I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 894


pS: The third one is here. Today is here~!

Chapter 48 You have contracted an incredible hero

Amidst the carnival, Matthew left the camp with her arms folded.

She came to a remote mountainous area from the camp, leaning against a large rock.

Compared to the camp where the bonfire is lit, it is darker and quieter. You can't hear the carnival and Mr. Fujimaru's singing. You can only hear the buzzing insects in the grass next to it.


Not only the insects' chirping, but also the bracelet on her wrist.

Buzzing and shaking constantly.

And a globe-shaped icon is constantly flashing on the display, which represents the letter from Chaldea.

Matthew was very happy because she finally got in touch with her friends.

Matthew stretched out his hand and pressed the "o" in the center of the bracelet display. A wave pattern flashed on the display. The next moment, a virtual projection appeared on the bracelet.

In the virtual projection is a young man in a white coat with a peach-colored ponytail and a pair of bright cyan eyes.His facial lines are softer, and his whole person looks gentler, exuding an intimate temperament.

This young man has an unstoppable tired look on his face, with his eyes closed, rubbing his eyebrows while drinking coffee to refresh himself.

"Doctor, doctor!" Matthew exclaimed happily.

The young man shook his hands, and the coffee splashed out and landed on his white pants, making a big wet.

However, this young man did not pay attention to such minor details. Instead, he moved the coffee aside and looked at it with wide eyes, as if he was showing some instrument, looking at Matthew in another world.

"Ah...great, I finally got in touch, Matthew! Since I received your distress signal before, you have been unable to get in touch. I'm really worried about me." The young man breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his mouth. , Although it looks a little tired, but the smile looks very pure.

"Sorry, doctor." Ma Xiu said apologetically.

The youth looked around, as if looking for someone, and asked: "Where is your captain? Why didn't you see her?"

"I was separated when crossing the'junction'. I came to Romania, and the captain came to London." Matthew said.

"Is that so..." The young man nodded, and then said with a serious look: "Ma Xiu, don't act rashly before meeting your captain!"

Matthew nodded and said, "The captain told me the same way. But don’t worry about me, doctor. Didn’t you make it clear before you came? The "connection depth" of this connection point is E, and the basic situation has been The Sheba system has been explored clearly, and it is the most suitable connection point for newcomers like me."

"Then you can't relax your vigilance." The young man said solemnly: "There are many masters who hold your mentality, and finally die in the connection point. Remember, don't relax your vigilance! First with you When meeting with the captain, don’t act rashly!"

Matthew is not the kind of rebellious girl. Faced with the complex instructions of the young man, he nodded seriously and said, "I understand. Please don't worry about me, doctor."

The young man nodded, and then a strange look flashed on that tired face, and asked: "The instrument here shows...you seem to have something wrong with your magic state. What happened?"

"Yes." Matthew nodded and said, "I have signed a contract with a hero in the connection point."

Matthew looked excited.

"Oh! You finally took the first step to become a hero, Marshal. Leif will be very happy if he knows it." The young man said with a smile.

Matthew asked strangely: "What about Professor Leif?"

"Is he? Uh... to assist in the survey of the third junction. He will be back soon, don't worry."

The young man's face was full of smiles, and then he asked: "What rank is your hero?"

"It's an Assassin," Matthew answered honestly.

"Assassin?" The young man was taken aback and asked: "Hassan?"

"No." Matthew shook his head and said, "It's a hero named Fujimaru Shirou... Mr. Fujimaru also said that he was summoned by senior Fujimaru."

"Fujimaru Shiro..." The young man frowned, "Why does this name sound so familiar...Where did I hear it? But in the history of neon, there doesn't seem to be a hero named Fujimaru? And he was summoned by Tachika. Over..."

The young man looked at Matthew with a serious look and said, "Masiu, you may have been deceived by your hero!"

"Huh?" Matthew was taken aback.

The young man said with a serious face: "As far as I know, the only heroes of the Assassin rank that Lixiang possesses are Mr. Wang Hasan, whom Lixiang has contracted from the first connection point. Besides, there is no Assassin rank. The heroic spirit... you should have been deceived by your heroic spirit. Call your heroic spirit out and let me see!"

"Then, that... they are singing and dancing, I'll take you to see it." Matthew said.

The young man said with a strange look: "You can directly use the contract to call your heroes over."

"Also... don't let it go."

Thinking of Shi Lang's joke to her before, Ma Xiu shook her head quickly and refused.

To be honest, Shi Lang's joke about backstabling the Lord still made her a little scared.

Moreover, the ominous mud... impressed her very strongly.

Matthew stretched out his hand and pulled the virtual projection in the sky back into the bracelet screen, and then walked towards the camp.

The young man said with a serious face: "Masiu, for the first time you perform the task of connecting points, remember those things written in the newcomer rules. Those are all summed up by your predecessors with blood and tears. Don't connect Believe in anyone in Dianli, even the heroic spirit of your contract, because you don't even know whether your heroic spirit is behind the scenes."

"The heroic spirit of the contract is such a thing as the black hand behind the scenes...No, there won't be such a strange thing, right?" Matthew asked carefully.

The young man shook his head and said, "Review the classic cases. This kind of thing has happened three times in the previous connection points, and the ending is no more than I said. In short, be careful. Even the heroic spirit of his contract cannot be trusted 100%. You are still young and don't understand this, so let me check first."

Matthew nodded.

"But Assassin's words... The currently registered Assassin, except for Mr. Hassan Wang, is basically not very strong. To be honest, you may be stronger than most Assassin after being heroic, so I think you are still It's better to terminate the contract." The young man looked through the big data and made a serious proposal.

Not very strong?

Ma Xiu was taken aback, and he couldn't help thinking of the appearance of the evil giant that Shilang had taken out before, and several huge swords of more than 60 meters...

She felt that the doctor was talking nonsense!

Matthew returned to the camp. The bonfire was still burning, glowing in the dark night.

However, I could not hear the beautiful singing.

Is the concert already over?

Matthew's eyes darkened, and he couldn't hear the singing of his Servant. This was really a dereliction of duty as a Master.


"What, what's going on?" Ma Xiu looked at the campfire with a dazed expression.

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