I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 880

As soon as Saber turned his head, he saw a pair of holy cyan eyes next to him, looking at her.

Saber was shocked!

The little knight was lying beside her, looking at her jokingly.

It's like a cat, seeing a mouse caught by itself.

He even stretched out his index finger and poked her nose.

Simply presumptuous!

As soon as Saber stretched out her hand, her invisible holy sword, the Sword of Oath of Victory, appeared in her palm, followed by a fierce wave.

Wind hunting.

However, the little knight stretched out his palm faster and grabbed Saber's wrist, preventing Saber's sword from falling.

The little knight smiled and said, "Don't be so violent. You will do something to me as soon as you wake up... Ah. I see, are you caring for me, mother? This is really a unique way of caring. "

Saber glared at her and yelled: "I am not your mother!"

Saber was angry.

Originally, she had no hatred for the Mordred that destroyed her Camelot kingdom, but she was angry when she saw the black Saber who claimed to be a little knight.

At the beginning, she dragged her to the ground and beat her up, and then haunted her.

The most important thing is...

Called her mother!

Although she is a daughter, she has always regarded herself as a man, and even more so!

Not to mention that the only person who has a marriage relationship is Guini Weier, whom he is marrying as a king.

Even if he has an heir, he is called a father.

How did the mother say?

"It's really naughty, mother. However, you can't help it if you don't admit it. After all, strictly speaking, you are not my mother." The little knight said with a smile.

Saber asked, "Then what else did you misunderstand?"

"I didn't make a mistake. I am Mordred, but not your Mordred. It is Mordred in the legend of the Eternal King." The little knight said.

Eternal King...

Saber was taken aback.

She had to care about the name.

Because this is the only King Arthur who fulfilled her long-cherished wish.

Although, the real name of this King Arthur is Gurneyville.

It should be her princess...

The little knight said: "In my legend, the Eternal King is my father, and you are my mother."

"Impossible!" Saber shouted.

The little knight smiled and said, "Don't you notice anything yourself? Don't you realize that the Eternal King is special to you when the Eternal King gets along with you? If it really doesn't happen... Mu. That's it. It means that the old man really has no idea about you."

Saber: "..."

She suddenly thought of their black Assassin's attitude towards her.


As this Mordred said, Assassin's attitude towards her is indeed somewhat special.


Excessive intimacy.

Could it be...

The little knight smiled and said, "My mother is a very gentle and considerate woman who is very sympathetic to others. Unlike you, who just wants to use a knife and a gun."

"That's her, not me!" Saber scolded, "Even if this is the case, don't think of me as your mother!"

"Is it really going to be like this? If it is really going to be like this, I will kill you now."

The little knight smiled, then stretched out his other hand, grabbed the hilt of the Sword of Oath of Victory, and forcibly grabbed the sword of Oath of Victory from Saber's hand.

Of course Saber didn't follow it, but she found that she was weak now and couldn't mobilize her strength.

"It seems you are not as strong as me now, Altria." The little knight smiled.

Saber ignored her, but stared at her harshly with those emerald green eyes.

That look was very severe.

Like the Lion King.

But it didn't scare the little knight.

Because she is not a knight, but the same king.

The little knight smiled and said, "Your eyes are really cold and majestic. My mother has never looked at me with such stern eyes. Well. It's a strange color. I really want to collect it."

Saber did not answer.

Although she did not admit it, her current situation is indeed very bad.

She was stunned by the little knight before, but now she was carried to her stronghold by the little knight.

The most important thing is that her current body is indeed a little weak, and the magic power gained by connecting with the Master cannot recover her injuries for the time being.

In other words, she is now controlled by the little knight!

"I have known your historical legend. It ended the troubled times of the humble king Votigeng, and unified the British Isles like the old man, but in the end, because of the expedition to Rome, my fellow individuals destroyed the Kingdom of Camelot. Oh...really, it's me, it's exactly the same style." The little knight sighed.

Saber still didn't answer, but the hands under the sleeves were clenched tightly.

At this moment, the little knight squinted his eyes, looked at Saber, and asked, "Do you want the Camelot Kingdom to come back to life, mother?"

"What?" Saber reacted and looked at the little knight sternly.

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