I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 864

Shiro and Spartacus took artificial lifeforms into the outskirts of the city.

This is a vast hills and plains, backed by rolling mountains.

Shiro took the artificial lifeforms to build a house here.

They are all weapons manufactured by the Thousand Realm Tree Clan to deal with the Magic Association, and both of them are higher than ordinary people in terms of labor and efficiency.And because the Thousand Realm Tree Clan gave them a part of collaborative knowledge when they were born, their collaborative labor ability is very strong.

Under the gaze of Shiro and Spartacus, the artificial lifeforms began to cut down the trees in the forest, preparing to build their own houses here.

Spartacus had a leisurely smile on his face and wanted to help, but Shi Lang stopped him.

"What's wrong, Dominator. My legs can't be stopped at this time." Spartacus looked at Shirou and said.

Shi Lang looked at Spartacus and said with a smile: "It's nothing, just wait for a moment. I just want to return what should belong to you."

"You didn't oppress me, and you didn't exploit me. How come you can tell me again, Dominator?" Spartacus asked with a fascinating smile.

"Of course there is." Shirou said, "That is your reason."

Shiro stretched out his palm, [Mortal Hero] aimed at Spartacus and activated it instantly, giving Spartacus a skill.

——Desperate Will!

With the [Desperate Will] attached to Spartacus, his brow suddenly wrinkled in pain, and the chaotic eyes that were dominated by instinct began to have a faint clear color.

[Desperate Will] This is an inherent skill that Shirou copied from the record of the King of Eternity.

It can greatly increase endurance and avoid deadly attacks. The greatest effect is to increase the patience of abnormal interference.

And the [Frenzy] brought by the Berserker rank is just an abnormal interference resisted by [Desperate Will]!

And this is what Shiro wants to return to Spartacus.



Spartacus covered his head and yelled, looking a little bit painful.

"What happened to Spartacus?"

"Did something happen to Spartacus?"


The artificial lifeforms who were working saw Spartacus screaming, and one by one quickly put down the work in their hands, surrounded them, and looked at Spartacus with concern.

"No, nothing...I'm fine, friends." Spartacus said, clutching his head.

Shiro looked at the artificial lifeforms and said, "Go back and work. Work is glorious."

The artificial lifeforms nodded and went back to work.

Spartacus covered his face, looked at Shirou through his fingers.

This gaze is no longer chaotic, but clear, even with some sense of scrutiny.

"It seems that you have recovered your mind, Spartacus." Shiro said, looking at Spartacus.

"Yes." Spartacus sighed and said, "I didn't expect that I, in the real world at the Berserker rank, would actually do so many stupid things."

Shi Lang was taken aback for a moment and asked, "You regret what you did?"

"No, an unknown king." Spartacus shook his head and said, "I was just irrational, I was only governed by my own instincts, and many things were not thought through my brain. I just wanted to bring them out. , I just want to release their spiritual constraints, but there is no plan. If it were not for you, the unknown king, I am afraid that what I have to do will not succeed. And even if I succeed in bringing them out, it is just death On the road to chasing ideals."

Shiro nodded.

Spartacus, who had been restored to his rationality due to [Desperate Will], did not regret what he did when he became mad. He was just afraid of his instinct alone and reckless end.

Fortunately, when he became mad, he got Shirou's help, and no mistake was caused.


"I'm very strange." Spartacus looked at Shirou with very confused eyes, and asked: "You are the king and the ruler. I will definitely not mistake this. But why did you help me? Help at that time I am irrational and do things by instinct alone?"

Shirou stretched out his palm, pointed at the artificial lifeforms, and said, "They, like us, are not all human beings?"

Spartacus was taken aback, then nodded, and said, "You are really a benevolent monarch."

"Thank you." Shi Lang shook his head and said, "This is just a matter of mentality, not much at all."

"But the most difficult thing is the state of mind." Spartacus shook his head and said: "In my cognition, the monarch never treats people as adults, but as possessions and creating value offerings. A slave to his own pleasure. Therefore, your mentality is really commendable among monarchs. Please tell me your name, and I am willing to proclaim your real name."

"It doesn't have to be this way. I am just an assassin in this realm, without the side of a king. Moreover, you and I are like-minded, so it is enough to get along harmoniously." Shi Lang smiled and waved his hand.

Spartacus admired: "You are really a magnanimous king."

Shi Lang was depressed.

Isn't this normal humanitarian communication?

What can be bragging about?

Moreover, he returned his sanity to Spartacus, not letting Spartacus brag about himself!

"Okay, don't talk about it. Let's help them together." Shi Lang said.

Spartacus nodded.

With the participation of two people, the speed of construction was very fast, but now it is even faster.

Shiro is responsible for command and planning, while Spartacus is responsible for moving.

I have to say that Spartacus's body is too strong, and he carried a tree that could only be surrounded by three people with one hand.

This aroused the amazement of artificial life forms.

Time passed bit by bit, and with the joint efforts of everyone, the housing complex was built.

Under Shilang's plan, these residential terraces have clear levels of transportation, and they already have the feeling of an ancient village.However, it should be said that it is indeed a doll that was bred for war. This labor is too efficient.

And this is undoubtedly the new starting point for these artificial life forms that defected from.

On the other side of the Pathian Mountains, a big red sun slowly rose to the sky, dazzling light shining on the earth.

The artificial lifeforms sang and danced in front of the built ancient village, while Spartacus looked at them with a smile.

This is almost like how Moses took the Jews and fled from Egypt to the New World.

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