I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 879

"It's the captain. The Chaldeans are all old and new models. There will be a senior and a younger generation to do tasks and teach together." Matthew said.

Shirou asked, "What about your captain?"

"On the way here... It should have happened while traveling through time and space. The captain and I did not arrive at the same place. I first arrived in Romania, where the mission was performed, but the captain was in London." Matthew said.

"In other words, are we waiting for your captain now?" Shi Lang asked.

Matthew nodded and said, "Yes."

"Oh... it's really a conservative strategy. Instead of this, I have another action strategy." Shi Lang smiled and said.

Matthew asked strangely: "What strategy?"

Shi Lang pointed to the direction of Vasha City and said, "That city is probably related to your mission, Master. So, I suggest to explore."

"Why do you say that?" Matthew asked.

Shi Lang pointed to his head and said, "Intuition. Anyway, I'm idle. It's better to explore. Anyway, there is no loss."

Shi Lang spread his palms.

Matthew nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "Then let's go now!"

Shi Lang stopped Matthew.

"What's wrong, Mr. Fujimaru?" Matthew looked at Shirou strangely.

Shirou said, "It's not that rush, let's finish your lunch first."

Shi Lang pointed to the bread in Matthew's hand.

Chapter 41 is really naughty, mother [third more]

It's midday.

After Matthew ate the bread and filled his stomach, Shi Lang took Matthew and prepared to go to Vasa City to find out.

Originally, it was not safe to bring Matthew to explore together. After all, Matthew had already exposed it once, but considering that some information may only be interpretable by Matthew, who is a member of the Chaldeans, Shi Lang still brought Matthew. .

Before leaving, Spartacus approached Shiro.

Spartacus's height of more than three meters is very deterrent, at least Matthew is a little scared instinctively when facing Spartacus.

Spartacus looked at Shirou and said, "A-11072 has already told me everything about that city. If there is anything I can help, please tell me, Dominator. As long as it's not oppressive And the evil of exploitation, I will be your sword and your shield."

"No need, Berserker. Just stay here." Shiro glanced at the artificial lifeforms, then looked at Spartacus and said, "They still need you very much."

"I see, Dominator." Spartacus nodded and said.

[Evil] surged behind Shilang, and two flesh wings of [Evil] grew out of [Evil]. Then he held Matthew with a huge arm of [Evil] and flew from the sky to Vasha.

In the sky.

Ma Xiu, who was grasped by the giant arm of [Evil], moved her body, but it was a pity that the giant arm of [Evil] was so tight that she could not move.

"This feeling of being taken to the sky..."

Matthew was a little indescribable.

She sighed, then pulled out her hands vigorously, and kept pressing the electronic bracelet on her right wrist, trying to contact the captain or Chaldea.

Unfortunately, the electronic bracelet still failed to contact anyone.

Matthew sighed disappointedly.

Shi Lang glanced at the manipulator ring on Matthew's right wrist and asked, "Is this the mechanism you used to contact Chaldea?"

"Yes, Mr. Fujimaru." Matthew nodded and said, "This is a contact bracelet that members of Chaldea will have. It is made by combining the concepts of modern information science and classical alchemy, even if it is traveling through the world. You can also get in touch. It is the proud work of Mr. Kenneth Elmeloi Achipolud, the director of our Chaldean machinery workshop."


"So, I understand." Shi Lang nodded.

At this time, the face of the city of Washa is close at hand.

Matthew asked, "Well, Mr. Fujimaru? Do we need to pretend to go in?"

"Why pretend?" Shi Lang asked strangely.

"Then, that, haven't we been discovered before? That was exposed, right? If it is to explore, no one must recognize us to proceed? So, I think we need to pretend ." Matthew said.

"If it is normal, your proposal is correct. But it is a pity that when we entered the sky of this city, someone might have already discovered us." Shi Lang said with a smile.

"Have you found us?" Ma Xiu was taken aback and looked around nervously. Then she looked at Shirou and asked, "Then, what should we do, Mr. Fujimaru?"

"What to do? Of course it is."

Shi Lang smiled, and then with a wave of the [evil] meat wings on his back, the strong wind drove his body to the top of a building.

He stood firmly and shouted: "Come out! Don't think I didn't know you were looking at this place, I already found you!"

In the city of Vaasa.

In a certain room, a person frowned when he looked at Shi Lang shouting loudly in the crystal ball.



Tolyfas, the tomb's soul.

The fainted Saber moved his eyebrows, and the chaotic consciousness began to become somewhat clear.

She opened her eyes slowly, her vision was blurred.

"I, I am..."

She babbled, dazed, and asked.

At this time, someone replied: "You are at my house. How about? My bed, do you sleep well?"

This voice is really familiar to Saber.

How could it be unfamiliar?

Because this is the one who knocked her out!

The chaotic consciousness suddenly awoke, and the confused vision also became clear.

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