I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 897

Romani Akiman turned his head to look at Shirou, with a sad expression on his face and asked, "You, did you lose?"

"Lose?" Shi Lang shook his head and said, "I didn't lose, nor did I win."

"What do you mean?" Romani Akiman was taken aback.

He did not expect Shirou to answer such an answer.

Shirou said: "I was locked up the moment I entered. Fortunately, when I was completely locked up, I took the opportunity to run away. I was still alive, but the body was lost in the cracks of the world, with the help of the Holy Grail. This is the real world."

"Is that so..." Romani Akiman nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

There is at least one piece of good news, and that is that Shirou is not dead.

"Wait, wait a minute, did I hear something strange? Mr. Fujimaru was summoned by the Holy Grail to become a servant without dying?" Matthew opened his eyes wide.

Romani Akiman said: "Ma Xiu, it is common for the living to become followers. The most obvious feature, Your Royal Highness, is not it?"

When Matthew heard it, he nodded, and said that it was true.

Romani Akiman turned his head to look at Shirou and said, "Then Fujimaru Shirou. Matthew, and this connection point, please."

Shirou asked: "Aren't you going to explain to me what exactly is a connection point?"

Romani Akiman asked strangely: "Didn't Matthew tell you?"

Shi Lang glanced at Matthew.

Matthew said, "I said it!"

Shi Lang sighed and said tactfully: "Master's language needs further study, and his oral expression skills need to be strengthened."

"Masiu didn't make it clear..."

Romani Akiman said: "I guess so. Even if you do well in normal times, after all, it is the first time to participate in the crusade against the junction.

Matthew: "..."

Romani Akiman took a sip of coffee and told Shirou about the connection point.

As Romani Akiman spoke, Shiro's brows gradually frowned.

There are many parallel worlds in the world. Parallel worlds exist relative to each other, and there are dimension walls. Except for the violent second law, they do not interfere with each other.And the only thing that can travel through the parallel world is Jewel Weng's second method.

But I don't know when, taking Shiro's world as the main axis, countless parallel worlds and Shiro's world intersect.

The worlds are intertwined, and the worlds overlap at best, but for people in the two worlds, it is catastrophic destruction.

The point where the world and the world intersect is the so-called connection point.

The mission of the Chaldeans is to cross into the connection point, destroy the connection point, and make the intersection of the two worlds disappear and return to normal.

Shilang frowned and asked, "Does something involving the parallel world...I'm very puzzled, doesn't Jewel Weng do anything with this kind of thing?"

"Of course there is." Romani Akiman said: "The Chaldean Master, able to cross the barriers of the world and enter the connection point with spirituality is because of the second magic of Zellrich Qing as the base. Without Zellrich’s second magic as the foundation, the repair of the connection point would not start at all."

"Is this..." Shi Lang asked again: "So, who made the connection point?"

"I don't know. I just know that this incident was caused by an organization called [Parliament]." Romani Akiman said.

Shi Lang asked strangely: "What is this?"

He had never heard of this thing called [Council].

Romani Akiman said: "I don't know, we don't know either. So far, Chaldeans has only been one member of the [Council], at the first connection point."

"Who?" Shi Lang asked.

Romani Akiman said with a heavy face: "The Demon King Gaetia!"

"What?" Shi Lang asked with a stunned look: "You, didn't you say that Getia will not appear?"

"I don't know how he appeared... I have clearly eliminated the human corrections. According to what you said, he shouldn't be born. However, he was born." Romani Akiman shakes Shook his head and said.

Shi Lang frowned, feeling extremely confused.

Over there...

What happened?

Why did Getia, which should not have been born, still be born?



what is this?

At this moment, Shi Lang extremely wanted to go back!

Romani Akiman said: "Anyway, Matthew will give it to you. To eliminate the connection point, you must find the connection point. Although you are very strong, but... it is best to first... Matthew's captain... …Yeah! Damn! The signal has become weak again...! Obviously it is just a connection point with a connection depth of D... Why the signal is always intermittent..."

The image of Romani Akiman became blurred.

Shirou asked, "Who is Matthew's captain?"

Romani Akiman said: "It's Grey..."

With a beep, the image of Romani Akiman disappeared completely.

Matthew took several shots, but the bracelet did not respond at all.

Shi Lang took a deep breath.

He really wanted to know what had happened in his world since he left.

But for this, he must first solve the connection point of this world.

At least, one threat can be solved for his world.


What he didn't expect was that Matthew's captain was actually Gray.

If it's Grey...


Will it be by her side?

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