I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 890


She looked unlovable.

Shi Lang smiled and shook his head, his nervousness was gone.

However, it is also thanks to Jeanne that came, otherwise any heroic spirit would listen to the artificial life body so patiently?

Joan also found Shirou, and cried out in surprise: "Forever...Assassin of Black!"

Joan wanted to call Shilang the eternal king, but she remembered her identity and quickly changed her words.

"Yo. Ruler!"

Shiro greeted Joan, then looked at the three artificial lifeforms surrounding Ruler, and said, "Let her go, she is not a dangerous person."

"Yes. Mr. Assassin."

Originally, Joan of Arc would not let go of the artificial lifeforms. Hearing Shirou's words, he immediately put away his weapons.

This made Joan of Arc feel the difference in treatment.

And with Shirou's sentence "not a dangerous person", the artificial lifeforms let go of their hearts.

They have a steelyard in their hearts.

They know who is good to them and who is not good to them.

Shirou is the one who treats them well.

They have no repayment, the only thing they can repay is the cheapest and most expensive trust.

Shi Lang greeted Joan into the camp and asked face to face, "Why did you come to our side, Ruler?"

"This...I don't know." Joan said with a strange look: "I was awakened with a mortal awakening and planned to go to the red camp. But I came here somehow."

This inexplicable term is good, making Shi Lang confused.

"This is probably the Lord's revelation? Let me come here... But, what I am thinking clearly is to go to the red square... Why did the Lord lead me here?" Jeanne said with a strange expression.

Jeanne has an inherent A-level ability called [Revelation].[Revelation] and [Intuition] are equivalent skills.

[Intuition] is the sixth sense in battle, but [Revelation] is applicable to all things related to achieving the goal, such as choosing the most suitable road during the journey, reaching the destination, and so on.

But [Revelation] also has its limits.

For example, in the face of advanced math problems, [Revelation] is useless.

Oh no, it's a high school math problem.

Leticia asked, "Miss Joan, have you been thinking of Mr. Assassin in the dark at that time?"

"Ah? How is this possible!" Joan felt the need to prove herself, and said with a serious face: "Although I look forward to the Eternal King, I am not a person who will dereliction of duty!"

"Ah...Is that so?" Leticia asked.

"Hmm. Of course!"

Joan nodded.

After Joan and Shiro recounted the past, they left Shiro's camp and planned to go to the red camp.

But the weird thing is that no matter what direction Joan starts from, he will return to this camp in the end.

She had said goodbye to Shiro seven or eight times, but she would return to this camp every time.

For the last time, she vowed to say that she would leave the camp and go to the Red Camp.


"Ah, ah... this woman is back again." A-11072 said flatly.

"How many times is it?" an artificial lifeform asked.

A-11072 fiddled with his fingers and said, "Twelfth time."

"This, this...what the hell is this!" Jeanne yelled with a broken face.

Can you imagine?

She actually went back and forth here twelve times without going out!

"Lord...what the hell are you doing when you let me come here?" Joan looked up to heaven in a collapsed manner.

Chapter 47 Ceremony, and...Mother [third more]

Joan tried several times without believing in evil, but never succeeded.

At the end, she leaned on the wall with both hands, her face collapsed.

Shi Lang asked strangely: "Aren't you trying?"

"No, don't try..." Jeanne said with a gloomy expression.

An artificial lifeform said: "The woman finally stopped."

"By the way, how many times is this?" asked another artificial lifeform.

A-11072 said: "The 17th time."

After a pause, he added: "It's dark."


Joan tried a total of 17 times, but never left here successfully.

No matter where she started from, from which angle, or in which way she started, in the end, she would walk back inexplicably.

Leticia asked with interest: "Miss Joan, have you been thinking of Mr. Assassin of Black?"

"I don't! I really don't!" Joan said with a face of collapse, "I just want to go to the red camp!"

"But why does the Lord keep letting you come back here?" Leticia asked.

"I, I don't know...!" Jeanne said with a gloomy expression.

She already understood.

The reason why she can't do without here is entirely because of [Revelation A].

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