I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 888

To be honest, she wanted to complain.

Shi Lang looked at it and said with a smile: "You don't have to be so psychologically burdened to get along with me. If you want to complain, I feel a little uncomfortable. Don't worry, I am a very generous person. Nope. I won’t let it go if I am angry."

"That, that... Honestly, compared to the monsters before, I feel Mr. Fujimaru who is playing with mud is more like a villain." Matthew said.

Shirou asked strangely: "Why?"

"Because...because it's really disgusting..." Matthew said.

Shilang’s abdomen was filled with mud of [evil], and then he stretched out a black hand of [evil], grabbed Ma Xiu’s right cheek, and pinched the right side.

Matthew reveals(>﹏

"I'm not angry." Shilang smiled and pointed to the black hand of [Evil], and said, "But, it's angry."

"Woo. It hurts, it hurts..."

Matthew was pinched and was about to cry.

Shi Lang smiled, then looked around, his eyes a little serious.

[Evil] The mud ate nine monsters, but what he could feel was that he did not eat the red Caster!

In other words, the Red Caster succeeded in his escape at the end!

This made Shirou a little unhappy.

He will enter the city of Vaasa. One is that something really happened here, and the other is that what he thinks here may be related to the "connection point" mentioned by Matthew.

He scammed the Red Caster and destroyed the nine monsters kept here.

However, no information about the connection point was obtained.

However, the good news is not without it.

At least, after eating the nine monsters raised by the Red Caster, Shi Lang's magic power has increased a lot!

Even the progress of [Mortal Awakening] has reached 53.7%!

[Evil] There is no autonomous consciousness, but it has Shirou's thinking template, which can be said to be the other side of Shirou.


And it's a little bit stingy.

It ravaged Ma Xiu's face for a long time, and then it died out and retracted into Shi Lang's body.

"Woo...it hurts, it hurts..." Matthew rubbed her right cheek.

Shi Lang glanced at her and smiled: "It's not the time to rub your face, Master."

"What's that time?" Ma Xiu asked Shi Lang suspiciously.

Shilang pulled up her collar and said, "It's still time to check."

Shi Lang grabbed her collar, flew up, and patrolled Vasa City a few times, but still couldn't find a clue to the Red Caster.

The other party's concealment ability is very strong, not being Assassin is really a waste.

No, Shi Lang could only give up and give up and returned to the camp.

Chapter 46 Lord, what do you want to do?[Second more]

Shi Lang returned to the camp.

Spartacus is teaching artificial life forms to teach them the true meaning of life.

When he saw Shilang coming back, he dismissed the artificial lifeforms, came to Shilang's body, and said, "Oh, the ruler, you are back from Washa City."

Shiro nodded.

Spartacus frowned and said, "From just now, there has been a strong magical response from that city. You must be fighting something in that city, right?"

"It's the Caster of Red!" Shirou nodded and said.

"Caster of Red?" Spartacus raised his eyebrows.

"Not bad." Shi Lang nodded, and told Spartacus everything about Vasha.

There is no need to conceal Spartacus about this kind of thing.

"There will be such a thing... treat the citizens as food for the monsters..." Spartacus frowned deeply, and as the liberator, he felt deep anger.

But unlike him, who had lost his sanity, Spartacus, who had regained his reason, did not put "liberation" and "oppression" in his mouth. Instead, he just clenched his fists and frowned, expressing his inner anger and disapproval. Yue.

Obviously, Spartacus, who had regained rationality, was very calm and solemn, and more reliable than he was when he was irrational.

Spartacus looked at Shirou and said with a serious face: "Faced with this kind of thing... Assassin of the black, don't worry, you can use my power to your heart's content. My heroic spirit exists because of this. of!"

Spartacus called him the Assassin of the Black, not the Dominator. Obviously Spartacus had given up on the chase of the Holy Grail, so that Shirou didn't have to worry about the different camps.

Shiro nodded in response.

Matthew sat aside, an artificial lifeform thought she might be thirsty, and brought her a glass of water.

Matthew took it and thanked him.

The artificial lifeform happily returned to the partner and said, "Someone said thank you! Someone said thank you to me!"

Matthew looked puzzled.

Isn't it just a thank you?

Why are these people so happy?

Shiro glanced at the ecstatic artificial lifeform, then at Spartacus, and asked, "What did you tell them again?"

"I just told them that they are free, they have stood up, and are... no longer slaves," Spartacus said.

Shi Lang nodded, then looked at Spartacus and said, "Unfortunately, there are still many artificial life forms in the Thousand Realm Tree Castle, and they didn't follow.

Spartacus said: "Freedom is possessed only by those who do not want to be slaves."

Shi Lang looked at Spartacus in surprise.

"What's the matter, Assassin of the Black?" Spartacus touched his face and asked, "Is there anything on my face that taints your eyes?"

"No." Shilang shook his head and said, "I'm just surprised that Spartacus would actually say such a thing."

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