I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 877

Chapter 40 There is a super weak follower here. Does anyone want it?[Second more]

The war in 2003.

Shiro thought it was the last war in his own world.

Zhu Yue was destroyed by El Quette, and the false spirit seat was also destroyed by him and the heroes.

The Holy Grail Crystal has been used, and there will be no more Holy Grail Wars.

The most important thing is that King Solomon’s human rights corrections were destroyed more than 3,000 years ago. There will be no Gaetia, and there will be no human riyaki types, so of course, no human riyaki types will be born. crisis.

The world line has been biased towards peace.

But what Shiro didn't expect was that Chaldea was born as usual in his world.

It was not because of the Holy Grail War that Marys Billy won and the birth of a large amount of money, but the direct investment of the United Nations that represented the world!

The most important thing is that Renriyaki no longer exists, and the singularity no longer exists.

However, there was an inexplicable "connection point" that had never been heard before!

According to Matthew's meaning, the so-called connection point is his enemy of Chaldea in that world at this moment!

For specific matters, Shirou has not yet returned, so I don't know.


Even if he goes back, I am afraid it will be a mere fact, right?

He left that world in 2003. As a result, the time node of that world has reached 2016?

This means that he has disappeared for thirteen years?

He had promised Altria that he would go back in at most a year!

Shi Lang felt infinite shame in his heart.

He, a person who values ​​promises so much, has missed his appointment again!

The most important thing is...

His sister actually joined Chaldea when he was six years old?

Became the lord of Chaldea?


Sakura hasn't come back since 2003?

What exactly is going on?

Since he left that world, what has happened in these 13 years?

At this moment, Shi Lang desperately wanted to return to his own world.

But he is now a servant summoned by the Romanian Holy Grail War and cannot leave Romania in this world too far.

And his body is still lost in the cracks of the dimension.

How to go back?

"Mr. Fujimaru? Mr. Fujimaru?" Ma Xiu stretched out his palm and shook it in front of Shirou.

Shi Lang returned to his mind, looked at Ma Xiu, and said apologetically: "Sorry, I'm lost."

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Fujimaru. I passed it." Matthew waved his hand quickly.

She is now under the fence, how dare to overdo it?

Shi Lang looked at Matthew's left and right, then looked at Matthew, and asked, "Speaking of which, Matthew, you have entered the connection point without any follower? Could it be that this connection point is actually not dangerous?"

"No, it's not like that." Ma Xiu shook his head and said, "In fact, I am an Alazier. I have combat power, so I don't have to sign a contract with the hero."

"Is that so? But it seems that if you are alone, I am afraid it is not safe. After all, you were not tied up before, and you will be burned to death." Shi Lang said with a smile.

"Ah, ah... this... this... that..."

Matthew lowered his head, and the delicate little face was flushed with shame.

There is no other way. He was put down unconsciously and almost burned to death. This is really a stain!

Shirou said, "Although I am still confused about your so-called'connection point'. However, this so-called'connection point' must be very dangerous? In that case, there happens to be a Servant without a Master here, and there is a Master. Will you sign a contract?"

"Ah? There is no Servant of the Master? Where is it?" Matthew asked with bright eyes.

There is no need to say more about the benefits of having a Servant, at least, there is no need to experience the battle in the connection point, and the security is greatly increased.

Shi Lang pointed to himself, smiled and said, "I just need a Master, are you willing to sign a contract with me?"

"of course!"

Matthew nodded.

There is a follower who is willing to sign a contract with her, what is so bad about it?

No matter what the follower, since it is a follower, it is very powerful, at least before the meeting with the captain, there is a guarantee of safety.

"I will protect your actions here. But I said beforehand, my ability value is very poor, don't dislike it." Shilang said.

"No, no. Mr. Fujimaru is willing to sign a contract with me and become my Servant. I am very grateful." Ma Xiu waved his hand and said, "Furthermore, there is a word from Fujimaru-senior that I still remember clearly. She said, "There is no bad Servant, only an inappropriate Master."

Shi Lang was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a relieved and distressed expression, and said: "She... has been able to say such things."

"Yes." Matthew nodded, then patted his chest confidently, and said: "And Mr. Fujimaru don't have to worry, I have confidence in my own magic. As long as the Master's magic is enough, Servant The parameters will also rise!"

"That's good, speaking of it, I am also the kind of servant who needs magic power." Shi Lang laughed.

"Then I can satisfy you, Mr. Fujimaru."

Matthew also laughed, and then used Chaldean art to establish a contractual relationship with Shirou.

In fact, Shi Lang would be willing to be Matthew's Servant, not because it was troublesome, but because Matthew came from his world!

And there seems to be a relationship with his sister, Fujimaru Tatsuka.

The most important thing is that this so-called "connection point" is something that the Chaldeans of his world have to deal with, obviously affecting the existence of his world.

Then, it is impossible for him to sit idly by.

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