I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 872

The man sighed, then rubbed his temples with a headache, and said to himself: "Master is also true. Obviously Chaldea has sneaked in, and finally ran to Tolifas at this time. Ah. Ah, she is really a woman who can only act according to her own desires. But let me remind her."

The man passed the crystal ball in his hand and contacted a certain woman far away in Tolifa City.

"What's the matter, Caster?" the woman asked.

The man asked, "When are you going to come back, Master?"

"There are many people who need salvation here. Ah... Praise this beautiful world." The woman said.

The man grew a little head and said, "The Chaldeans have been taken away."

"Chaldea, what is that?" the woman asked.

The man said silently, "Isn't it the stowaway you told me to kill before?"

"Ah... this way. Sorry, I have forgotten it. Because this kind of thing is too insignificant for the great cause I want to achieve." The woman said.

"Really an incompetent master." The man sighed silently.

"When are you going to come, Caster?" the woman asked, "Are you not the Red Caster?"

"That's not good, I can't see Joan." The man said, "Just let the red and black compete again. Anyway, don't you and I pursue the Holy Grail? Oh. It's from this world. Holy Grail."

"That's what I said. Ha ha ha..."

The woman laughed in a gentle voice.

Chapter 38 Thank you for telling me so much information [third more]

Shilang took A-11072 and Matthew, flying from the sky to the place where the artificial lifeforms were stationed.

The bumps along the way brought Dema Xiu back to life.

Her bright eyes, which were like violets, regained their brilliance, as if they had just woke up, and she was a little distressed.

It was just the cold wind blowing on her face that quickly brought her back to life.

"I, I am..."

She looked around and saw that she was held tightly by a huge dark palm, and there was another cloud under her feet. She was shocked.

She yelled "Wow" and attracted De Shilang's gaze.

Shi Lang turned his head slightly, looked at Matthew, and said with a smile, "You are awake."

A-11072 looked at Shirou strangely, feeling a little strange, isn't this young lady always awake?

What A-11072 didn't know was that what Shiro said was that Matthew's mind was awakened.

Because Shi Lang had seen at a glance that Matthew's mind was controlled.

Hearing that, Ma Xiu turned his head, those violet eyes looked at Shi Lang, as if seeing a strange thing, Ma Xiu showed a surprised expression and asked: "Wei, Senior Wei Gong? You, Why are you here? Didn't you go to assist the third connection point with Senior Meiyou?"


Shi Lang raised his eyebrows.

He cares a little about the word.


Wei Gong?Beautiful tour?

What the hell?

Shaking his head, Shi Lang said, "I'm afraid you have admitted the wrong person. I am not the person you know."

Ma Xiuzi took a close look at Shi Lang, that face, she would never admit it wrong.

But take a closer look, this person's hair is not the white red hair she is familiar with, but a smooth black hair that falls straight to her shoulders.There were no obvious burn scars on that face either.

And the huge black palm that held her was not owned by the senior Wei Gong in her memory.

The key is……

This feeling... is it a follower?

Must be a follower?

And that Senior Wei Gong is still alive!

"No, sorry. I'm really sorry, I have admitted the wrong person." Matthew quickly apologized.

"It doesn't matter, I happen to have something to ask you. However, this is not the place to talk." Shi Lang said.

Matthew didn't answer, she didn't understand the situation now.

She only remembered that after she contacted her captain, the stronghold was discovered, and then she fainted somehow.


Just passed out inexplicably.

As if he had been cast a hypnotic technique, he fainted without even being able to activate the subordinate transformation.

As a result, after waking up now, I found myself being held in the palm of my hand and flying in the sky.

And the person who caught her looked almost exactly the same as the senior Wei Gong she knew.

But, what is her current situation?

"Woo... the captain is right. A newcomer like me shouldn't act easily in the connection point. But... but I didn't act either. Why was I suddenly caught?"

After entering the connection point, he first came to Romania. Matthew was stationed in Vasha, the nearest city to Tolifas, and he obeyed the captain's command and did not act rashly.

However, now he was caught.

And it was caught by a strange looking person.

The most unfortunate thing was that she found that she was now weak and mentally exhausted, as if a drowning person had just been salvaged from the water, and she had no defense at all.

"What is my situation like?"

Matthew was worried, and looked at Shi Lang subconsciously.

For some reason, she was obviously not the senior Wei Gong she was familiar with, and she was a follower, but she was strangely not afraid, but had a strange intimacy.

The key is……

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