I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 870

Shi Lang nodded, sitting a little farther away from the middle-aged man.

He glanced at the fiery eyes of the people around him, turned his head, and whispered to A-11072: "Wait a moment, what do they call, we will follow. Do you understand?"

A-11072 nodded busy.

At this time, the bearded priest stepped onto the stage with his hands slightly open, as if embracing the world, and said, "My friends, we are here, and praise this beautiful world."

"Praise the beautiful world!"

"Praise the beautiful world!"


The crowd around shouted.

Shi Lang followed and yelled, looking at everyone present like an eagle, frowning involuntarily.

At this moment, among the people who gathered in this civic square, following the shouting, not only the citizens, but also capitalists, policemen, soldiers, priests and nuns of the church church, and even the politicians of the city participated.

Shi Lang was able to recognize these people because many of them were celebrities who posted big pictures everywhere in the city.

It's no wonder that the supermarket owner would say that it is useless to report, because even the city's politicians have already participated in it.

And at this moment, the believers who gathered here, regardless of high or low, looked fanatical, as if they had been caught in an evil spirit.

Shi Lang frowned.

"I am very happy to be able to meet my friends here again in this cloudless clear sky. Ah... Praise this beautiful world!"

The bearded priest prayed again, and the people present praised again.

To be honest, Shirou had a deep understanding of the feeling of the supermarket owner.

No matter how beautiful the words are, if you hear them repeatedly, you will eventually feel crooked and bored.

It's no wonder that the supermarket owner would whisper and compliment.

It's like forced brainwashing!

At this time, the bearded priest said with a sorrowful expression: "My dear friends, it has been two weeks since the last church was held. In these two weeks, we are all the time and do not want to hold our church again. However, there is always a vicious witch destroying our church! This is destroying our beautiful heaven, this hateful witch!"



People followed the response, hoarse, with strong malice and hatred.

A-11072 was a little scared, and subconsciously approached some Shirou.

Shirou was not timid at all about this battle, and his expression was calm.

The bearded priest glanced at the screaming crowd, nodded and said, "But, finally yesterday! Our great vice-master caught this hateful witch! Now, friends, let us one Get up and judge this witch!"

A young girl was pushed up by two policemen.

Shirou didn't feel anything about the words of the bearded priest, but when he saw this girl, he couldn't help being surprised.

This girl is about sixteen years old, with short pink hair, one side of the hair just covers her eyes, a pair of bright violet eyes, and a pair of glasses with black frames.

She was wearing a white short coat, a black skirt inside, black pantyhose on her slender legs, and a pair of brown leather shoes.

No way.

This, this is not...

Seeing this girl who was escorted by the police, Shi Lang was taken aback.

The bearded priest said loudly, "My friends, our great vice-master has already found out clearly. The real name of this witch, called'Matthew Girelette', comes from a person called'Chaldias' The evil organization! Its purpose is to destroy our beautiful world!"

People looked at each other, and the sound of communication was like a vegetable market, buzzing and extremely messy.

Shi Lang frowned.

Together with Spartacus, he played the black side and the red side with the artificial life form, and came to the city of Vaasa, opposite the city of Tolifa.

Unexpectedly, there was a strange surprise happening here, and what was even more unexpected was that there would be a Matthew Girelette here!

as well as……


Shi Lang frowned, held his temper and continued to watch.

However, A-11072 looked at Matthew Girelette, who was restrained by the police, in astonishment. He actually had the feeling of seeing the same kind.

It's really inexplicable.

Father Bearded walked slowly to Matthew Girelette and asked loudly, "What purpose did you come here for?"

Matthew’s brilliant violet eyes had no color, and he said in a daze, "In order to repair the connection point..."

"Why did you enter our city?" The bearded priest asked again.

Matthew said blankly: "In order to wait for the captain..."

"Tell me, did you ruin our party?" the bearded priest asked loudly.

Matthew's brilliant violet eyes were still lacklustre, and said in a dull tone: "Yes..."

The bearded priest turned around, faced the crowd, and said, "My dear friends, do you hear clearly? This witch has already admitted, what should you do?"

The discussion was noisy and buzzing, and Matthew, who had his arm held by the police, stared blankly, without a trace of expression on his face.

At this moment, someone shouted: "Burn her to death!"

This sentence is like a fuse lit.

The people gathered here shouted one by one.

Malice is like tide.

However, the face of Matthew on the stage was still calm, as if he hadn't heard.

A-11072 felt very strange, and asked Shirou in a low voice, "Mr. Assassin, why is that lady not responding at all?"

"It's probably someone who has controlled his mind." Shi Lang squinted his eyes and said.

"Burn her to death!"

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