I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 856

At this time, Shirou looked at Spartacus and asked: "You want to take them away, but do you have a direction and goal?"

"Owner, what are you talking about? Across the mountains, there is a green field and a forest." Spartacus said.

"Really, that's it." Shi Lang sighed, and said with some headaches: "Sure enough, you are still affected by madness, you don't even have a direction or a goal."

"Don't tell him, Assassin. Berserker can't communicate!" Saber clenched the invisible holy sword in his hand, and the emerald green eyes stared at Spartacus seriously.

No one could tell that she had decided to attack.

Although Spartacus was irrational because of his madness, he had the instinct of a warrior, and he could feel the aggressiveness emanating from Saber.

He looked at Saber, still with a relaxed smile on his face, and said, "My ally, even if you are in the way of freedom, I won't keep my hand."

"You have no chance, Berserker. We have two rides here!" Saber said.


At this moment, Shi Lang called Saber.

"What's the matter, Assassin?" Saber turned his head and looked at Shirou.

At this moment, a black hand of [evil] suddenly appeared on the ground and hit Saber's wrist.

With a "boom", this unexpected blow, even her [Intuition A] did not trigger, and it shot down the invisible holy sword in her hand.

With a "clang" sound, the invisible holy sword in Saber's hand just fell to the ground, making a sound.

Immediately afterwards, under Saber's body, countless black hands of "evil" grew, from the ankles, calves, thighs, and then two arms, firmly clasping Saber.

This sudden attack shocked Saber, and then he had to break free, but Shi Lang took the lead and waved his hand fiercely.

"Wow! Wow!"

A mud tide of [evil] gushes out from behind him, and the black hand of [evil] gushing from the ground, like a silkworm chrysalis, binds Saber.

This sudden change stunned everyone present.

Including Saber himself.

"What are you doing, Assassin?" Saber looked at Shirou in disbelief.

Shirou smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Saber. The alliance relationship ends here."

"You, have you betrayed the black side?" Saber looked at Shirou blankly, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

Shirou said, "Ah...it's true."

"Why?" Saber asked.

Shi Lang pointed to Spartacus with a smile, and said, "Because I want to go with him."

After a pause, Shi Lang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I didn't hit you hard, I just trapped you here for a day. Well. Goodbye, Saber."

Shirou turned his back, talked with Spartacus for a while, and then went to the distant place together.

Saber struggled for a while, and found that he couldn't get away at all, so he could only gritted his teeth and shouted, "Assassin——!!!"

However, Shirou ignored her, just smiled and went away with Spartacus.

Saber stared at Shirou's back, unable to struggle.

Chapter 30 The Girl's Dreamland [Third More]

This is a beautiful dream.

The girl of a lord who rules the country has been very naughty since she was a child, and she also loves to laugh very much.

A girl who never cares about gains or losses, nor about grievances, smiles very brightly and happily.

A girl who will fight with boys, take risks together, go crazy and go crazy, and never put any grievances in her heart.

In current terms, that is a heartless mad girl.

However, even if she was heartless, this crazy girl still had one thing stuck in her throat like a thorn, and she couldn't swallow it.

That is--,

She has no father.

Everyone said that her father was a great warrior who died heroically in the war when the dynasty was opened.

She cares about this, because she has never received the love of her father.

Whenever she saw someone else’s father sitting on his shoulders with his child, walking around the garden, enjoying the peace and happiness of the dynasty.

She is always sad and envious.

The girl does not have a father, but she has a mother.

But how to say?

She thinks her mother is very stupid, very real, and very afraid of the dark, more afraid of being alone.

Whenever she showed an expression of admiration for other people's family, her mother would panic, and then lift her to her shoulders, clumsy and hard work to make up for her father's love.

It's really stupid.

For her mother's behavior, the girl can only sigh this sentence in her heart.

So, in order not to worry about the fool's mother, the girl never showed her face except for a smile.

Although the girl's mother is a lord, her temper is too upright, so the family's income is only the dynasty's salary.

Therefore, the girl’s mother took advantage of her free time to open farmland near the manor.

Girls are also helpful.

Although my life in the country is frugal, I am happy.

Later, the dynasty came with invaders.

The king who ruled the dynasty disappeared.

People embraced her mother and became the new king.

And she, from the daughter of the country lord, became the princess and heir of the dynasty.

But life has not changed much.

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