I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 855

Vlad III glanced at Shirou and nodded.Then, he turned his head slightly, his gaze fell on Saber, and said, "King Arthur, you go too."

Saber froze for a moment, then clicked, and said, "I see, Lancer."

Shirou and Saber left between the kings together.

There are many underground facilities in the Thousand Worlds Tree Castle. Among them, the underground prison, the cultivation room for cultivating artificial life forms, and the central underground stone room where the Great Holy Grail is placed are representative.

In addition, in the early construction of the Thousand Worlds Tree Castle, it seemed that the castle was considered to be conquered. In order to prevent the clan from being destroyed, an underground corridor was left underground to the outside world.

It's just funny that the escape tunnel left by the ancestors of the Thousand Realm Tree clan for future generations is now being used by Spartacus and artificial lifeforms to escape, and it has blown up the tunnel.

The tunnel leads directly to the Apunni Mountain in the northwest of Tolifas. Because the tunnel burst directly from the inside, there is no way to pass the entire set of collapses.

Although there is a method of using light cannons to penetrate the tunnel, this will only cause multiple collapses in terms of the ground vein structure.

Therefore, Shiro and Saber set off directly from the surface and rushed to Mount Apkini.

Saber and Shiro are both very fast, even if Spartacus and the artificial lifeforms use the shortcut to rush to the Apunni Mountain, but at their speed, they can quickly catch up.

On the road.

Saber said complicatedly as he hurried, "I didn't expect that they would betray..."

"You look surprised, Saber," Shirou said.

"Yes." Saber nodded and said, "I used to know someone who was very similar to them and was created by a family. But that person spent his entire life, even if he died, following the creation of her. Order of the family."

Shiro understood who Saber was talking about.

There is no doubt that it is Alice Phil.

Shiro said: "Everyone has their own choices. Some chose to comply, and some chose freedom. From this point of view, everyone is the same."

Saber glanced at Shirou and didn't say much.

Shilang and Saber are fast, and not long after, one of Romania's famous spectacles-Apunich Mountain, caught their eyes.

Saber looked at Shirou.

She meant very clearly, let Assassin detect the breath of Spartacus and others, and guide the direction.

Using [The Evil of This World], Shirou quickly determined the location of Spartacus and the artificial life forms.

Pointing at the eastern corner of the Apkini Mountain, Shirou said, "There!"

Saber nodded, then dashed away.

Shi Lang followed closely behind.

The two hurried for a while, traveling through a forest. They had heard the sound before they saw anyone.

"Spartacus, where are we going?" someone asked.

"Go to a far home." Spartacus said.

Someone asked strangely: "Home? What is that?"

"That is a place where we can live together. Build some houses, make some fences, raise some poultry, and live a happy and healthy life." Spartacus laughed.

Someone asked, "Isn't that castle our home?"

"That is the fortress of the oppressors," Spartacus said.

Saber frowned, holding the invisible holy sword, rushed out, and yelled: "This is the end of the mess, Berserker!"

Shi Lang came out soon after.

Standing at the head of the crowd, A-11072 looked at Shirou and said, "It's Mr. Assassin!"

Shi Lang looked at the position of A-11072, laughed, and said, "That's it. It's your idea to blow up the tunnel."

A-11072 looked at Shirou with some surprise, and asked, "How do you know?"

"There are some things that you can see with your eyes without asking," Shi Lang said.

Looking at Shirou and Saber with a serious face, the artificial lifeforms became nervous.

"What, what? The owners are chasing over."

"Will we be recycled by waste?"

"I don't know... it should be recycled? Because we didn't work well."

"So I said, we shouldn't escape, we should stay in the castle like everyone else."


The artificial lifeforms became nervous.

At this moment, Spartacus came out.

His face still has that leisurely smile.

He looked at Shirou and Saber, smiled and said, "Dominator, my ally. Are you here to help us?"

"Help?" Saber frowned as he looked at Spartacus and said, "We're here to take you back."

As soon as the voice fell, there were some words on the artificial life body.

"Look, I just said. The master came to arrest us."

"I, I don't want to be recycled..."

"What is home? What is freedom?"


Some noisy sounds.

But at this moment Spartacus shook his head and said: "This is not good, my ally. I will not go back, let alone bring them back to you, because the oppressors will only exploit, only Will kill."

"I'm not your ally, Berserker." Saber said with a serious face: "And Lancer has already said that he will let them survive."

"Don't deceive people. The best thing the oppressors are good at is to deceive people with sweet words. My ally, have you even been deceived? Ah, ah...what a sad thing, the oppressors have used beautiful silks. Lived your eyes, but you didn't know it." Spartacus said.

Saber frowned.

She feels that what she and Spartacus are talking about is not the same thing, it is simply a mistake!

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