I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 867

"If it's only swordsmanship, it is true. But if you only use your knowledge of'Mordred' to recognize me, you will suffer a lot. Because --, I am not a knight, It's the king!"

Saber was not shaken by Mordred's words, but the next moment, the change in Mordred's body made her stunned.

Strange rune.

It's like a strange word that means something.

The very strange rune crawled out from under Mordred's neck, and stained Mordred's whole body.

That exquisite, immature face was also scary because it was covered with this strange rune.

Like the old Wu Zhu.

"This, this is..." Saber couldn't help but was stunned. She had never seen such a thing.

Do not.

It's not just that I haven't seen it, there is no such thing in British legend.


Saber lowered his head slightly, looking blankly at the holy sword in his hand.

At this moment, the invisible holy sword in her hand was emitting a faint starlight.

It's like some hidden function has been activated.

Once, when she got this invisible holy sword, the sword in the lake-the sword of oath of victory, and the holy gun Lungomiard, Merlin had told her whether it was the sword in the lake or the holy gun Lungomi Niad is all planetary creation.

The Holy Spear Lungominiad is the star anchor that anchors the epidermis of the planet, and the Star Sword is a weapon used by the planet to defend against the enemies of the world.

And now, is the faint light of the star activated by the ability of the star sword?

But isn't this only activated when facing the enemy of the world?

Saber was at a loss.

"Understand? I'm a very despicable person. For me, as long as I can achieve my purpose, anything, and any power, I will use it." Mordred laughed, then licked his lips and said: "First of all, I am not a gentle person. So, it will be very painful."

Saber frowned. Although she didn't know what Mordred did, the strange situation did make her feel bad.

Holding the Sword of Oath of Victory that exudes a faint starlight, she rushed towards Mordred with a stride, and slashed towards Mordred with a slash.

Facing such a cold sword, no matter what Mordred is going to do, he must first defend himself, right?

However, it did not.

Mordred didn't do anything, and Saber's sword was taken for granted.


With a "swish", Saber's sword seemed to have hit the air, and it went straight through Mordred's body.

not good!

Saber's eyes shrank sharply, immediately unloading his strength and preparing to retreat, but Mordred kicked Saber's abdomen directly.


Saber screamed in pain, and took seven or eight steps back.

Saber gritted his teeth and struck Mordred's abdomen with another lunge.

However, with a "shoo", the sword passed through Mordred's body again, and Mordred slashed at Saber's shoulder with a backhand.

Saber quickly blocked, but the sword and the sword did not clash.

Mordred's red and black holy sword passed directly through Saber's star sword and her body.

It doesn't seem to cause harm either.


With a "chap", Saber had an extra wound on his right arm.

The blood is flowing.

Saber pushed hard with his feet and quickly backed away, leaving Modredella away.

She clutched her wound and looked at Mordred suspiciously.

Mordred smiled at her and said: "Now it's too late to make my collection obediently."

However, what responded to her was a cold sight.

Saber said coldly: "I understand, is this your hidden treasure? My sword cannot attack you, but your sword can attack me."

"Yeah. That's it." Mordred nodded, smiling.

Saber took a deep breath, then took a position.


The star sword in her hand exudes a dazzling light.

Not only that, the faint light of the stars entwined with the sword body also lit up.

The invisible holy sword exudes a brilliance that Saber has never seen so far.

"——Sword of Victory!"

Saber blasted this endless brilliance towards Mordred.

The sword can't attack Mordred, but the Liberation Oath of Victory Sword can attack.

However, is this really the case?

"How, how..." Saber's eyes shrank sharply.

The invisible holy sword exudes a brilliance that Saber has never seen so far.

However, Mordred walked towards her slowly in the light.

She was not hit by the Sword of Oath of Victory, instead she walked slowly towards Saber as if she had passed through the glory of the Sword of Oath of Victory.

"It's a pity, whether energy or light, for me now, it's a medium that can be hidden." Mordred said with a smile.


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