I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 895

Not only was she confused, but the doctor who saw this scene through the instrument was also confused.

By the campfire, everyone fell down.

Whether it was Ruler, who was full of holy breath, or giant Spartacus, they all fell down.

One by one lay on the ground, placed in a big "big" character, rolled their eyes and foamed at the mouth, as if they had been attacked by biochemical weapons.

The most miserable was Joan, whose body was still fluttering, as if she had encountered a nightmare, her face was very ugly.

"I... did I come to the cemetery?" Matthew murmured.

"Huh huh? Matthew, you're back." Shi Lang, standing in front of the bonfire, put down the handle of the broom that he used as a microphone, and walked towards Matthew with a smile.

Matthew asked anxiously, "Mr. Fujimaru, was someone attacked here?"

"No." Shi Lang shook his head and said.

Matthew pointed at the people who had passed out and asked, "Well, what are they..."

Shi Lang stretched out his hand and stroked his hair.

He is usually a very self-controlling person, but with this singing, he let himself go.

"I'm drunk in my beautiful singing." Shi Lang said with emotion: "Oh... there is no way. Although my singing is not as good as my piano, it is still the sound of nature. Master, You didn't hear it, this is a great loss!"

Shirou looked serious.

How beautiful is his singing?

Can't describe it, because even he himself couldn't help but get intoxicated.

Shirou never thought that he was unique, and he would never think that the world changed because of him.

However, when he indulges in singing.

He felt that at that moment, he was the center of the world, and the whole world existed because of him and revolved because of him.

What a wonderful feeling?

The kingdom of music.


Matthew glanced at Jeanne, who rolled her eyes and foamed her mouth, shaking from time to time, then looked at the serious Shi Lang, swallowed, and asked, "Yes, is that right?"

Shi Lang pointed his eyes and asked, "Master, what did you see?"

Matthew hesitated and asked, "A pair of eyes?"

"No. It's the sincerity that is about to overflow in my eyes." Shi Lang said.

Matthew: "..."

"I, I know. If you are willing to sing again next time, please be sure to notify me, Mr. Fujimaru." Matthew said seriously.

To be honest, she also wanted to listen to what Shirou said, his wonderful singing.

Shirou smiled and nodded.

He likes such a frank listener.

I think that when he hadn't crossed at the beginning, his friends always looked disgusted and said that his singing was as bad as shit, howling ghostly, others sang for money, and he sang to death.

But he never felt so.

The so-called friend.

The relationship is close, it is a loss.

Even if it sounds good, even if he is addicted to his music, he will never say it, but will lose it.

He understands.

He knows everything.

He understands.

Therefore, he likes a frank person like Matthew.

Shi Lang and Matthew talked and laughed.

But the young man who saw Shi Lang's true face through the instrument seemed to be a ghost.

He felt that he was wrong, and quickly reached out his hand and rubbed his eyes again, put his face on the screen of the instrument, and stared at Shirou.

"Wait, wait a minute...no...how is it possible? How is this possible? How could you be a follower!?"

The youth seemed to have seen something incredible, the whole person was shocked!

And his hell-like look caused Matthew's reaction.

Ma Xiu glanced at the Shi Lang who was still flying away, and walked to the side with his arms folded.

Ma Xiu lowered his head slightly, looked at the young man in the bracelet screen with strange eyes, and asked, "Doctor, what's the matter?"

"Ma, Matthew..." The young man said with a serious and serious look: "You...you may have contracted an incredible hero!"

"Huh?" Matthew asked for a moment, "No, the incredible hero?"

The young man said with a serious look: "Yes, it is a hero of the level of Mr. Hassan Wang!"

"Doctor, you, do you mean... the crown?" Ma Xiu covered her mouth, turned her head and looked at Shi Lang in astonishment.

At this moment, Shi Lang closed his eyes, letting go, wandering in the world of music that he had woven.

The youth had a solemn face and muttered to himself: "Since he has become a follower...that is...has he lost?"

Chapter 49—The News of Romani

"Master, who are you talking to?" Shi Lang looked at Matthew who was communicating with the bracelet.

Although he is now very free to fly, but the basic vigilance has not been lost.


Shi Lang's sudden cry made Dema Xiu startled.

And this allowed De Shilang to see the person on the small display screen on Ma Xiu's bracelet.

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