago?" Lion Jiejieli noticed a little.

"Isn't this a matter of course?" The little knight nodded, hugging his chest and said: "That old man, although I have not been in contact with him, I still know a little bit about his treacherousness. Rather, I can. Taking the rank of Assassin from my hands is enough in itself to explain the problem. However, it does not matter, I have already figured out a plan."

"Oh? What plan?" Lion Jiejieli concentrated his attention and looked at the little knight.

"Of course it is, hehehe--" The little knight laughed, and then said: "Of course, we should eat, drink, and sleep."

Lion Jiejieli: "???"

He was dumbfounded.

With a serious face, the result is such a so-called plan?

"Oh, it seems that Master didn't understand the depth of my plan!" The little knight spread out his palm and said, "The current situation is too clear. If you have a head, you must stand in line and beg. It's better to hide. Wait until the situation is in chaos, and then come up again."

Lion Jiejieli frowned, and said, "But, the eternal king you are talking about is very powerful, can't you keep him behind?"

"Yeah. Everyone knows this information, but Black doesn't know it. So, the thought criminal will definitely try to tell Black. Master, do you say that Black will be so stupid to leave a big enemy for the end?" The knight asked with a grin.

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