I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 868



pS: I can't bear it today, I owe one more.New Year's Eve is coming, and my sister at home has also given birth to a baby. Recently, she has been busy, and the update is irregular, so sorry.

I owe one more, I will make up, please rest assured.

Although it was two shifts, the word count is still 8K today... it can beat the others by 4 shifts...

Chapter 36 This is my waywardness

The sky was bright.

Lion Jiejieli is still in the tomb's spiritual veins, deploying his own equipment.

"When, when, when..."

Behind him came the sound of footsteps accompanied by the collision of steel.

Lion Jiejieli deployed the revolver in his hand, and asked without looking back: "I'm back, Gentleman Galahad."

"Yes, Master." A voice came from the person behind him.

It's just that the voice is slightly rushed and looks a little tired.

The Lion Jiejieli turned his head to look, and couldn't help being taken aback.

I saw his red Saber little knight, carrying a knight girl in a blue knight costume, standing behind him.

The little knight threw the knight girl on his shoulders to the ground.

The knight girl was thrown to the ground by the little knight, and her steel armor collided with the ground, making a "bang" sound.The thin body of the knight girl moved on the ground twice because of inertia, and then she didn't react.

Her eyes were closed dimly, as peaceful and beautiful as a princess who had fainted.

It's just that face, exactly like the little knight!

This made the lion robbery world a little confused.

In addition, the armor of this knight girl is missing one piece in the east and one piece in the west. There are blood stains on the corners of her mouth, and her face is gray and embarrassed.

It can be seen that there was a fierce battle.

The little knight rubbed his wrist and complained, "I have to struggle in the end. I'm really exhausted."

With a dazed expression on the face of Lion Jiejieli, he stretched out his finger to the knight girl and asked, "Galahad, this, this is...?"

"Black Saber," the little knight said lightly.

The little knight's tone was relaxed, but the lion robbery was stupid.

His Servant went out, and finally came back with a fainted black Saber?

What the hell is this?

Lion Jiejieli frowned, pointed at Saber and asked: "This, is this the waywardness you said to me,'Galahad Qing'?"

"Extremely right." The little knight nodded and smiled: "This is my waywardness!"

Lion Jiejie Li really didn't know what to say.

His Servant went out for a trip and ended up carrying Black's Saber back!


What should I say?

Lion Jiejieli looked at Saber's embarrassed face, then turned to look at the little knight, and asked, "Did you knock her out,'Galahad Qing'?"

"Yes. I stunned." The little knight nodded and smiled: "She is too uncooperative, so I can only stun her."

The Lion Tribulation Realm thought for a while, and asked: "Does it make any sense to tie the Black Saber back,'Galahad Qing'?"

"It's all my willfulness, Master."

The little knight lowered his head, put his palm around the back of Saber's head, slowly held Saber's head up, and then put his cheek on Saber's, smiled and asked, "I haven't seen the doorway clearly yet. Is it, Master?"

The Lion Tribulation Realm said suddenly: "Oh. I understand, you are sisters. And'Galahad Qing', your true identity is Agruwen, and the black Saber is Gahris, Gareth, One of Gawain, right?"

Although the legendary Knight of the Round Table is a female, this is outrageous, but the existing clues can only deduce this result.

"Tsk." The little knight glanced at Lion Jiejieli with some speechlessness, and then said: "How do you see that we are sisters, Master? Well, let me tell you that I am a mother and daughter. "

The lion robbers the world for a moment.

Mother-daughter relationship?

Lion Jiejieli glanced at Saber, who was knocked out by the little knight, not knowing what to say.

"Although Black will come to her and the King of Eternity, I am really surprised. But you can rest assured, Master. I am bound to win the Holy Grail and will not keep my hands. But before that, I must do one thing. ."

The little knight stretched out his palm and gently stroked Saber's cheek.

Lion Jiejieli looked at this scene speechlessly, and then reminded: "'Galahad Qing', although I don't know your real name, I don't know what you are going to do. I don't say anything about your waywardness. But as a Master, I have to remind you that no matter what you want to do to Saber of the Black, once her Master finds that she has fallen into your hands, once her Master finds out that she has fallen into your hands, he can send a spell to let Saber of the Black be transferred away."

"That's true." The little knight nodded, and then said with a smile: "However, I have my own plan in my heart."

The little knight went to get a basin of water, took the newly bought towel and soaked it in some water, and then hummed an unknown ballad while gently wiping Saber's face.



The city of Washa.

Shiro asked A-11072 to drive away in the truck first, while he stayed, preparing to see this strange church in Vasha.

However, the supermarket owner changed his mind.

He returned the rent to Shilang, and refused to rent the truck to Shilang.

"I can't lend you the truck, because it seems to the missionaries, but if you help you escape, I will be bestowed disaster by the vice-master." The supermarket owner said with a look of fear.

It can be seen that he is very afraid of the so-called vice-master.

To be honest, the religion of Washa City makes Shirou feel a little weird, and even feels that there is some cult spreading here.

Shi Lang asked, "Boss, you have been preached by a cult? You can report directly to the government. The local government won't just ignore it, right?"

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