I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 852

"This..." Lion Jiejieli frowned hesitantly.

Indeed, if it were him, he would never leave the enemy to the end.

The little knight lay on the ground and said, "So, let the thought prisoner help us with all the dirty work. We only need to wait until the situation becomes messy, and then we can do things again."

"So, what is our current strategy?" Lion Jiejieli raised his eyebrows.

"One word-forbearance." The little knight said old-fashionedly: "If you can't bear it, you will be in a big way. When the time comes, no matter how good the time comes, the victory will naturally be ours. And ah, I am also the kind of getting behind The stronger the heroic spirit. So now, Master, you should go to sleep."

Lion Jiejieli nodded, then looked at the little knight and asked, "What about you?"

The little knight said, "Read the book!"

At this time, Lion Jiejieli realized that the little knight was surrounded by a brand-new, thick book.

-"The Legend of King Arthur"!

The Lion Tribulation Realm looked at the little knight in surprise, and asked, "Aren't you the Knight of the Round Table, "Galahad"? Why do you still watch "The Legend of King Arthur?"

"Hehehe...Look at how posterity writes about us."

The little knight said with a smile, lying on the ground, flipping through the book.



Templar church.

Yanfeng Shiro glanced at the servants present, and couldn't help sighing.

This time they really suffered heavy losses.

Not only did he lose Achilles as the hero of Greece, but also Berserker Spartacus.

The most important thing is that the loss of two generals in a row is enough, but there is no gain except to understand that the Eternal King is very strong, who has not recovered.

Losing his wife and breaking down, this is the red side of Yanfeng Shiro.

The most important thing is, what should we go next?

"What are you sighing for, Master." Semiramis sat high on the throne, swaying the red wine in his glass, and said, "It's just a small failure."

"Small failure... maybe." Yanfeng Shiro sighed.

He glanced at Garner, did not say anything, just sighed again.

Garna said calmly: "This time it was caused by the inaccuracy of the information I provided. I don't know that the Eternal King still has that clay-like treasure, and even Achilles' single-handed field cannot be blocked."

"It doesn't matter. Although this situation is beyond my expectation, it is also reasonable." Yanfeng Shiro sighed and said: "If it really fails, it is also the failure of my master."

"Oh? Did you take responsibility for this failure? Well, it's a bit bold, Master." Semiramis laughed.

"Thank you for the compliment, Assassin." Yanfeng Shiro smiled at her, and then walked aside, looking through the window, looking at the rising sun that day, then he turned his head and looked at Garner and asked. : "Won't Arjuna talk about the Eternal King, Garna?"

Garna said very calmly, "A Zhouna wouldn't say it."

"Why? Are you sure?" Yanfeng Shiro asked.

Garna glanced at Yanmine Shiro, then slowly nodded, and said, "Ashu is not a troublesome person. In fact, he is the same as me, who doesn't like talking..."

Don't like talking...

Semiramis gave Garna a black line.


Shameless man!

Garna didn’t see it at all, and said, “And Arjun’s wish in the real world is just a fair contest with me and then win. I’m already here, and his wish has been fulfilled. His passion for the Holy Grail, There will be no more."

"That is to say, there is no motivation to say it, is it?" Yanfeng Shiro asked.

Garna nodded slowly.

"Then things will be easier." Yanfeng Shiro laughed.

"Oh? Master, what are you going to do?" Semiramis asked with interest.

"Nothing," Yanfeng Shiro shook his head, and then smiled: "I just want to see how high the consciousness of the black followers want to get the Holy Grail."




pS: That's it for today~!^_^

The update is irregular, indicating that there is no manuscript saved.

Chapter 28 This action is so fast!

The night is gradually gone, and the big red sun hangs high.

The faint sunlight leaked through the thin clouds and mist, sprinkling a faint golden halo on the ground, which looked very magnificent.

The Thousand Realm Tree's work efficiency was not low, and before the day was completely lighted, it cleared the battlefield outside Tolifas City.

The originally messy, blood-stained battlefield is now flat. Only the rubble of the rock golem and the dense bones hidden under the stone can prove that a great battle took place here last night.

Avisbronn and Astorford have been arguing about the ownership of A-11072.

However, Vlad III's attitude is ambiguous, and the matter has not yet been finalized.

As for the underground prison of the Thousand Worlds Tree Castle, Spartacus told the artificial life form, the definition of freedom.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the dispute between Avisbronn and Astorford, but they did not expect that the true and rebellious seeds had already been planted in the ground.

Shilang folded his arms and leaned against the door of the underground prison, watching the artificial life forms questioning Spartacus.

He chuckled lightly, turned and left.

Not long after he walked out of the underground prison, he found the black Archer Arjuna standing not far away, staring at him scorchingly.

Shi Lang was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "What's the matter, Archer?"

"My duel with Garna, you are not allowed to intervene!" A Zhou said with a grim expression.

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