I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 861

Know the geography of modern Romania well.

The underground passage of the Thousand Worlds Tree Castle leads directly to the Apunni Mountain, and the opposite of the Apunni Mountain is the confluence of the White Krish River and the Black Krish River.There are small cities such as Brad and Zam.

And the red Berserker, and the eternal king with those artificial life forms to run away, they can't go far, they can only go to those two cities.

Therefore, Vlad III divided into three groups, launched a raid towards the two small cities of Brad and Zam, and contacted the red side to act together.

Saber, Arjuna and others went to the two small cities of Brad and Zam, respectively, while Vlad III continued to sit as the central castle.

As the master of Vlad III, the leader of the Thousand Realms Tree clan, and the initiator of this Holy Grail War, Danike looked at Vlad III and really didn't know what to say.

However, Danike didn't say anything, but Vlad III saw through his mind.

He sat on the throne, looked at Dannick, and asked, "Dannick, I cooperate with the red side. You are dissatisfied."

Although it was a question, Vlad III's tone was positive.

"This... I dare not." Danike lowered his head and said.

"You have awe in your heart, and Yu is satisfied. But you don't have to be so wary of Yu. Although Yu is surprised that Assassin is the eternal king, there is a saying that the eternal king said that the feudal era has come to an end. It's not what this era needs." Vlad III sighed and said.

Danick lowered his head and said nothing.

At this time, it's hard to say.

Vlad III glanced at Danick and said, "You are the leader of a clan, and also the monarch. You must know that the ruler is not to say a few beautiful words, that is it. The ruler is the ruler, and you should not be emotional. Combining vertical and horizontal lines is the basic. Remember."

Vlad III got up, turned and left.

Danick raised his head, looked at the somewhat lonely figure of Vlad III, and said, "Wang...actually, I am puzzled. What the hell is the eternal king? That so-called crowned hero is again what?"

"Just as the highest rank of a modern magician is the crown, and the one who stands at the apex of the heroic spirit is also the crown. If you still don’t understand, just understand, as the red dialect says, the complete Assassin is more standing. The rest is tricky, you can." Vlad III said, and then went away.

Dannick looked at the back of Vlad III and murmured: "Is it stronger and trickier than the king standing in Romania...?"


Vlad III assigned a route to everyone.

The place where Saber and Astorford went to chase was Brad City.

"Then I'll go first, Saber." Astorfo smiled and sat on the Griffin, the sky of Brad City.

Saber frowned and yelled, "If you see Assassin, don't tell him about it!"

"Yeah." Astorfo nodded, and then left.

Looking at his careless expression, Saber sighed.

I'm afraid this guy will confide in him as soon as he sees Assassin, right?

This was Astolfo that she could see through as a king who didn't understand people's hearts, Vlad III had no reason to not see through.

But why did Vlad III assign Astorfo to her?

"It's because I don't worry about being together, so I just assigned Rider and me together?"

Saber frowned.

If this is the case, then no doubt Vlad III has miscalculated.

Saber at this moment, no matter what, he must meet Shirou.

Not because he was backstabbed before, but because he wanted to ask how he changed the history of pan-humanity and survived the people of Britain.

That was her long-cherished wish, she did not hesitate to accept Alaya's vicious miracle, but also to achieve it.

Saber rushed towards Brad City. Although the walking speed was not as fast as Astorford riding a Griffon, it was still fast. She deserved her agility.

Hurrying on the road, Saber's head was full of the dream that he had obtained the way to save the nation from Shiro, and then received the Holy Grail, resurrected Camelot, and allowed the British to survive.

In that dream, even if the kingdom is still perished, the Britons survived.

How wonderful?

And at this moment--

not good!Saber yelled subconsciously.

She instinctively felt a deadly threat, and she stopped her pace quickly in fright.

The next moment, there was a loud "bang", the earth cracked, and an incandescent beam of magic power gushed out from the depths of the earth, blasting out like a pillar.

If Saber had just launched [Intuition A] and had foreseeed this dangerous blow, and quickly avoided, she would have died or injured.

"This light cannon...who is it?" Saber held the invisible holy sword in his palm tightly, and stared at the place where the light cannon gushed.

In the scorched earth raging by light cannons, a girl holding a black and red holy sword slowly emerged from the depths of the earth.

This bizarre way of appearing on the stage made people extremely surprised, but looking at the familiar and unfamiliar face, Saber became solemn.

"It's you...!" Saber gritted his teeth.

The girl was wearing a silver armor and holding a black and red holy sword in her hand, but her face looked very similar to Saber.

It can even be said to be an artwork carved out of a mold.

The girl looked at Saber gritted her teeth and smiled: "Of course it's me, Mordred!"

"Don't be kidding, Mordred, you're bigger than you!" Saber said with a serious face.

"Is that so? In your ten-year ruling, plus the time to defeat the Humble King Vudigen, I am afraid that your Mordred is much younger than me, right?" The girl asked with a smile.

After a pause, the girl smiled and said, "Although you may not understand that. But I am also Mordred."

"I'm not interested in talking about this with you, nor in confronting you now. Get out of the way!" Saber shouted.

"That's not good. You are not interested in me, but—" the girl smiled, "I am interested in you."

Chapter 33 As long as you help another person, it’s enough [third more]

Templar church.

Yanfeng Shiro received a letter from the Thousand Realm Tree Clan from his envoy, and was overjoyed.

Semiramis sat on the throne, holding a goblet.

She looked at Yanfeng Shiro who was overjoyed, and said with interest: "It seems that Black has agreed to the plan to eliminate the Eternal King first."

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