I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 862

Yanfeng Shiro nodded and said, "Yes. They agreed."


Semiramis snorted softly and shook the goblet in his hand. The red wine in the cup swayed like blood. He said in a somewhat arrogant tone: "It seems that the heroic spirits of the black side are nothing more than this. I thought they would refuse, show off their power, and mock Master by the way."

Yanfeng Shiro smiled and said, "I'm afraid this will disappoint you, Assassin. The black Lancer, that kind of demeanor, you can see that it is a king-type hero. This kind of heroic spirit is not emotional."

"That's true." Semiramis laughed.

At this moment, Lancer of Red Garna held his sharp spear and walked towards the door.

"Lancer, what are you going to do?" Atalante called.

Yanfeng Shiro also looked at Garna strangely. According to his understanding, Garna would not act at will.

Garna turned his head to look at Atalante, his face calmly said: "The priest will definitely want me to cooperate with the Black side in the next moment, but according to the words of the priest and Assassin, I will talk in a word. It will be soon. It lights up. I think it's stupid, it's a complete waste of time."

Yanfeng Shiro: "..."

Garner's tone is calm, but there is no doubt that this is despising, right?

This is despising, right?

Semiramis glared at Garna fiercely, and said, "Just keep taunting me! Now that Rider is no longer there, I will be the first to poison you when the battle is over!"

"In fact, you don't have to say that you poison me all the time to show your strength. That is meaningless, it will only make people feel that you are weak." Garner said calmly: "By the way, your poison is against me. It's useless."

Semiramis waited fiercely for Garna, looking like he was about to eat Garna.

It's just a pity that Garna's face is still very calm.

"Okay, okay. Stop arguing, stop arguing, everyone is still a partner."

Yanfeng Shiro quickly became a peacemaker, and then looked at Garner and said, "Lancer, the black side has heard the news. The Eternal King and our Berserker fled together. And most likely it is in Zam City."

"Then you can just use Lingshu to let Berserker capture the Eternal King back?" Atalante asked.

Yanfeng Shiro smiled bitterly and said: "I used to control Berserker before and used two lingo spells... But if we want to force Berserker to control Berserker again, we need two lingo spells, but unfortunately, I only have one left in my hand. ."

"So that's it." Atalante nodded.

Semiramis snorted: "Master, even if Black agrees. Don't worry about it. It's hard to guarantee that Black and the Eternal King will link up and prepare to ambush us!"

"Don't lower your sanity just because you want to show your existence, Assassin." Garna said calmly.

"What did you say?" Semiramis widened with anger.

Garna said: "Because the red can walk now is to believe in black? Either believe in black and cooperate with black to repel the eternal king, or wait until the eternal king recovers and be repelled by the eternal king. Isn’t there just these two paths? You can’t be foolish to fail to see this clearly, so the meaning of saying it is to show your own existence and show your status as the leader of the red side.”

Garna's tone was very calm, but Semiramis's palm was clenched tightly, as if he breathed higher and lower, he was about to move his hands at any time.

Yanfeng Shiro didn't know what to say, and he was a little afraid that Semiramis and Garna would fight now.

Semiramis held back his anger, clenched his fists, and said in an angry voice, "Go chasing you!"

"So I said, your communication is meaningless, it's just a waste of time." Garner said calmly.

Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!

Semiramis couldn't take it anymore.

She never had the urge to kill someone at such a moment!

Do not.

It's more than just killing!

She would dance on this guy's body, kick his ass with her feet!

Semiramis gritted her teeth, her two slender hands were tightly grasped, and no one could see that she had endured to the limit.

However, Garna turned and left calmly.

The only people controlled by Yanfeng Shiro are Garna, Atalante, and Semiramis.

Therefore, in order to prevent Atalanta from giving it away, Yanfeng Shiro did not let Atalanta attack, and rejected the trump card Semiramis’ proposal to start the [Vanity Sky Garden], but just let Garna go. To the most likely city of Zam.

In this regard, Atalante was very depressed.

There is no doubt that she was underestimated.

But what I have to say is that this is reality.

Against the Eternal King, even if it is the Eternal King who has not fully recovered, she is not an opponent.

And Garna dealt with the eternal king who had not recovered completely, even if he was not in the enemy, he could retreat calmly.

This is also Yanfeng Shiro's tactics.

"Black has done it too. Black will definitely dispatch Arjuna. If Arjuna cooperates with Garna, even the King of Eternity, in an incomplete state, it must not be an opponent." Yanfeng Shiro Smiled.

Garna and Arjuna, these are the double walls of Indian mythology, as long as Garna and Arjuna are united, even if the crown is uncertain, they will not be opponents.So in an incomplete state, even the eternal king is bound to fall.

Garna hurried all the way, and soon passed through the Apunni Mountain to the city of Zam.

And maybe it was due to fate, he happened to run into Arjuna.

Arjuna saw Garna, calm down and disappeared immediately, with a bully smile on his face, and said: "Galna, let's fight!"

"It's a pity that I won't do it with you now. My lord has officially given me an order to cooperate with you to kill the eternal king first." Garna said calmly: "You have to do it, I don't Will fight back."


A Zhou glared at Garna fiercely.

What he seeks is a fair and just battle with Garna, and then victory over Garna.

If Garna did not fight back, then the so-called decisive battle would be meaningless.

"Humph." A Zhouna snorted coldly and said, "Well, the battle between you and me will be saved until the Eternal King exits. However, I must kill the Eternal King first!"

"Even if you say that, it's impossible to arouse my fighting spirit." Garna said calmly, but the speed of running was accelerated a bit.

Arjuna laughed wildly and said, "Also said you have no fighting spirit!"

"Don't use imagination to feel my behavior, it's just your imagination, meaningless." Garna said lightly, just running faster.

The two of them were competing, rushing across the Apunni Mountain and running towards the city of Zam.

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