I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 893

Saber gritted his teeth and said: "It's not over yet! I have people who are loyal to me, I haven't lost yet!"

The little knight frowned, her immature face lost her smile for the first time, and she put on an expression of distress and helplessness, and asked in a soft tone: "Why are you so naive? You are so naive? The king is just another puppet... well, let me wake you up."

The little knight sighed, then raised the flag in his hand and shouted: "Whoever surrenders, don't kill! Whoever takes the head of the old king will be entrusted and knighted, father to death and son to succeed!"

As soon as he said this, the soldiers next to the little knight were agitated, yelling one by one, looking at Saber's head as if looking at shiny gold.

Saber was wary, and then a sword pierced her back.

Saber noticed this, and hurriedly turned around.

With a "clang", the backstab sword flew away.

She survived, but was stabbed in her heart.

The knights behind her, who swore allegiance to her in this game, no knights who betrayed her no matter how difficult the situation is, they are exuding murderous intent at this moment, looking at her with greed in their eyes.

Saber looked uncomfortable.

A knight said, "I'm sorry, Wang! Borrow your item to use it!"

He drew his sword and took Saber's head straight away, but Saber lost his fighting spirit.

The moment the sword was about to fall in front of Saber, the illusion ended.

Everything is gone.

The little knight said, "I won."

Saber looked at her with an uncomfortable expression.

Looking at her expression, although the little knight's face remained unchanged, his heart felt uncomfortable.

Isn't it... too heavy?


I'm already very reserved...

The little knight felt uncomfortable.

"Why... it was so difficult before, they never betrayed, why in the end... they betrayed me?" Saber muttered to himself.

The little knight said: "The human heart cannot stand the test. Betrayal is a common thing."

"What did you say?" Saber looked at the little knight.

The little knight said: "There is no such thing as loyalty, it's just that the bargaining chip for betrayal is not big enough.

Saber was taken aback, and then smiled bitterly: "I, I... I really am a king who doesn't understand people's hearts..."

"It's not that you don't understand people's hearts."

The little knight said seriously, "You are too holy."

Saber looked at the little knight.

The little knight said: "I have read your legend. Your kingdom collapses, not because of my fellow individual, but because of you."

Saber's fists clenched.

"The responsibility lies with you, but it's not that you don't recognize my co-individual. It's because you didn't see your situation clearly, let alone the way of imperialism." The little knight said.

"What did you say?" Saber frowned.

The little knight asked, "Don't you think about why when you were on an expedition to Rome, my fellow individual would pull up the rebels against you so quickly?"

Saber did not speak.

The little knight said, "Let me tell you. It's because you were just a puppet from the beginning. A puppet called a king pushed up by a nobleman! You can be a king because the nobleman needs a man to command a scattered army. Defeating Vortigeng, and this is the need of the age for you to become a king. And when the needs of this age disappeared after you defeated Vortigeng, how could the nobles let you continue to ride on them? And you can't control them, so at this time, they need someone to overthrow you, and this is'Mordred'."

"What are you talking about to me? You have no reason to say this to me? Are you trying to laugh at me?" Saber demanded.

"Why do you have to tell me? I used to like to share my emotions with others, but now I don’t like others knowing what I’m thinking... well. To you, I’m frank. Tell you, I just want you to stop blaming yourself for the crime! Your fault for the destruction of the Camelot Kingdom is not yours at all!"

The little knight asked, "Understand? This is what I want to say!"

Saber was taken aback.

She really did not expect that the little knight would say this to her!

Insidious, cunning, and very heavy on her, and the little knight who clamored to collect her, actually said this to her?

"Why did you say this to me?" Saber asked strangely.

"If you weren't Altria... who would care about you!" the little knight complained.

As she said, if Saber weren't Altria, she would have cut it with a sword. Where else would she say this?

"Because of the other'me'..." Saber frowned.

To be honest, she didn't like this feeling of being treated kindly because of others.

"In short, don't forget our bet!" said the little knight.

After a pause, the little knight squinted his eyes and asked with a smile, "Dignified King Arthur, will you miss the appointment?"

Saber said with a stern face: "I made a bet, and I will admit it. I admit that I lost myself, but the Holy Grail-I won't give it to you."

"Huh. Of course I am the same. I have something to achieve no matter what. Only now—"

The little knight's expression softened, and he reached out and hugged Saber's waist, and hugged Saber tightly with both hands, making Saber breathless.

The little knight buried his head in Saber's arms and whispered softly, "Sorry...Mother..."

Saber clenched his fists, holding back without resisting.

Because she lost.


This guy is so hard...

Quickly, out of breath!



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