I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 898

If it is...

He who breached the contract, how should he meet her?


At this moment, among the fainting crowd, Joan slowly got up.

She held her forehead, lethargic, and murmured with a pale face: "What's wrong with me?"

Chapter 50 The Intention of Revelation [Third More]

Underground waterway in the city of Vaasa.

In the dirty stinky water ditch, there are strange eggs surging one after another.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The majestic and powerful heartbeat sounded constantly, as if there was some life gestating.


A scream of screams resounded in the underground waterway.

In the dirty stinking water ditch, one after another strange-looking monsters like octopuses were wriggling.These monsters vary in size, ranging from three meters in maximum to fifty centimeters in size.

In the dirty stinky water ditch, there are countless bones, broken organs, and broken fingers one after another.

A complete human body was torn apart by monsters, and then divided and eaten.

People screamed and died in the dark, indescribable fear.

A small candle was lit in the underground waterway, bringing a little light.

A magical book bound in leather, under the candlelight, was flipped through.

"Swish" after another.

The voice is very rapid, there is a kind of madness.


Penetrating laughter.

Red Caster flipped through the magic book bound with human skin, with a crazy and terrifying expression.

Of course, this is him in the eyes of others.

In his own eyes, he is a devout believer.

It is not the playful church founded by his Master, but is deeply obsessed and pious for his Master.

"Jan of Arc...you will come here, it must be due to fate. Don't worry, don't worry. I will let you see the true face of the Lord, so that you can also abandon your false god Right? Can you become my ally like Gil de Les?"

The Red Caster stroked the Human Skin Magic Book, as if stroking the delicate skin of his lover that can be broken with a finger.

"Master, Assassin of Black...hehehe..."

Happy laughter.



Tomb spirit veins.

The lion Jiejieli built a bonfire and roasted food.

But now he obviously feels he can't eat it anymore.

"Come on, mother. Take a bite." While holding a plate of barbecue, the little knight skewered a piece of barbecue and handed it to Saber.

Saber: "..."

"I have hands and feet, I will do it myself." Saber said.

"My mother, she can open her mouth." The little knight said with a smile: "Come on, open your mouth. Ah--"

Saber: "..."

She sighed heavily, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth.

The little knight delivered the food into Saber's mouth, then covered his face and looked at Saber.

Saber chewed twice, but was stared at by the little knight. She was unpleasant and asked, "What are you doing?"

"It feels delicious..." Saber thought for a while, nodded and said.

She is very loyal to food.

The little knight smiled like a cat, then opened his mouth, "Ah—"

"What are you doing?" Saber frowned.

"Hey, what can I do?" the little knight said.

Saber's eyes changed, becoming a little dangerous, and asked, "You want to grab my food?"

"My mother will feed me...oh. I see, dignified King Arthur, is this an attempt to break the contract, right? It doesn't matter, it is common to break the contract. After all, it is normal for King Arthur to break the contract. Don't worry, I I would not say everywhere,'King Arthur broke the contract, King Arthur is a villain, King Arthur is a villain, and the knights under her may not be villains.'” The little knight said.

Saber gritted his teeth and said, "Open your mouth!"

The little knight blinked his eyes and opened his mouth, "Ah—"

Saber forkped a piece of meat, looked reluctantly, and delivered the food to the little knight's mouth with trembling palms.

"Mm. That's great. Come, I'll feed you again..."

The Lion Jiejieli was a little disgusted, got up and turned to leave.

"Huh huh?" The little knight looked at him and asked strangely, "Where are you going, Master?"

"Go out and get some air. Oh, yes, it's easy to suffocate yourself in the cemetery." The little knight smiled.

She turned her head, opened her mouth, and said, "Feed me again. This time I want to say, "My sweet little baby, you are the best and the best, and my mother loves you the most. Come, mother feed you." ."

Saber: "..."

Help, help!

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