I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 865

It's just a pity that this era is modern, not ancient.

And the place where they escaped is not the New World, but just a city away.

A total of 36 artificial lifeforms escaped with Spartacus.

The housing problem for these 36 people has been solved, but they lack food.

Therefore, Shiro took A-11072 and planned to go to Vasha City to purchase some food and some daily necessities.

In fact, Spartacus wanted to go with Shirou, but Shirou refused.

Because Spartacus's sturdy size is really scary.

His fighting power in the first night suffered a lot of damage from Hercules. Although he had digested a lot of magic power from the damage at the moment, his size was still maintained at three meters or less. It was too scary to enter the city. .

Shiro and A-11072 went to Vasha to purchase things together.

On the way, A-11072 said with some embarrassment: "Really, I'm really sorry, Mr. Assassin. You let us go, but now you have to work for us."

"Don't care, in fact, this is just a trip for me. Don't care, don't need to be so formal." Shi Lang smiled.

For Shirou, A-11072 is really embarrassed.

Shiro took A-11072 into Washa City.

Shirou frowned shortly after entering the city of Vasha.

He and A-11072 walked into the city of Washa together, and the citizens of Washa city stared at them one by one.

It didn't feel much at first.

However, after walking for more than ten minutes, several citizens stared at them, with a wolf-like look in their eyes, which made Shi Lang feel that something was wrong.

"A, Mr. Assassin, why are they looking at us?" A-11072 asked puzzledly.

Shiro said, "Don't worry about them, just leave after purchasing our stuff."

"I see." A-11072 nodded, and subconsciously approached some Shirou.

To be honest, there is no way he can ignore this.

The people in this city looked very weird, staring at them with scorching eyes, as if they were about to rip them alive, which made A-11072 a little scared.

In fact, this is Shirou's feeling.

He also felt that the city was a bit weird.

Especially after he posted [Intuition] to himself, he immediately felt a very uncomfortable feeling.

But what it feels like is not clear.

It is a very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable feeling.

Shi Lang frowned.

Shi Lang brought A-11072 to a supermarket, purchased a lot of daily necessities, and rented a small truck.

Just about to check out, the owner of the supermarket asked: "Friends, are you not locals?"

Shilang raised his eyebrows and asked, "Boss, how did you see it?"

"It's a business, and it pays attention to eyesight. There are some things that can be seen at a glance." The supermarket owner smiled, and then said: "I'll be a kind person, and I advise you to leave this city quickly."

A-11072 asked strangely: "Why?"

"Don't ask too much, it's best to leave quickly, a foreigner," the boss said.

At this time, outside the supermarket, a bell rang suddenly "dangdangdang".

The boss's face changed abruptly, and then he clasped his hands in front of his chest and made a prayer, changing his face to a pious look.

Shi Lang raised his eyebrows.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a suit walked in outside the door.

"Praise the beautiful world." The boss first prayed piously, then looked at the middle-aged man and said: "Isn't this Priest Josson? Is there anything going on with me?" the boss asked.

"Praise the beautiful world." The middle-aged man also prayed, then looked at the boss, and said: "I'm here to inform you Getais that a church will be held in Civic Square this afternoon. Don't be late."

The boss asked strangely: "Isn't it said that there are despicable foreigners making trouble, and the leader has also gone to preach in Tolifa, so it will not be held for the time being?"

The middle-aged man said: "The despicable foreigner has been caught by the deputy leader, so it can be held as usual."

"That's it. This is really a happy thing." The boss said with a pious face.

At this time, the middle-aged man looked at Shirou and A-11072 and asked, "These two are also foreigners, right?"

"Yes, we are buying things from Tolifa City," Shiro said.

"Oh? Tolifa City?" The middle-aged man's eyes lit up, and then he asked: "Then have you seen our leader?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know the leader you mentioned." Shi Lang said.

The middle-aged man said: "Just a very beautiful and very holy lady. As long as you meet her, you will be happy from the heart. Ah... the great leader. Praise the beautiful world."

Shi Lang shook his head and said, "It's a pity that I didn't meet such a lady."

"It's really a shame. You missed understanding the true meaning of living." The middle-aged man shook his head, and then said with a smile: "However, you can also come to our church. Don't worry, we are not strange. organization."

Shiro nodded.

At this moment, the middle-aged man looked at the boss and said, "Then, I'm going to inform the next one, Getais."

"Praise the beautiful world." The boss prayed devoutly.

When the middle-aged man left, the pious look on the boss's face disappeared suddenly, and he whispered in a low voice: "Fuck your mother's praise!"

A-11072 said: "Mr. Assassin, we should go now."

Shiro nodded.

At this moment, the boss raised his head, looked at Shi Lang and A-11072, and said, "You can't live without it, foreigners."

"What does this mean, boss?" Shi Lang asked with interest.

The boss said, "Isn't this obvious? You have been preached. If you dare to leave the city like this... Believe me, the vice master will come to you and give you nightmares!"

Chapter 35. How about making my collection?

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