I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 892

"The great eternal king is the king who dominates all phenomena, whether it is politics, economy, culture, agriculture, fishery... Ah! There are too many, and so many aspects have made outstanding contributions! So, I must The author is also an outstanding musician! Letitia, don’t complain, you have to listen carefully, an epic musical chapter is about to be born! And I will be the witness of the birth of this epic chapter. The...Ah! What a honour! Joan is really an honour!" Joan is not ashamed, but proud of antagonism.

Leticia: "..."


She was speechless.

Mr. Assassin's song... If you can listen to Mr. Assassin's song in the front row, what a blessing would it be?

A-11072 relied on the relationship between his partners and finally sat in the front row.

He looked at Shi Lang with admiration.

But Joan was uncomfortable.

She has completely fallen into fan status, how can she allow someone to sit ahead of her?

So she moved her legs and sat forward.

But in this way, the A-11072 that yearned for Shirou was a bit uncomfortable.

He also sat forward a bit.

The two were unhappy with each other and became more enthusiastic.

You sit a little bit forward, and I will sit a little bit forward.

Shi Lang was speechless.

"You all hug my thigh!" Shi Lang said helplessly.

Jeanne blushed, and quickly sat back.

And A-11072 also apologized and sat back.

Only this time, the two sides sat apart. One person sat in the front row of the south and the other sat in the front row of the north. In this way, there would be no disputes.

Matthew also planned to sit there, but at this time, there was a buzzing vibration on her right wrist.

Matthew was taken aback, then glanced at Shi Lang, put his arms around, and headed to a more remote place.

"Cough cough cough--"

Shi Lang moistened his voice and felt a burst of joy in his heart.

He has always considered himself a great musician. Besides playing a musical instrument, a beautiful singing is naturally indispensable.

When Shirou moistened his voice, Joan screamed.

Leticia who was watching was stunned.

This person who seems to be a foolish fan, is she the French salvation saint she once dreamed of?

Is the difference too big?

At this moment, Shi Lang closed his eyes and began to conceive his artistic conception.

He saw the majesty of the Himalayas.He wandered the vast sea of ​​universe.He witnessed the miracle of life evolution...


"My hometown lives in this Tun'er——!"

A music festival will unfold soon!



The illusion of the kingdom game.

The little knight rides on a war horse, holding soldiers looking down at Saber and her remnants.

"You lost, mother." The little knight smiled.

"No reason?"

Saber looked sadly at the knights standing beside the little knight and the soldiers.

Those ones……

All were her followers.

At this moment, these tribes stared at her indifferently.

Saber felt a little uncomfortable.

The progress of the fantasy game has only reached three months.

She lost.

And it was a terrible loss.

Lost very collapsed.

From the seventh day, the plague was in the back of her.

Rumors are spreading because of the lack of virtue and talent of her monarch.

She tried desperately to explain, but no one wanted to listen.

Afterwards, the plague forced Saber to focus all his attention on quelling the plague.

At this time, the small knight was overwhelmed by a large army, which forced Saber to support his troops to defend the frontier.

However, the little knight didn't fight, it just consumed Saber.

The unresolved plague caused great loss of labor in the kingdom and panic, and the pressure of the enemy army caused the kingdom's food to be consumed rapidly.

Subsequently, many separatist forces appeared within Saber, and these separatist forces split her country step by step.

She had to conquer, but this splitting force was like a prairie fire, and it couldn't be extinguished.

There were even many troops who defected directly and took refuge in small knights.

In the end, Saber's entire territory collapsed, and was driven to a ruin by the little knight, with only a small team of knights loyal to her left.

The little knight smiled softly, "It's over, mother."

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