I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 876

"Huh huh?" Ma Xiu glanced at Shirou with a little surprise, "How do you know Senior Fujimaru?"

Is it the heroic spirit summoned by Fujimaru?

Matthew thought this way, and suddenly felt that it was extremely possible.

Otherwise, how could this follower know about Chaldeans and about her?


Haven't heard of Fujimaru-senpai, what kind of heroic surname is called Fujimaru?

Matthew felt strange.

However, she did not care about Shirou's surname.

After all, in the Chaldeans, there are several heroic spirits who hit their faces. For example, Miss Nero and Her Royal Highness the Knight King, it doesn't matter that the last name is the same.

"Sure enough..."

Shi Lang smiled bitterly.

Earlier, he had obtained a lot of information from Matthew.

And it was this information that made him guess one thing!

That is--

This Matthew is most likely from his world!

This also means that everything he did...

Are all meaningless?

Chaldea was established, and his sister, Fujimaru Tatsuka, also became the last lord of Chaldea?

It's just that after different, the final result is the same?

Ma Xiu looked at Shirou a little strangely, she found that after she mentioned Senior Fujimaru, the servant named Shirou Fujimaru showed a rather distressed expression.

"Then, that... Mr. Fujimaru, have you been summoned by Fujimaru-senpai before?" Mashu asked.

"Summon...Ah, uh! Summoned, that's why I know Chaldeans so well. And Master's orange hair is still fresh in my memory." Shilang nodded.

"So...no wonder. I'll just say it."

Matthew smiled, and the alert in his heart was greatly reduced.

In this way, everything makes sense.

However, I didn't expect it...

At the connection point, here, you can also receive the favor of that senior...

Matthew's eyes darkened.

Shi Lang defrauded Matthew's trust, but he was a little unwilling to give up. He looked at Matthew and asked: "Matthew, let me ask you, what happened in your world in 2003?"

"In 2003?" Matthew said without hesitation: "Of course. Although I haven't seen it, people say that in 2003, the world was shrouded in black mist, and then all over the world appeared. Strange sight, but this strange sight disappeared with the dark fog after a day. Oh. By the way. Chaldeans was established at the end of 2003 when the United Nations was strongly supported."

"Is that so..."

Shi Lang smiled.

But all the fluke in my heart disappeared.

The answer is that.

Everything he did was useless.

Chaldea was established as usual, and his sister became the lord of Chaldea.

Everything came into the plot structure he knew well, just the process...

It's slightly different.

"Speaking of, how is the Master I used to be? I was her hero very early, and I don't know her current situation." Shi Lang said with a smile.

"Senior Fujimaru's words...very awesome! Super awesome! Mr. Fujimaru may not know that Senior Fujimaru is now the queen of our Chaldeans! Repair the first, second, eighth, thirteenth, and the first one by oneself. Seventeen connection points, concluded contracts with countless heroes, and were called the queen of heroes!" When he mentioned this topic, Matthew's tone became a little excited, as if he was talking about his idol.

"Oh? Master, is she so good now?" Shi Lang asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Ma Xiu nodded, looking excited, and said: "Fujimaru-senpai is really amazing. After all, Fujimaru-senpai is the first member of our Chaldeans, and he joined Kaha when he was six. Le Di, preparing to become an excellent master..."

Matthew wanted to continue talking, but Shi Lang interrupted fiercely: "Wait, wait, you said six years old?"

"Huh huh?" Matthew glanced at Shirou strangely, and asked, "Didn't Fujimaru-senpai tell Mr. Fujimaru? Fujimaru-senpai joined Chaldea when Chaldea was founded in 2004."

"Why?" Shi Lang asked subconsciously.

"...It seems that Fujimaru-senpai's brother, sister, and best friends all died in the 2003 Dark Mist incident." Matthew lowered his head and said, "I don't know the specifics, but I don't know. , Fujimaru-senpai is really strong, and it makes people look forward to..."

Shiro: "..."

At this time, Matthew raised his head, looked at Shirou with a strange look, and asked, "Does Mr. Fujimaru know about this?"

"...She, she didn't tell me."

Shi Lang sighed.


Matthew nodded, a clear look appeared on that delicate pretty face.

"That's right, just ask. When you came to this connection point, what time point was your world?" Shilang asked.

"2016. What's wrong?" Matthew looked at Shi Lang strangely.

"How, how..."

Shi Lang was dumbfounded.

He was obviously only taken away by the false gods. For him, time was just a blink of an eye.

But, how come 13 years have passed?

And most importantly...

Sakura didn't go back?

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