I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 889

Spartacus smiled and said, "It seems that I was completely irrational and did a lot of unbearable things."

"That's not unbearable." Shi Lang replied with a smile.

The normal Spartacus is indeed far from the pure mad Spartacus.

From a standpoint, a pure mad Spartacus holisticist looks like an idealist indulged in dreams, while a normal Spartacus is a dream in mind and reality. Leader of the rebel army.

The essence has not changed, but there is no doubt that the former is more pure than the latter, but the latter is more calm than the former.

Matthew was adjusting the bracelet on her right wrist again, trying to contact her captain.

Unfortunately, there is still no response.

Matthew sighed in frustration.

At this moment, A-11072 hurried over.

"What's the matter, A-11072?" Spartacus asked in a deep voice.

"No, it's not good, Spartacus!" A-11072 said nervously, "Yes, a master is chasing her! Now several of our partners are stopping her!"

As soon as these words came out, the artificial lifeforms present suddenly panicked.


"Master is chasing here!"

"what should I do?"


The artificial lifeforms panicked.

In terms of biological instinct, they are still afraid of the master who created them.

Spartacus said in a deep voice, "Take me to see!"

Shilang nodded and said, "I'll go take a look too."

A-11072 took Shiro and Spartacus to the monitoring station of the artificial lifeforms on the mountain road.

The artificial life body camp is built on the mountain, and the monitoring station is also set up on the mountain road, in order to monitor whether members of the Thousand Realm Tree clan are chasing them, and if so, remind everyone in time to prepare to run away.

The crowd gathered around Starbucks.

Spartacus's huge body of three meters, every foot stepped on the ground, made a sound of "dong dong dong", dropping deep footprints on the ground.

Shi Lang squinted his eyes.

His position is undoubtedly on Spartacus's side. If the Thousand Realm Trees come after him, they must be in a big fight.

In this Holy Grail battle, Shirou is not afraid of anyone.

Even Garner.

In the one-on-one situation, Shirou was not afraid of Garna at all.

Because now he is a hero in the same class as Garna.

But if Garna unites with Arjuna, Vlad III in Romania.

Then he can only be beaten.

However, it does not matter.


He also has Spartacus.

This childhood hero.

Both Spartacus and Shirou are ready to fight the Thousand Realm Tree clan.

Especially Shiro.

He had already considered that if the arrival was Garna and Arjuna, Vlad III in Romania, this would be the worst situation.

Not only Shirou and Spartacus were prepared mentally, but even the artificial life forms were mentally prepared.

After enjoying their freedom, how could they be willing to go back to be slaves again?

They decide to fight for real, then the fish will die!

Desperately for my free future!

However, when seeing who came, not only Spartacus, but Shiro's tense spirit relaxed, Shiro even let out a "pouch" laugh.

Because the scene is so funny.

The comer is not someone else.

It is Ruler Joan of this holy grail war!

At this moment, Joan of Arc was surrounded by three artificial life forms, either with a sword, a hammer, or an axe against his skin, with a speechless face.

"Then, that I am not the chase sent by Black...I am Ruler, can you let me go?" Jeanne asked toward the artificial lifeform next to him.

"No! It is impossible to guarantee that you have fallen to the masters. No. You must be sent by the masters to arrest us!" said the artificial life form.

"Fell to your master?" Jeanne said with a speechless face: "Do I really seem to be so irresponsible? Look at my eyes, my eyes, don't you tell you that I am sincere Is it very kind?"

An artificial lifeform glanced at it, and said seriously, "This, really not."

Jeanne: "..."

Joan sighed and asked, "Can you let me go back? I won't go this way, can I?"

"No." An artificial life form shook his head and said.

Joan asked strangely: "Why is this again?"

The artificial lifeform said: "You must go back to tell the news!"

Joan asked with a strange look: "Why do you think so?"

The artificial lifeform said: "Because you look like a despicable person who is good at making small reports."

Jeanne: "..."

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