I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 871

"Burn her to death!"

The surrounding believers shouted enthusiastically.

Like people hunting witches in the Middle Ages.

"Then give a trial here--," the bearded priest shouted loudly: "The trial is fire!"

Several policemen carried a pillar and walked onto the stage, and then led the dull-eyed Matthew to the pillar.

Several people set up a tall pyre beside Matthew.

The bearded priest picked up a torch.

The burning fire, at this dawning time, illuminated half of his holy face, just like a priest who burned a witch to death in the Middle Ages, holy and loving.

"May heaven be beautiful. Praise the beautiful world." The bearded priest prayed, then threw the torch into the pyre.

"May heaven be all beautiful."

The citizens are also praying.

They witnessed Matthew in the sea of ​​flames, one by one with peaceful and pious expressions.

At this moment, Shi Lang, who was sitting in the crowd, turned his head to look at A-11072, and said, "I'm going to run away!"

"Huh?" A-11072 was taken aback.

Shi Lang did not wait for him to recover, he stretched out his palm and grabbed his back collar, and then "evil" surged behind him, forming the fleshy wings of "evil", and flew into the sky with a "swish".

Such a shocking change naturally aroused the exclamation of the surrounding followers.

They looked at Shi Lang flying into the sky and at the ugly [evil] meat wings behind Shi Lang, they couldn't help but exclaim.

"It's a devil!"

"It's the devil of hell!"

"Is it the witch's companion?"


The believers exclaimed one by one, terrified.

It is true that Shiro's [evil] fleshy wings are indeed terrifying, which is in line with the human image of demons.

Shi Lang did not pay attention to the panic of the believers. Instead, he waved his hand so that [Evil] formed a huge arm and grabbed Matthew, who was in the fire.

"The target of the devil is the witch!" The bearded priest exclaimed, "Stop him!"

Soldiers and policemen present took out their guns and fired at Shilang.

But the bullets of modern civilization, as soon as they touched the [evil] mud around Shilang, they were polluted and degraded by the [evil] mud.

Seeing that the bullet was useless to Shi Lang, some policemen turned around and prepared to shoot Matthew.

However, Shi Lang's giant arm of "evil" was one step ahead, reaching into the sea of ​​fire, and grabbing Ma Xiu.


"Devil! It's a devil!"

"The witch's accomplice is a demon!"

"The devil has come to destroy our beautiful world!"


The Civic Square was in chaos.

Shouting, crying.

Very messy.

Shirou ignored it, but regenerated a giant arm of [evil].Two giant arms of [evil], one holding Matthew and the other holding A-11072, flew towards the distance.

The bearded priest yelled angrily: "The deputy leader will not let you go, devil, witch!"

No one paid any attention to him.

Shilang took A-11072 and the absent-minded Matthew, flew to the station.

A-11072's little head worked very hard to get out of the giant hand of [Evil], looked at Shirou, and said, "Mr. Assassin, the daily necessities we bought have not been carried over yet!"

"I know, don't worry."

Shi Lang smiled, and then flew to the supermarket he visited before.

Previously, the supplies they purchased were placed in front of the supermarket after communicating with the boss.

Shi Lang flew to the supermarket and grew a giant arm of [evil] after grabbing these supplies, and flew directly outside the city of Vasha.

And at this moment--

With a "pouch", Shi Lang suddenly paused in the sky.

A-11072 turned his head to look at Shirou and asked, "Mr. Assassin, what's the matter?"

"No. Nothing."

Shi Lang shook his head and continued to fly forward, but his heart was a little confused.

Just now, his [Evil of this World] seemed to have eaten something, and his magic power suddenly increased by a lot!

This situation is like ten years ago when he swallowed the Zhu Yue fragments disguised as Luo Ya.

Could it be...

What was there just now that wanted to get into his body?

Shirou frowned and thought while flying.


Another corner of Vaasa.

In one room, a person frowned while playing with the crystal ball in his hand.

"Control failed?... No, it's like my mental body was eaten. However, this kind of reaction should be a follower who is chasing the Holy Grail like me? Really, the battlefield is not in Toliface. The city? Why did you come here suddenly? It would be bad if it caused Ruler's reaction. Really, I don't want to see the woman Joan of Arc."

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